精華區beta Monkeys 關於我們 聯絡資訊
棒球板有篇外國人看中職 裡面提到最近的排名 把熊隊寫得不錯 所以就跑去那個blog看了一下 看到一篇文章 Notes From Taiwan — Words With Gary Burnham 結錄一下其中看到滿令人心寒的東西 EWC: So how’s your week been? Gary: Well, for me its been life in the minors again. Its been 50% of the first half. This was something I didn’t expect. The team hired more foreigners than are allowed on the roster and are going with all pitching for now. Very frustrating for me considering I am trying to market myself to Korea and Japan. On the field its been torrential down-pouring and batting practice in the cages I have had a lot of time to myself to think about my career, family, goals, and where this is all heading. Time in the minor leagues in a foreign country can play tricks in your mind and sometimes I feel as if the baseball gods are punishing me and testing my emotional fortitude in the minor leagues for something I did in the game. When you are in the minor leagues as long as I have been you always start to question the reasons and what it is you have to work on to finally get that secure feeling that you are in the majors to stay, you never get it. 其他的就請大家自己去看吧 http://eastwindupchronicle.com/gary-burnhamla-new-bears-qa-ii/ 裡面有提到霸漢有天在二軍本來要幫一個球員作soft toss 被一個年輕球員搶走工作 讓霸漢感覺不太好好像自己不夠格 後來他才搞懂這是所謂的日本觀念 學弟要幫學長作雜事 所以大家都搶他要做的事... -- 你知道嗎? 相愛的兩人如果一起削弱袁家一半兵力,他們就能獲得幸福哦。 所以在我們長大後,就兩個人一起去淮南對付袁術囉!答應我吧? 知道了,淮南袁術哦! 《Love 袁術》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: A1an 來自: (07/17 20:29)
sake:他想走了嗎 07/17 20:34
ALLEN2:霸漢不要走阿 07/17 20:40
ccf5252:轉錄至看板 Baseball 07/17 20:40
duduchiau:算是他的心情故事吧 看了有點心酸... 07/17 20:41
th68082:想去日本或韓國嗎 ? 英文不太好囧 07/18 18:07