精華區beta Monotheism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Christianity 看板] 作者: Geigemachen () 看板: Christianity 標題: Re: [問題] 關於Samael....不知適不適合在這裡發問 時間: Wed May 24 03:58:42 2006 基本上,你提到的內容屬於保羅所說”無窮的家譜”與”老婦荒渺的言語”吧..XDD When He would join the body He had formed out of the dust with the soul He had made on the first day, the angelic host who knew the power that man was about to receive from God murmured against his making. And the chief of those who murmured was that angel who was amongst the highest in the angelic host, whose wings were twelve where the others' wings were six, the angel whose name was Samael. Samael said, "Thou didst create us from the splendour of the Shekinah, and now thou dost plan to set above us the creature whom thou hast fashioned out of the dust of the ground." Man would have perished through the fire which Samael would have put upon him if it had not been for the protecting hand that God held over him. The Almighty cast Samael and his host out of heaven, and from that time that angelic prince is known as Satan. ※ 引述《KaneNod (墮滅祭司)》之銘言: : 在猶太傳說中 : 薩麥爾(Samael,或Sammael) : 是第一名反叛的天使, 神造世界之初的大天使薩麥爾 他墮落以後,就被稱為Satan撒旦(抵擋者,仇敵) : 「薩麥爾」不肯跪拜於亞當之前, ^^^^ 這出自於The Life of Adam and Eve http://www.bcholmes.org/wicca/satan.html This is interesting, though: Richard Marshall says that a Jewish text called The Life of Adam and Eve dating from the first century BC identifies the serpent of eden with Samael, the angel who rebels when God orders the heavenly host to worship Adam. Samael says that "he will build a throne above the stars and proclaim himself the highest of all beings. His angels rally round in agreement, and the Archangel promptly throws them all out of heaven and down into a deep dark dungeon." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallen_angel He wanted His angels to acknowledge man by bowing down to Him, but some of the angels did not obey His mandate. The origin of this idea is most likely the "Book of Adam and Eve", an apocryphal text which most scholars agree was written somewhere near the end of the 1st century AD. XIII: The devil replied, 'Adam, what dost thou tell me? It is for thy sake that I have been hurled from that place. When thou wast formed, I was hurled out of the presence of God and banished from the company of the angels. When God blew into thee the breath of life and thy face and likeness was made in the image of God, Michael also brought thee and made (us) worship thee in the sight of God; and God the Lord spake: Here is Adam. I have made thee in our image and likeness.' XIV: And Michael went out and called all the angels saying: 'Worship the image of God as the Lord God hath commanded.' And Michael himself worshipped first; then he called me and said: 'Worship the image of God the Lord.' And I answered, 'I have no (need) to worship Adam.' And since Michael kept urging me to worship, I said to him, 'Why dost thou urge me? I will not worship an inferior and younger being. I am his senior in the Creation, before he was made was I already made. It is his duty to worship me.' XV: When the angels who were under me heard this, they refused to worship him. And Michael saith, 'Worship the image of God, but if thou wilt not worship him, the Lord God will be wroth with thee.' And I said, 'If He be wroth with me, I will set my seat above the stars of heaven and will be like the Highest.' : 並說出:「憑何要我這聖火所生的天使,跪拜一個塵沙造出的身軀。」之叛逆之言。 ”聖火”指Shekinah,神的同在,或是神的榮耀光輝的意思 : 請問這段敘述出自猶太的光輝之書或塔木德經?或是其他經典? ^^^^^^ Book of Adam and Eve/ The Life of Adam and Eve 塔木德經有提到,只是把Samael也當作以掃/以東的守護天使。 猶太的光輝之書似乎沒有(以Sefer ha Zohar,samael當關鍵字查不到 什麼交集) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samael Samael is an important figure in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore, a figure who is accuser, seducer, and destroyer. Legends mentioning Satan refer equally to him, such that Samael is often taken to be the true or angelic name of the Devil, as opposed to the epithet, Lucifer (light-bearer), which is based on a dual fulfillment verse against the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:4,12), or his functional title, Satan (adversary). However, Samael cannot always be simply identified with Satan, because some translations of the Book of Enoch confirm Satan's angelic name to be Satanail. In Judaism In Jewish lore, he is said to be the Angel of Death, the chief ruler of the Seventh Heaven, one of the seven regents of the world served by two million angels. Yalkut I, 110 of the Talmud speaks of Samael as Esau's guardian angel. In Sotah 10b, Samael is Edom's guardian angel, and in the Sayings of Rabbi Eliezer, he is charged with being the one who tempted Eve, then seduced and impregnated her with Cain. Though some sources identify Gadreel as the angel that seduced Eve, other Hebrew scholars say that it was Samael who tempted Eve in the guise of the Serpent. Samael is also sometimes identified as being the angelic antagonist that wrestled Jacob at Esau, and as being the angel that held back the arm of Abraham as he was about to sacrifice his son. : 由於不知道原文 所以在尋找出處時發生了困難.... : 這裡是目前找到唯一符合的描述 但並無標明出處 : http://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/omw/omw28.htm : 請協助我解決這困擾我已久的問題 感謝各位.... -- 上月球!月球是中國人吳剛不可分割的一部分 抓嫦娥!此女意圖分裂中國領土脫離中國掌握 殺玉兔!玉兔為資產階級之玩物!日帝之玩偶! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
KaneNod:太感激了!!^^ 05/24 09:57
dearevan:可以借轉去monotheism嗎??? 05/24 18:08
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: