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http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/751583/john_barry_19332011.html The legendary composer John Barry has died, at the age of 77. Published on Jan 31, 2011 Some horrible, horrible news to start the week off. The legendary composer, Mr John Barry, has died. He was 77 years old. We caught the news from a Tweet off his fellow 007 composer, David Arnold, who wrote, "It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that John Barry passed away this morning." He added, "I am profoundly saddened by the news but profoundly thankful for everything he did for music and for me personally." Personally, I was still in my teens when I picked up a copy of John Barry's Dances With Wolves score, and after playing it non-stop for many, many days straight, it sent me off to find more of his work. And what a rich selection there was to choose from. The Lion In Winter. Out Of Africa. Midnight Cowboy. Born Free. And, of course, his iconic work on the James Bond series. Barry worked on the music of Bond films from Dr. No right through to 1987's The Living Daylights, and always claimed, too, that he was at the very least a co-author of the main 007 theme tune. (Monty Norman continues to get sole credit.) He picked up five Oscars throughout his career, and was nominated for a further two more (one of which was for his underappreciated score to Chaplin). And across a movie scoring career that ran from 1960 to 2001's Enigma, Barry marked his place in cinema history as one of the finest movie score composers we've ever seen. Rest in peace, Mr Barry. Your influence and music will live on for a long, long time... ----- 007配樂大師心臟病發猝逝 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110131/16/2lrik.html (路透倫敦31日電)「英國廣播公司」(BBC)今天報導,英國作曲家約翰貝瑞(John Barry)今天心臟病發死亡,享壽77歲。約翰貝瑞生前得過5座奧斯卡金像獎(Oscar), 還為007詹姆士龐德(James Bond)電影配樂。 和約翰貝瑞一起共事的大衛阿諾德(David Arnold)在推特(Twitter)上寫道:「我帶 著沈重的心情告訴你們,約翰貝瑞今天早上過世。」 大衛阿諾德稍後告訴「英國廣播公司電台」(BBCRadio):「我覺得,如果少了約翰貝瑞 ,詹姆士龐德可能就沒有這麼酷了。」 約翰貝瑞配樂的007系列電影有「金手指」(Goldfinger)、「第七號情報員續集」( From RussiaWith Love)、「雷霆谷」(You Only Live Twice)。 「與狼共舞」(Dances With Wolves)、「遠離非洲」(Out of Africa)及「獅子與我 」(Born Free)等電影配樂幫他拿下奧斯卡獎。 中央社(翻譯) ----- R.I.P. 伴我成長的大師又少了一位.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
donglink:OMG... 真是令人心碎的消息T___T R.I.P., Mr. Barry. 01/31 17:34
SKnight:R.I.P. 01/31 17:41
schonbrunn:RIP..... > < 01/31 17:44
KoalaLin:天呀!噢,又一位大師離開了! 01/31 17:56
gn02174082:天哪....R.I.P. 01/31 18:00
gn02174082:Out Of Africa的配樂是怎麼樣也無法忘記.... 01/31 18:01
ACGamigo:Nooooo.... F**k U 2011, F**k U. R.I.P. 01/31 18:28
velspa:哀悼…又一位大師離我們而去。R.I.P. 01/31 19:19
mesple:他才77!! 01/31 19:52
※ 編輯: onetwo01 來自: (01/31 20:39)
ljwlgw:好難過... R.I.R. 01/31 20:46
KoalaLin:當年Monty Norman與John Barry的故事,也算是樂壇經典了 01/31 20:47
Anteater09:R.I.P.   O_Q 01/31 21:39
waggy:R.I.P 代表我青春的大師又少了一位 01/31 22:01
plesiosaur:哀~~年紀大的大師們真的要保重啊!! R.I.P. 01/31 22:03
tenoe:T_T 01/31 23:07
gn02174082:晚上重溫somewhere in time,好經典哪....T______T 01/31 23:38
gn02174082:聽到哭了...>< 01/31 23:44
starkidtw:R.I.P. 太難過了..... TAT 01/31 23:45
Ruke:R.I.P.....真的是很難過的消息 01/31 23:55
hecati:R.I.P. 01/31 23:56
celeris:R.I.P. >< 02/01 00:14
indiana:R.I.P. 02/01 00:47
xholmes:他是大師中的大師!遠離非洲、似曾相識、與狼共舞... 02/01 01:42
komina:R.I.P..... T_T 02/01 09:50
sky123582:RIP 02/01 10:26
m19871006:R.I.P. 02/01 15:23
DLowe:R.I.P 02/01 20:32
ljjsay:R.I.P. 02/02 03:12
stevenweng:R.I.P. 02/04 13:39
TerenceX:R.I.P. 02/04 14:56
toNpppa:遠離非洲和與狼共舞...........R.I.P. 02/04 17:10
zxcvf:R.I.P 02/05 18:23
iloorange:R.I.P. 真的好喜歡somewhere in time! 02/06 00:19