精華區beta MuscleBeach 關於我們 聯絡資訊
幫忙排一下板 ※ 引述《Akidatz (野花紅似火)》之銘言: Common Myth: If I eat more protein, I can build big muscles. Building muscle mass involves two things: Using enough weight to challenge muscles beyond their normal levels of resistance and eating more calories than you burn. With all the hype about high protein diets lately, it's easy to believe that protein is the best fuel for building muscle but, according to the American Dietetic Association, muscles work on calories "which should be predominately carbohydrates. The remainder of the calories are divided between fat and protein." If you consume too much protein, you run the risk of creating nutrient imbalance, kidney strain, or dehydration. Plus, excess protein results in extra calories that are either burned or stored. For muscle mass, you should incorporate a healthy eating plan, as well as a workout that combines cardio exercise as well as consistent weight training. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How much protein do you need? Are you confused about how much protein you need? Many athletes and exercisers are increasing their protein intake to help them both lose weight and build more muscle, but is that the right way to go? It makes sense that, since muscles are made of protein, eating more dietary protein will help you build more muscle. But, is eating tons of eggs, meat and protein supplements really necessary? What is Protein? Proteins are the basic building blocks of the human body. They are made up of amino acids, and help build muscles, blood, skin, hair, nails and internal organs. Next to water, protein is the most plentiful substance in the body, and most of it (around 6: 0% to 70%) is located in the skeletal muscles. There are 20 amino acids that are required for growth by the human body and all but eight can be produced in an adult body. These eight amino acids are called essential amino acids and must be supplied to the body by food or supplements. The other twelve non-essential amino acids are manufactured within the body, but both essential and non-essential amino acids are necessary for the synthesis of tissue proteins. What does all this mean? It means that if you don't supply your body with the essential amino acids it needs, the amount of protein your body can use for building muscle is limited. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting the Right Kind of Protein Foods that contain all of the essential amino acids are called complete proteins. These foods include beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and just about anything else derived from animal sources. Incomplete proteins do not have all of the essential amino acids and generally include vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds and nuts. So, if you're a vegetarian, does this mean you can't get complete protein? Not at all. Below is a chart listing some incomplete proteins. To get all of the essential amino acids, simply choose foods from two or more of the following: Grains - barley, corn, oats, rice, pasta, whole grain Legumes - beans, lentils, peas, peanuts, soy products Seeds & Nuts - sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, cashews, other nuts Vegetables - leafy greens, broccoli* -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Akidatz:一行魔人嗎? 05/25
Akidatz:哈哈~開玩笑的啦~辛苦你了,謝你了!!! 05/25
willy:哈 05/25
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: youngkai (年輕人) 看板: MuscleBeach 標題: Re: [情報] 如果我吃很多蛋白質,我一定會有大肌肉 … 時間: Sun Jun 6 23:47:36 2004 吃很多蛋白質,不一定會有大肌肉,因為必須要鍛鍊才能長肌肉 鍛鍊後吃很多蛋白質,的確會長肌肉,相對的,攝取過多蛋白質對身體有害 蛋白質氧化時耗氧很多,所以熱量不足時以蛋白質作為熱量來源是很不智的行為 攝取過多的蛋白質,身體無法充分吸收,只好排出體外 但沒順利排出去的蛋白質,就會分解為氨,經由肝臟將氨轉換為尿素 尿素經由血液輸送到腎臟後由尿液排出體外 但是,尿素過高,長期下來沒有順利經由尿液排出的尿素便會累積在關節處 造成關節疼痛,也就是所謂的「痛風」 所以,蛋白質攝取過量,將會造成肝臟與腎臟的負擔,健美同好不可不慎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: youngkai (年輕人) 看板: MuscleBeach 標題: Re: [情報] 如果我吃很多蛋白質,我一定會有大肌肉 … 時間: Wed Jun 23 23:39:03 2004 ※ 引述《youngkai (年輕人)》之銘言: : 吃很多蛋白質,不一定會有大肌肉,因為必須要鍛鍊才能長肌肉 : 鍛鍊後吃很多蛋白質,的確會長肌肉,相對的,攝取過多蛋白質對身體有害 : 蛋白質氧化時耗氧很多,所以熱量不足時以蛋白質作為熱量來源是很不智的行為 : 攝取過多的蛋白質,身體無法充分吸收,只好排出體外 : 但沒順利排出去的蛋白質,就會分解為氨,經由肝臟將氨轉換為尿素 : 尿素經由血液輸送到腎臟後由尿液排出體外 : 但是,尿素過高,長期下來沒有順利經由尿液排出的尿素便會累積在關節處 : 造成關節疼痛,也就是所謂的「痛風」 : 所以,蛋白質攝取過量,將會造成肝臟與腎臟的負擔,健美同好不可不慎 我這篇有一點錯誤,在此提出修正 高蛋白不一定會引起痛風,會引起痛風的因素是尿酸 尿酸取決於食物內普林值(purine)的多寡 食物普林值越高,越容易代謝出尿酸 每100g食物,所含的普林值(毫克)如下 雞蛋白:3.7 雞蛋黃:2.6 魚類:100~300 小魚干:1538.9 牛肉:83.7 羊肉:111.5 雞肉:137~140 動物內臟:100~200 牛奶:15 所以,多吃奶蛋類製品並不會有痛風的危險 小魚干1538.9真的很恐怖... 參考資料:何威德著,國產食物中核酸含量及其鹼基組成的研究_ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Lick (Lick Chen) 看板: MuscleBeach 標題: Re: [情報] 如果我吃很多蛋白質,我一定會有大肌肉 … 時間: Thu Jun 24 00:12:31 2004 ※ 引述《youngkai (年輕人)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《youngkai (年輕人)》之銘言: : : 吃很多蛋白質,不一定會有大肌肉,因為必須要鍛鍊才能長肌肉 : : 鍛鍊後吃很多蛋白質,的確會長肌肉,相對的,攝取過多蛋白質對身體有害 : : 蛋白質氧化時耗氧很多,所以熱量不足時以蛋白質作為熱量來源是很不智的行為 : : 攝取過多的蛋白質,身體無法充分吸收,只好排出體外 : : 但沒順利排出去的蛋白質,就會分解為氨,經由肝臟將氨轉換為尿素 : : 尿素經由血液輸送到腎臟後由尿液排出體外 : : 但是,尿素過高,長期下來沒有順利經由尿液排出的尿素便會累積在關節處 : : 造成關節疼痛,也就是所謂的「痛風」 : : 所以,蛋白質攝取過量,將會造成肝臟與腎臟的負擔,健美同好不可不慎 : 我這篇有一點錯誤,在此提出修正 : 高蛋白不一定會引起痛風,會引起痛風的因素是尿酸 : 尿酸取決於食物內普林值(purine)的多寡 : 食物普林值越高,越容易代謝出尿酸 : 每100g食物,所含的普林值(毫克)如下 : 雞蛋白:3.7 : 雞蛋黃:2.6 : 魚類:100~300 : 小魚干:1538.9 : 牛肉:83.7 : 羊肉:111.5 : 雞肉:137~140 : 動物內臟:100~200 : 牛奶:15 : 所以,多吃奶蛋類製品並不會有痛風的危險 : 小魚干1538.9真的很恐怖... : 參考資料:何威德著,國產食物中核酸含量及其鹼基組成的研究_ 痛風主要是下列三種酵素發生異常所導致 5-Phospho-alpha-D-Ribosyl-1-PyroPhosphate(PRPP) synthetase的量提高 PRPP AmidoTransferase失去了feedback inhibition Hypoxanthine-Guanine PhosphoRibosylTransferase(HGPRT)的量下降 另外,長期的低血糖症會干擾腎臟排出尿酸而導致痛風 而細胞突然大量死亡(例如癌症化療)也會讓大量核酸降解造成痛風 -- http://www.wretch.twbbs.org/album/lick 重量訓練專用相簿 以後有人問重訓動作的問題就可以直接貼照片來解答了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Jongny:我的經驗 喝酒比吃大量蛋白質 傷一百倍 06/24
gymboy:這裡是健身板,不能不提到運動也會誘發痛風 06/24
Lick:那就請g大詳細補充一下囉 06/24