精華區beta MuscleBeach 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 KobeBryant 看板] 作者: kobestyle (kobe style) 看板: KobeBryant 標題: [閒聊]Kobe的訓練表 時間: Mon Jul 4 18:28:41 2005 今天在LG逛到的,讓我們來看看傳說中的Kobe訓練課表. A couple of summers ago, Kobe Bryant transformed his body by adding muscle mass to his skinny frame. I was impressed with his results and got a copy of his self named "666 Routine." The 666 routine stands for 6 hours a day, 6 days a week, 6 months of training. Of course most of us don't have 6 hours a day to work out so I listed below his weight training regimine. His workout also includes 2 hours of running, 2 hours of basketball, and 1 hour of cardio (boxing, jump rope in Kobe's case,) to go along with 1 hour of the exercises listed below. Day 1 & Day 4 Bench press Lat pull-downs Incline press Military press Abdominal crunches Day 2 & Day 5 Lateral dumbbell raises Bar dips Tricep press-downs Bicep curls Abdominal crunches Day 3 & Day 6 Back squats/Front squats Leg curls Leg extensions Calf raises Abdominal crunches 我想這也可能是為什麼去年夏天Kobe會變魔鬼筋肉人的原因吧 (茶) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mathteacher:並非浪得虛名阿... 07/04
alexxx:害我也想照表操課了...XD 07/04
RickymarU:今年要適可而止阿 我不想又看到Kobe Malone... 07/04
wangkun:lol 07/04
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jww:超級組的課表 11/15 20:26
Shockwave:一天練六小時真辛苦... 11/15 22:19
jww:那是他們的工作啊 11/16 13:04
honlok:比較好奇的是為什麼每天都做ab crunch 11/16 23:16