精華區beta MusicGame 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Met you on a Sunday And we went into a cafe Where we talked a while Just a little while and I noticed You seemed so discouraged But then I Almost thought I saw you smiling Gathered up my courage And I asked you why Now I feel as if I am drifting out to sea I'm confused because now you're angry at me? Can you tell me What did I ever do What did I ever do to you? You act as if I took your heart away Can you tell me What can I ever say To make it right with you this time... Is it really hurting you so bad To let me stay I'm out here like a man in a storm No matter what I do I can't get warm 很喜歡這首 :) 歌詞本入手就打了出來 -- bulelove都不來友情推的啦! XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sunboy1013 來自: (02/25 00:54)
czs:推 好歌! 02/25 00:55
resonate:推好歌 battle武器曲 XD 02/25 01:00
s890118:最後的連刷不會刷 淚目qq 02/25 01:02
resonate:其實我是說DM(遮臉) 02/25 01:03
bulelove:我來推了= =... 02/25 01:06
b4uchikara:宣告判團曲(噓) 02/25 01:11
sunboy1013:XD 喔喔~ 吾友 你來啦! 02/25 01:14
sunboy1013:...老實說我才剛歸團 (煙) 02/25 01:15
berfect:歌超好聽 但是歌詞有點芭樂XD 02/25 01:18
bulelove:哈哈...兩個月後我也能解封啦~~ 02/25 01:25
shlidon:死人床的歌詞一整個就很.....不知道0.0 02/25 02:33
REIN0119:某行怪怪 To make it right with you "whis" time...XD 02/25 06:20
rf3:歸團的要選Leaving all behind 02/25 08:46
※ 編輯: sunboy1013 來自: (02/25 18:00)
sunboy1013:修正 XD 人工打難免有錯~ 感謝 02/25 18:00
LoveOka:推BLUELOVE大XD 02/25 19:18
sky321:推 好歌! 吉他solo好棒ˊˇˋ 02/25 20:54
t860101:超喜歡這首歌Q////Q 03/08 04:31