精華區beta MyLittlePony 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這次翻譯的是 《If I go back》 這次沒有甚麼特別好說的 不過應該可以唱!!! 聽小馬社團裡的兩個人都說可以唱 雖然他歌詞拉比較長比較好搭配歌詞 但是還是希望大家可以試著唱唱看 我會很開心的 XD 原歌曲連結: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsuKpQhcX7M
中文翻譯: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af8cmaItNbI&feature=youtu.be
這首歌有人翻過了 這是比較早的:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWcZzKpH6N8
不過我還是重新翻了一遍 內容仍舊充斥著大量我流翻譯,比如說 Will I return as Luna or Nightmare Moon? 為了壓他的韻腳 我就選擇翻成:Will I return as Luna 我是月之黑馬 or Nightmare Moon? 還是月亮公主? 這首歌每一段都比較長 排版上比較困難 所以就請大家搭配方向鍵 ↓ 或是空白鍵 來服用 《If I go back》 Can't see straight 想不開, When the path in my mind is broken 因為我思緒一片混亂。 A thousand years 千年如箭, You'd think would be time enough to focus 你想這樣足夠去悔恨。 But the rage inside 但心頭火, Keeps building like an army fortifying 卻逐漸加溫直到沸騰。 These seeds of hate 那股仇恨, Constantly growing and multiplying 也一層一層逐漸加深。 I need a sign 天意,何在? Please answer my prayers 請聽我的祈願: Can I change my ways? 能否讓我回歸? Or am I stuck here 或讓我永遠 Eternally alone 身永陷這牢籠, Filled with regret 心生懺悔, On the dark side of the moon 在這陰暗月黑幕。 Will I ever forget? 能否坦然釋懷, That horrid betrayal 背叛令人心碎, Both hers and mine 將我倆隔開。 But the clock is ticking 但期限將屆, and I'm running out of time 而我得趕快下抉擇 If I go back 若我歸來, What will I do 該怎自處? Will I return as Luna 我是月之黑馬 or Nightmare Moon? 還是月亮公主? If I go back, what will I do? 若我歸來,該何自處? If I go back, what will I do? 若我歸來,該何自處? If I go back, what will I do? 若我歸來,該何自處? If I go back, what will I do? 若我歸來,該何自處? Decades pass 世代換, As quickly as the seasons 就如四季一樣快。 My thoughts collapse 思想崩壞, Hindering my reason 妨礙我理由的編纂。 And that rage inside 怒火流竄, My control of it is slowly releasing 而我對他已逐漸釋懷。 I'm afraid of time 時間過好快, the countdown is slowly decreasing 流逝總似乎毫無蹤影。 I need a sign 天意,何在? Please answer my prayers 請聽我的祈願: Can I change my ways? 能否讓我回歸? Or am I stuck here 或讓我永遠 Eternally alone 身永陷這牢籠, Filled with regret 心生懺悔, On the dark side of the moon 在這陰暗月黑幕。 Will I ever forget? 能否坦然釋懷, That horrid betrayal 背叛令人心碎, Both hers and mine 將我倆隔開。 But the clock is ticking 時間消逝點滴, and I'm running out of time 而我也所剩無幾。 If I go back 若我歸來, What will I do 該何自處? Will I return as Luna 我是月之黑馬 or Nightmare Moon? 還是月亮公主? If I go back, what will I do? 若我歸來,該何自處? If I go back, what will I do? 若我歸來,該何自處? If I go back, what will I do? 若我歸來,該何自處? If I go back, what will I do? 若我歸來,該何自處? 下次會挑比較輕快的歌來翻譯 不然我的眼眶會受不了~"~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: