精華區beta MyLittlePony 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇是補之前的空缺 原本說好一天一篇結果發現這個要求還是太刁難自己了XD 非常感謝炎煇替我壓字幕 就算明天要上班還是一樣 這是 2012 年 年度票選 25名 小馬同人歌曲中的 第九名 節奏輕快 但是內容卻讓人很感動 翻到一半胸口也是熱熱的 要停下來喘口氣休息 這首歌 要唱應該不難 所以也希望大家可以捧場在家裡試試看XD 這是原曲的連結: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ_jdruQca0
以下是中文翻譯: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwbfAG5sq00
對了  順道問一下,我們在籌畫組個簡單的合唱團 有人有興趣嗎? 還有,有沒有人要參加彩虹小馬年末尾牙啊? 現在人數已經超過60人了歐歐歐歐歐(崩壞笑 《Great to be Different》 It was a dark day when I lost my faith 失去信心,那天空暗又灰。 I wasn't the pony I thought I'd be 我並非閃耀的巨星。 And it seemed that no one could relate 對我來說沒有人可憑依, There was nothing left for me to see 而我的希望所剩無~幾。 So I took a walk to the edge of the town 索然,於是我~去外頭晃一晃, And thought of leaving it all behind 把這一切都給拋開。 When I saw a little letter fall right out of the sky 後來,颼的一封信從天空飄落下來。 As a grey mare hovered way up high 有隻灰鬃馬飛越雲海。 I thought I was crazy when I saw her wave 我想我看見他向我手揮揮, And then simply fly away 然後就這樣高飛。 So I opened the letter and looked inside 於是我打開信紙看了看, And what was written made my day... 然後陰霾就這樣消散。 It said-- 他說: Isn't it great to be different? 難道就這麼想做一般人? Isn't it wonderful to be exactly who you are? 難道你不想成為你自己的驕傲? When you learn to start accepting yourself 當你學會認清你自己的好, You'll become a shining star 你將如巨星閃耀。 To this day the writing on that page 這頁信紙映入我的眼簾, Is mottled by the tears I shed 點點淚斑是我撒。 Cuz at that moment something inside me changed 就在那一刻我的想法改, And a bright new path I lead 於是我便笑開懷。 I ran back home and I picked up my old guitar 我衝回家拿起一把舊吉他~, And I started strumming these chords 拿起撥片開始隨意唱, And I sang her words along with this song 我唱~著這些話和著這首歌, And I heard someone sing along 我發現有人加入我~, And we sang-- 我們唱: Isn't it great to be different? 難道就這麼想做一般人? Isn't it wonderful to be exactly who you are? 難道你不想成為你自己的驕傲? When you learn to start accepting yourself 當你學會認清你自己的好, You'll become a shining star 你將如巨星閃耀。 I turned around and I saw her at my door 我看了看發現她就在我門前, That cute grey mare with the wall-eyed stare 可愛的灰馬正瞅著我, She said, "I've heard you play and sing before. 她說:「你唱的這些我都聽過, And I heard a sadness I could not bear." 而這些苦不能自己背。」 "I just wanted to tell you that the hardest thing I've faced 我只想和你分享某些事情很難去面對: Wasn't the teasing or the pain 既非那嘲謔或傷悲; It was convincing myself I wasn't stupid, strange, or lame 要告訴你自己不笨不醜一遍又一遍, And helping others do the same." 也要別忘對人好ㄧ些。 These last few years flew by just like a blur 有些往事快速消散而去, I'm now exactly where I should be 我明白應該做好我自己。 And I know I owe it all to her 這些功勞都應該歸她, The beautiful mare who believed in me~ 這美麗灰馬肯去相信~。 Isn't it great to be different? 難道就這麼想做一般人? Isn't it wonderful to be exactly who you are? 難道你不想成為你自己的驕傲? When you learn to start accepting yourself 當你學會認清你自己的好, You'll become a shining star 你將如巨星閃耀。 Isn't it great to be different? 難道就這麼想做一般人? Isn't it wonderful to be exactly who you are? 難道你不想成為你自己的驕傲? When you learn to start accepting yourself 當你學會認清你自己的好, You'll become a shining star (Isn't it wonderful) 你將如巨星閃耀。(這不是很美好?) You'll become a shining star (Isn't it great) 你將如巨星閃耀。(這不讓人心醉?) When you learn to love just who you are 當你了解自~己~的~好~。 《完》 我看我用1000P稅前來爭第一個用中文唱出來貼到版上的勇者好了ˊ_>ˋ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: