精華區beta N-E-W-S 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Stand Up "會いたい"想いを何度も飲みこむ キミと交わした約束がある この胸強くビ-ト刻むよ So stand up, for the Champions, for the Champions, Stand up Stand up, Stand up, for the Champions, for the Champions Stand up, for the Champions, for the Champions, Stand up Stand up, Stand up, 燃え上がれ 燃え上がれ Stand up キミが流した淚の意味は 無だにはならない さぁ顏あげて行くのさ これ以上誰も飛べないくらい So stand up, for the Champions, for the Champions, Stand up Stand up, Stand up, for the Champions, for the Champions Stand up, for the Champions, for the Champions, Stand up Stand up, Stand up, 燃え上がれ 燃え上がれ Stand up 真新しい風が吹きmu,ぬける 真新しい路ができてゆく 真新しい僕が立ち上がる 真新しい未來が廣がる So stand up, Stand up, for the Champions, for the Champions Stand up, Stand up, for the Champions, for the Champions Stand up Stand up, Stand up, for the Champions, for the Champions Stand up, Stand up, 燃え上がれ 燃え上がれ Stand up, Stand up, for the Champions, for the Champions Stand up, Stand up, 燃え上がれ 燃え上がれ Stand up