精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
十一月四日。一整天都沈浸在一場不可思議的勝利中。 波士頓對暴龍的比賽無疑是一場苦戰,Mark Jackson與暴 龍一班老藍領一開場就狠狠地教訓了小子們一頓。老江湖 MJ導起暴龍的戰術毫無困難,開賽沒幾分鐘就看見Carter 又飛天了。而 Oakley與A.Davis則讓Walker在禁區吃足了 苦頭,籃下怎麼打怎麼不進,只勉強拉到外線拿了三分。 第一節結束,波士頓已經落後了二十分。難堪的氣氛持續 到第二節的中段,在球迷的噓聲下,暫停的波士頓小子們 走回休息區。43比22,球隊落後將近一倍的分數。 波士頓的大逆轉之役就在暫停結束後展開。 重回場上的小子們並沒有特別做了什麼不可思議的事情, 他們只是試著回復正常的表現。正常而有效的防守,妥善 的攻擊,減少失誤,比數拉近還差15分。沈著是在大幅落 後下唯一的良藥。只要做好這些,反攻的契機就有可能會 到來。 四分鐘後,波士頓奏出反攻首部曲,Griffin與Moiso聯手 阻止Carter的予取予求,全隊專注的防守讓Carter苦吞五 次失誤,包括兩個進攻犯規;再加上Pierce遠投近攻拿下 八分,小子們在四分多鐘內展開了一波十二比四的攻勢。 上半場結束,比數拉近為49比42,波士頓只落後七分。球 迷原本的噓聲漸漸轉化為「防守、防守」的加油聲。比賽 還沒結束。 下半場一陣你來我往之後,Pierce左側45度的三分長射為 波士頓拉開反攻二部曲。在Anderson與Pierce追加兩個三 分球後,兩隊比數第一度追平。在隊友外線火力全開的狀 況下,自認對於三分球也「頗有心得」的Walker怎甘落於 人後?下沈到左側底線的他接獲了Anderson的傳球後拔起 來就射——這回Oakley與Davis都擋不了他了。 球應聲入 網,全場沸騰,比數60比57,小子們在這場苦戰中首度領 先對手,狼狽的暴龍在觀眾瘋狂的歡呼中趕緊叫出暫停。 不,沒有反攻三部曲了。即使兩隊比數咬得十分接近,超 前比數的波士頓自此再也沒有讓暴龍翻身。在最後一節的 激戰中兩支球隊都使出了渾身解數奮力一搏,僵持到最後 三十秒,落後三分的暴龍將Pierce送上罰球線。 也許在場上四十分鐘的竭力拼鬥,使得帶領球隊逆轉的大 功臣Pierce疲累地兩罰不進。這給暴龍足足有28秒掌握一 波三分攻勢。波士頓球迷都記得上個球季的悲劇:Carter 曾在終場前拉開波士頓的防守以一記意外的三分球逆轉了 波士頓。所以當Oakley在7.6秒搶下籃板球,Carter在3.9 秒一個遠距長射時,全場球迷莫不摒息以待。球,不進, Griffin守護住最後一個防守籃板。2.8秒,暴龍送 Brown 上罰球線,Brown 以兩球皆進守護住波士頓最後的勝利。 來自密西根州大的暴龍新人Peterson在鈴響前的三分球只 是讓暴龍徒留遺恨(誰叫你們不相信這個NCAA冠軍隊中的 瘋狂射手),小子們終場就以93比91扳倒暴龍。 小子們在這場比賽中又靠著團隊戰力打出了一場好球。居 首功的當然是Pierce,身為本季隊長之一的他在另一位隊 長Walker無法攻落暴龍禁區的困境下,帶頭拉長了攻擊距 離,從而穩定了波士頓的攻勢。值得注意的是,在本季這 兩場比賽中,Pierce比以往更敢於攻擊禁區,而不是只停 留在中長距離。他製造了對手不少犯規,這是以往所少見 的。上一季有球迷擔心他太軟、投籃選擇不佳,但是沒有 人會擔心一向積極的他不會在季後改進他的缺點與不足。 我們在這一季的季初看到了令人欣喜的結果。 不只是Pierce,參與這場比賽的每一位小子都該在功勞簿 上記一筆。我實在道不盡每一位球員的付出與成長。也或 許,我不該這麼早言盡一切,小子們還需面對80場試煉。 喔,80場「以上」,希望如此。 再讓我們來欣賞一篇波士頓球迷的戰後感言吧。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected] denise at EarthLink Inc. -- http://www.EarthLink.ne After showing they can maintain a lead in the season opener, the Celtics again showed a mental maturity by coming back from a potentially deflating 21 point first qurater deficit to win game #2. In both cases, the Celtics displayed a poise that had been sorely lacking last year. Tonight's game seemed destined for a desultory ending. The first quarter was a debacle of offensive execution for the C's, they couldn't shoot, they couldn't pass and they really could barely manage to hold onto the ball. A quarter like that would have killed the celtic teams of recent years, but this team seems to have finally, FINALLY, matured. Pierce looked like a superstar in the making, taking vince carter on head to head, taking him inside and outside, scoring 30 points in 41 hard minutes. Walker wasn't as accurate as he was in game one, and he did force play a bit, but he forced it in the paint, not from outside. While he did manage to throw up some bricks, he also showed some nice finishing touches as he routinely abused Charles Oakley, at one time one of the premier low post defenders in the league. Kenny Anderson and Randy Brown proved a very effective duo, too bad Pitino can't fuse them into some sort of Frankenpointguard, one capable of both hard-nosed, play- making defense and offensive creativity. I wonder which part of Chris Herren will be added to this monster. Even Chris Carr added some productive backup backcourt minutes at the beginning of the game to keep the celtics ship barely afloat. Hustle, tipped balls, dogged defense and general morale boosting were again provided courtesy of Adrian Griffin and Bryant Stith. Together, along with a much less effective Eric Williams, they shadowed the lethal Vinsanity all night, and while he did go for 33, it felt like he might have scored 100 if not for the griffin and stith. Adrian even had a clutch hoop at the end of game when he was guarded by Dell Curry, had the obvious mismatch on the blocks ad took the ball down low for an easy little fade away. Tony Battie played another intense game and showed that he deserves to be the starting center and maybe he even deserves his contract. He was terrific on the glass and was a shot blocking presence. Pot was disapointing, blowing a couple of easy lay ups and looking lethargic on the boards and defensively. Blount was more effective. I think i read a trade rumor about Pot for a sack of flour.....Rick should hold out for at least two sacks. Moiso contributed with some quick feet and hands, nothing spectacular, but an athletic presence who will simply need time to figure things out. I know I know, it's game 2. there are 80 left. But the manner in which the green took these two first victories is what is most impressive and encouraging. They seem to have finally gained the knowledge and maturity to compliment their talent. Pitino is able to implement his style of up-tempo play, utilizing a full compliment of players (my god is it wonderful not to have Pervis weighting down the end of the bench.) It even seems that the press has been used more strategically and with better results. Tomorrow night is another test, the first road game and the first back-to-back game, two areas in which the celtics struggled mightly last season. But the home court has been defended, and the celtics can put a little bit of momentum and confidence in the bank. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: