精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
其實 Ainge 剛上任就對 Obie 的助理教練團相當冷淡, 這批人大概 會真的一個都不留。話又說回來,現在助理教練團中也只剩幾隻小貓 而已。 就像前面摘錄的,Ainge 對於未來他與教練團關係之預想圖,實在讓 人看了有點想要撞牆 :P 不過,Ainge 是抓到重點了: "I think the whole staff makes the head coach. Who a coach surrounds himself with is critical. I won't pick those guys, but I'll have input and it's going to be important to me who a coach would want around him." 有這段話在,我想我們的教練團組成應該是很有可看性。 繼續看下去: "Being in television the past three years has given me great insight about coaching. Just watching them work and interact has been very beneficial to me... You've got a lot of young players who need to be developed, and you need the right people on the staff to get that done." 我們不需要有一個大教練帶領球隊前進,我們需要一群好教練幫助球 員發展。而所謂的總教練,也就是這群教練能夠尊敬、能夠適然地與 之共事的好人(同時具備適當的叫暫停能力與換人),就是這樣而已。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: