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壞消息: Amar'e Stoudemire 將因右眼的手術而離開球場八週 = = (對快艇時受的傷) 好消息: 至少手術十分順利... Stoudemire Undergoes Successful Eye Surgery http://www.nba.com/suns/news/stoudemire_surgery_090220.html Posted: Feb 20 2009 12:03PM Posted: Feb. 20, 2009 Phoenix Suns forward Amar’e Stoudemire underwent successful surgery today to repair a partially detached retina in his right eye. The procedure was performed earlier this morning by Dr. Pravin Dugel at Spectra Eye Institute in Sun City, Arizona. “We are very glad to hear that Amar’e should have a 100 percent recovery relative to his vision and his long-term prognosis is excellent,” said Suns President of Basketball Operations and General Manager Steve Kerr. “ Obviously, it is very disappointing to lose him at this time. We are all very excited about the progress the team is making, but Amar’e’s health and the health of all our players is our number one concern.” Stoudemire’s return to physical activity is estimated at eight weeks depending upon his healing process. Dr. Dugel stresses that recovery varies on a case-by-case basis. Phoenix’s leading scorer for the third-straight season, Stoudemire has played in all 53 games and is averaging a team-high 21.4 points, 8.1 rebounds, 1.08 blocks and 2.0 assists. One of only two Suns to appear in every game (53) this season, Stoudemire became the youngest Suns player to reach 9,000 career points on Feb. 6. The Phoenix Suns host the Oklahoma City Thunder tonight at 7 p.m. at US Airways Center. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
beckseaton:!! 02/21 01:36
neptune317:恭喜太陽 02/21 01:36
DemoX:...... 02/21 01:36
cskevin:借轉 02/21 01:36
Anjou:!!!! 02/21 01:37
mw1128:哭哭 02/21 01:37
cskevin:轉錄至看板 SportLottery 02/21 01:37
L2M:說好的140分呢???????????????? 02/21 01:37
gggg88tw:八週 還蠻久的 至少季後賽可以趕回來 02/21 01:37
Anjou:這是波特的詛咒嗎? 02/21 01:37
mikechang829:.......剛用Jeff Green跟Biedrins換來的.......幹... 02/21 01:37
AGAU415:那下場對BOS KG也不用上了@@ 02/21 01:37
L2M:8週是預計 可能更早或更慢 02/21 01:38
wrqet:阿罵...樂極生悲了嗎 02/21 01:38
flicker36:他季前右眼就被前隊友Diaw戳傷過 02/21 01:39
pickoff:虧他昨天得42分...太陽哭哭 02/21 01:39
dingdong103:借轉十字軍東征版... 02/21 01:40
dingdong103:轉錄至看板 NBA_Fantasy 02/21 01:40
MOUSE0110:借轉 02/21 01:42
MOUSE0110:轉錄至看板 PHX-Suns 02/21 01:43
keepbusy:.............太陽也太倒楣了= = 02/21 01:46
dscndg:八週........糟了 02/21 01:46
mess0706:八週 太陽季後賽告急了............. 02/21 01:46
lunarvoice:安慰自己 就當作和以前一樣交易到空氣吧..... 02/21 01:47
akbe:真的只能靠鯊魚了嗎~~~ 02/21 01:48
coolminder:大歐:有我在!你怕什麼! 02/21 01:50
Schnell:還以為太陽沒交易是對的.... 02/21 01:54
pttQQQ:可能是早就該手術了,故意撐到交易日結束,馬上去開的吧 02/21 01:54
BrentRoy:是因為這樣才沒交易的? 02/21 01:57
newlly:借轉甘溫 02/21 01:57
roddick1120:.................. 02/21 01:57
newlly:轉錄至看板 UTAH-JAZZ 02/21 01:57
BrentRoy:算了 反正剛好可以把Lopez弟推上火線 看看給他時間上場有 02/21 01:58
BrentRoy:沒有洗刷實力不佳印象的機會... 02/21 01:58
monmo:太陽看來去搶Moore好了......Orz 02/21 01:59
implicit:受傷還得42分...? 都閉著眼投的嗎 02/21 02:01
mea7211:是都用灌的吧… 02/21 02:02
monmo:既典韋 賈詡 呂布 魏延跟三英後 夏侯惇也轉世了!! 02/21 02:03
mvpann:可以請教一下魏延跟三英是誰嗎? 02/21 02:09
eigawa:三英是超賽那三隻吧 02/21 02:10
A000111:三英不就超賽三巨頭? 魏延應該是叛逃的? 02/21 02:11
A000111:是BOOZER?? 02/21 02:12
A000111:夏侯惇開魂!!XDDDDDDDDDD 02/21 02:13
monmo:Boozer那個光頭+反骨歷史 換個服裝能打出腳刀我也不意外... 02/21 02:14
bitegod0921:抱歉..魏延是哪一位? 02/21 02:14
mea7211:就是你樓上說的那位 02/21 02:15
bitegod0921:科科,他是下禮拜要回前線了吧 02/21 02:19
hu305105:太陽哭哭了~~~ 02/21 02:27
L2M:許褚:http://raindog.pixnet.net/blog/post/21711525 02/21 02:29
L2M:不過是隔壁版的 :p 02/21 02:29
joulin:為甚麼受傷的??? 之前怎麼都沒消息 02/21 02:30
mrkey:Suns are done, period. 02/21 02:32
L2M:如果消息走漏怎麼搞交易 :p 02/21 02:33
mea7211:超級比一比超好笑的…XD FAST TALK←→FASTBALL 02/21 02:46
L2M:KG 待會也要去照 MRI 了...... 02/21 02:49
implicit:大歐要再進化了 Shaqovic -> ShaqAmare 02/21 02:59
Kikoro:T_T好不容易太陽最近狀況不錯 02/21 03:01
seeking:怎會突然手術 嚇到 對快艇打那麼威好像沒受傷跡象的 02/21 03:01
GoGlay:樓上, 前天打快艇的時候Al Thornton有戳到他眼睛 02/21 04:26
colan8:8週 不過季後賽可能也沒太陽的份了.... 02/21 04:40
Allex:太陽掰 02/21 07:36
blunt2005:進化成Shaqmire!!! 不然就來個Shaqsh!!! 02/21 07:48
zebirlin:阿罵:(快記起平常灌籃的感覺吧...) Nash:他要閉眼灌籃? 02/21 07:55
LinChihChei:Boozer腳刀超猛的 還穿綠色衣服 02/21 10:03
bryan7114:看到L2M以為雨狗大又有文了 02/21 10:49
k1453888:舞告雖... 02/21 11:57
leeblo:推夏侯惇開魂...硬到哭FATHER 02/21 14:03
BrentBarry:莎唷哪啦 03/07 21:20