精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/vTtNO In the locker room during interviews, Derrick Rose speaks so softly, sometimes it's difficult to hear what he has to say. You need to lean in a little further with a voice recorder just to catch it. 在更衣室接受訪問時,這朵玫瑰總是輕聲細語,有時候你幾乎聽不到他在說些什麼。你必 須在卡到更靠近他的位置後,才能藉助錄音機來跟上他的談話內容。 On Saturday, no one could catch Rose and he didn't need to say a word. His play spoke volumes. 但在這個星期六,場上沒有任何人能夠跟的上他的腳步。他也毋須再多說些什麼,他的表 現本身就是最強而有力的發言 -- 有青,才敢大聲!!! The rookie, in his first Playoffs game, torched the Celtics for 36 points, 11 assists and four boards as the young Bulls ran past the defending champs 105- 103 in overtime in Game 1 of a first-round series. 這朵玫瑰在他生涯第一場的季後賽中以36分、11助攻以及4個籃板的成績將老練的賽亞人刺 的遍體鱗傷,而在他的領導下普賽也在延長賽中以103-105的比數成為了這一批年輕公牛的 蹄下亡魂。 After watching what Rose did to the Celtics -- which was pretty much whatever he wanted -- it seems silly that there was even a debate last June as to who would go No. 1 overall in the NBA Draft, Rose or Michael Beasley. That's no knock on Beasley. But nofew rookies have had the kind of season Rose has had, and only one has had the kind of postseason debut Rose did. 在看到了這位新秀盡情蹂躪賽亞人的比賽後,再回想去年六月時針對玫瑰與Beasley到底誰 才是名副其實的選秀第一順位的各種口水戰,如今一切看來實是十分可笑,雖然這無疑與 必勝兄的馬後砲沒有兩樣。當然這並不是說Beasley不好,只是在新人年就能有玫瑰這種表 現的新秀並不多,且史上只有唯二新秀可在季後賽的首度亮相便繳出如此亮眼的成績單。 His 36 points tied Kareem Abdul-Jabbar -- who scored 36 in his postseason opener for the Milwaukee Bucks in 1970 -- for the finest "Here I am world!" moment in NBA Playoffs history. That's some fine company to be in. Yet, what may have been most impressive was Rose's calm. He seemed in control of everything, and the young Bulls fed off it. 36分的表現讓他得與"天鉤"賈霸在這項紀錄上齊名。賈霸在1970年為密爾瓦基公鹿隊首度 出戰季後賽時也取得了36分。這兩位代表了NBA史上最有說服力的新秀宣言: 我準備好了 ,聯盟已經準備好了,那麼你 -- 準備好了嗎? 除此之外,更令人印象深刻的便是他的沉 著與冷靜。就如當年的田單般運籌帷幄,從容的指揮著火牛陣大破賽亞人的主堡。 Rose's most important quarter was the third, when he went 5-for-6 from the field and scored 13 points to help keep Chicago in the game. The Bulls had taken a nine-point lead into halftime, but Paul Pierce and Rajon Rondo had eight points apiece and the Celtics led by one heading into the fourth quarter. 此戰玫瑰挺身而出之時是在第三節,6投5中並取得13分的表現使得公牛得以繼續與賽亞人 纏鬥。中場結束時原本公牛還帶有9分的領先優勢,但在第三節真理以及軟豆的覺醒讓他們 各自取得了8分,並帶領著綠杉軍以1分領先的優勢進入了第四節。 On Saturday, it was Chicago that handled the game's ebb and flow, better than the Celtics, who have played 26 Playoffs games in the last two seasons. Maybe it's that experience, however, that cost the Celtics, who may believed the young Bulls would cower in fear of the mighty Celtics and the 18,000-plus green-clad, towel-waving fans at the Garden. 很明顯的這場比賽主導整個局勢的是稚嫩的公牛,而非已身經26場季後賽的超賽們。老練 的超賽們低估了公牛的戰鬥力(史考特可能需要更新了...)。他們認為憑著賽亞人的驕傲 以及主場18,000名觀眾的吶喊助陣便可將新手公牛嚇的心膽俱裂,沒想到盲拳打死老師父 ,栽跟頭的反而是綠杉軍。 Boston coach Doc Rivers, who gingerly climbed the stairs in the postgame press conference as if he had just played 53 minutes, was peeved, as miffed as some local media said they had ever seen him. He had good reason to be. 綠杉軍的教練河流在賽後的記者會上以沉重而緩慢的步伐登上了採訪台,就好似他剛剛也 在場上打了53分鐘的比賽般。眉宇間所流露的蘊怒與首次中拳的斷水流大師兄不遑多讓, 當地媒體也承認這是他們首次看到河流如此的不爽。但若你想想河流與大師兄的處境,那 麼這一切都是非常合理的。 He said the Celtics coaching staff harped on transition defense in practice. Yet the first hoop of the game was an alley-oop dunk by Joakim Noah on a fast break. The Celtics got hammered on the glass, 53-45, after Rivers told his guys that they had to be the aggressors. Instead, with the possible exception of point guard Rajon Rondo -- who had a nifty game with 29 points, nine boards and seven assists -- the Boston aggression was absent. 他說之前在練習時教練團已多次的強調了球權轉換間防守的重要性,阿結果開賽後進的第 一球便是Joakim Noah在快攻中所完成的空中接力灌籃,靠盃是說心酸的喔? 河流也告訴他 們我們賽亞人生存的意義便是為了戰鬥,所以在比賽時要更積極,更有侵略性,結果到最 後籃板球卻以45-53輸了八個之多。除了這場比賽拿下29分、9籃板跟7助攻的軟豆外,其餘 的賽亞人似乎都已將他們的驕傲拋諸腦後。 And then there was the specter of Kevin Garnett, sharp in a grey suit on the bench in the first half, conspicuously absent from the pine in the second. 而開賽時穿著灰色西裝坐在板凳上觀戰的真男人也上演了一幕"消失的KG",在半場休息結 束後人便已不知去向。 Rivers for one, didn't want to hear about Garnett's absence hurting the team. He nearly channeled his inner Rick Pitino when the situation was broached. 河流顯然不想再針對KG缺賽對綠杉軍所造成的影響多做評論。當討論到這個問題時河流的 處境當下顯得與當年的Rick Pitino有些神似。 註: Rick Pitino當年也執掌過塞爾提克兵符,但在當時當地球迷與媒體期望他重現塞爾提 克榮耀的壓力下他做的並不出色。他的名字現今已用來借喻那些無法重拾往日光輝表現的 球隊們。 "Guys, Kevin is not playing in this playoffs," Rivers said. "I'm not answering Kevin Garnett questions. I didn't even notice, honestly, until someone told me that he wasn't on the bench and I could care less. "你嘛卡拜託勒,真男人這一系列賽根本不會上場。",河流表示。"我不會再回答任何有關 他的問題。說實在的,要不是有人跟我說 "KG不見了!" 我根本就不會發現,也不會去在意 這個狀況。 "You know, hell, he was on the bench in the first half and we were down eight [actually nine]. So this is about the players in uniform. Kevin is gone. And he ain't coming back. The guys in uniform have to play." "你要知道,前半場比賽打完他還在場時我們卻落後了八分 (記者吐槽: 九分了啦,幹,你 有看比賽嗎? 看完比賽再來說嘴啦)。這件事跟上場比賽的球員們有關。雖然KG憑空消失且 沒有再回來,但我們的球員還是得繼續比賽。" On Saturday, it was the guys in the red, not the home whites, who played, or at least who played better. The Celtics' All-Star tandem of Ray Allen and Paul Pierce started slowly and together had eight points at the half. Pierce heated up and finished with 23, but it took him 21 shots and on Saturday, as he did on Feb. 5 against the Lakers, he missed one of two free throws near the end of regulation. Making both would have given the Celtics a one-point lead. Instead, the two teams headed to overtime. Not coincidentally, the Celtics lost that game to L.A. in OT as well. 但星期六在球場上表現較好的是客隊的紅衫軍(不是泰國那群),而不是主場身著白色球衣 的賽亞人。看家球星真理和雷槍這場的前半都還在熱機,兩個人只合拿了8分。熱完機的 真理雖然在下半場有所表現最後全場攻下了23分,但這個數據卻是出手了21次才換來的。 而就跟在2/5對戰湖人的比賽中一樣,在正規賽尾聲的罰球他兩罰只中了一球。若他兩球 都罰進的話超賽便有一分的領先優勢,或許就不必進行延長賽了。在延長賽中超賽就跟 2/5的比賽一樣最終以輸球收場。 Allen, meanwhile, never got on track, going 1-for-12 from the field. He finished with four points. 雷槍整場則跟大三零沒兩樣,卡彈的他投12只中1,全場只攻下了4分。 The Celtics may eventually be able to weather Garnett's absence. They can't, however, survive if one of the two remaining All-Stars is off his game. 超賽或許可以慢慢習慣沒有真男人的日子,但若剩餘的兩巨頭中有一個幌神,那麼他們十 之八九會GG。 For Chicago, the story wasn't all Rose. Noah, the second-year center, played with his trademark energy and had 11 points and 17 rebounds. Tyrus Thomas, who shot 16-for-41 in his first 10 playoff games, went 8-for-12 in his 11th. Backup center Brad Miller couldn't hit a shot, but he did pull down 12 boards. 而年輕的公牛也並不完全是倚賴玫瑰一個人。二年級的Noah在這場比賽中充滿了激情和能 量,得了11分並抓下了17個籃板。Tyrus Thomas在他前十場的季後賽中出手了41次卻只命 中了16球,不過在這次的第11場他出手12次並進了8球。替補中鋒大米手感冰冷只得4分, 但也稱職的抓下了12個籃板。 But in the end, the story was about Rose. The Garden fans were beside themselves with glee when the rookie fouled out in overtime. Even then, Rose didn't stamp his feet or complain. He threw his hands in the air and then quietly walked to the end of the bench. 但到了最後大家的焦點還是在玫瑰的身上。當在延長賽中這位新秀犯滿而必須離場時全場 球迷簡直是欣喜若狂,不過玫瑰並沒有耍任何小脾氣也沒有絲毫的抱怨。他乖乖的舉起了 手然後安靜的離場到板凳區就座。 That doesn't surprise anyone who's been around Rose this season. As Del Negro took questions after the game, Rose entered the press room undetected and stood quietly in the back, a soft drink in his hand, listening to his coach praise his maturity for his 20 years, his poise and his decision making. Rose didn't blink. 和他相處了整個球季的隊友對此都感到不意外。賽後當公牛教練「怒吼帝君」Del Negro 接受媒體採訪時玫瑰手上拿著一罐飲料像一隻貓般安靜的潛入了採訪室。聽著教練對他大 肆褒獎,稱讚他的成熟冷靜以及他解讀比賽的能力,玫瑰卻絲毫不為所動。 He opened plenty of eyes on Saturday, yet Del Negro declined to call it a coming out party. As the coach pointed out, the favorite for Rookie of the Year has been here all season. 玫瑰當天的表現讓許多人眼睛為之一亮,但Del Negro卻拒絕承認這場是他的代表作。怒吼 帝君認為這位年度最佳新秀呼聲最高的候選人整季以來的表現都一直是這麼的出色。 "We've been on national TV a lot," Del Negro said. "If you're not familiar with Derrick, you're not a basketball fan." "我們常出現在全國直播上。",Del Negro說道。"若不認識玫瑰,別說你看過NBA!" ============================================================================== 玫瑰魂! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hllwolfkhan:長得很像中中人 04/19 17:15
hllwolfkhan: 東 04/19 17:15
newyee:少一個KG就讓一個菜鳥拿36分 超賽有沒有那麼弱啊???? 04/19 17:16
jed19891120:手感問題!!XD 沒破記錄好可惜 ROSE 強阿 04/19 17:17
LaBaJame:是Rose本來就很強 04/19 17:17
Verlander35:看來Rose進化成人心怪樹 碧奧蘭蒂了 04/19 17:17
lovefordidi:轉錄至看板 ChicagoBulls 04/19 17:20
mark0628:今晚是玫瑰之夜? 04/19 17:21
GaelMonfils:超賽其實真的相當弱 去年拿冠軍完全只是因為對手更弱 04/19 17:22
hllwolfkhan:靠 樓上...這個酷!! 04/19 17:22
mark0628:樓上的論點從何而來? 04/19 17:22
kai730906:樓上表了西區全隊XD 04/19 17:22
agent0love:新梗出現了 04/19 17:23
jed19891120:= = 樓上......哀 04/19 17:23
mark0628: GaelMonfils的意思是西區全是嫩B? 04/19 17:23
hllwolfkhan:西區16隻球隊全都中槍 04/19 17:23
jed19891120:不知從哪來的= = 04/19 17:23
zark920323:要不是超賽主場優勢公牛可以贏更輕鬆吧 04/19 17:23
agent0love:孩子 拜託不要在季後賽來推這種文 我求妳... 04/19 17:24
yehming:西區沒有16隻球隊 04/19 17:24
GaelMonfils:打輸一個7戰4勝的系列賽的球隊要不然要說他比較強嗎.. 04/19 17:24
hllwolfkhan:更正...15隻 04/19 17:24
victor0218:那G大是說只有台啤能打贏LAKERS囉 04/19 17:25
newyee:樓上這樣也能當板主>???????????? 04/19 17:25
newyee:我指HLL... 04/19 17:25
a34567: GaelMonfils絕對不是NBA的球迷...難道是高強度的SBL!? 04/19 17:25
mark0628:好吧 就邏輯上其實沒錯 打輸的隊伍以結果論就是比較弱 04/19 17:25
jed19891120:犯錯誰都會 !! XDDD 04/19 17:25
cat0806:可笑的論點 04/19 17:26
MrTen:靠盃是說心酸的喔? XDDDDDDDDDD 04/19 17:26
victor0218:看蟹老闆故意打錯看到膩了,換點新的好嗎? 04/19 17:26
jed19891120:= = 這樣的結論就是怪怪的 04/19 17:26
y246hdse:推翻譯!! 04/19 17:26
newyee:推 hllwolfkhan:西區16隻球隊全都中槍 把台皮算在內嗎? 04/19 17:26
GaelMonfils:覺得我可笑 那就反駁我啊 04/19 17:27
Ppqp:翻譯很趣味 04/19 17:27
GaelMonfils:如果是指我的話 04/19 17:27
Kirihara:newyee好厲害喔 不爽出來選板主阿 04/19 17:28
hllwolfkhan:一時間按太快 我後面有說更正了... 04/19 17:28
xinlovelai:老闆 我要雞排要辣跟一瓶沙士 XD 04/19 17:28
laogiby:洩老闆版主很熱心沒錯,但能不能選個字阿??????? 04/19 17:29
jed19891120:只要證明超賽不弱就好啦 雖然我不喜歡PP...... 04/19 17:29
cat0806:newyee可能被浸太久了 出來不習慣 04/19 17:29
jed19891120:純屬個人論點!! 04/19 17:29
laogiby:選個字不用零點幾秒吧 @@? 幹麻整天發了再修呢 QQ 04/19 17:29
baimoo520:這是釣魚嗎?? 想想看要不要吃爾好了... 04/19 17:30
chinhan1216:也只能拿去年來講 今年有啥? 04/19 17:30
CrazyKG:newyee先生又來建設國家阿 04/19 17:30
GaelMonfils:離最近的總冠軍就是去年 不然要講哪一年 04/19 17:30
newyee:送出字前 跟選個字前不會用頭腦想一下再送出嗎? 04/19 17:30
jed19891120:但你不能說總冠軍很弱阿= =這好像全部的nba都被你罵了 04/19 17:31
agent0love:不然也可以說去年世界上哪一隊比超賽強? 04/19 17:32
CW4:推翻譯~ 04/19 17:32
victor0218:我嚴重懷疑是故意打錯 04/19 17:32
laogiby:我最近也有這種感覺囉.......有些太誇張嚕 04/19 17:33
laogiby:新注音也不可能產生那些詞 @@ 04/19 17:34
FY4:推翻譯~ 04/19 17:35
RainyCity:阿要創造出自己的MARK阿 不要說出來拉! 04/19 17:35
hllwolfkhan:因為我私底下常會用那些怪字...所以他就跑出來了... 04/19 17:35
hllwolfkhan:我也知道選字的重要性 但有時候還是會手划.... 04/19 17:36
newyee:櫻木也手"划"呀...................... 04/19 17:36
RainyCity:恩阿 更何況新注音按ENTER就送出 再按個Y又送出 不好改 04/19 17:37
ATSEVEN:某些不肖板友又在亂戰板主了... 04/19 17:37
SoulHsu:就像乞丐中的霸主還是乞丐~弱隊中的冠軍還是弱隊意思嗎... 04/19 17:37
ATSEVEN:還有超賽對手哪只包括西區...東區也一堆 04/19 17:39
hllwolfkhan:先閃 一天沒睡 眼都花了 掰 04/19 17:40
jed19891120:跟樓上A大想法一下 所以是指NBA都是弱隊???= = 04/19 17:40
SoulHsu:大師兄:我的意思是~~在座的的各位都是垃圾..581才是王道똠 04/19 17:41
liousta:番得真好 04/19 17:43
ICpo:翻得有趣,推一個! 04/19 17:45
poloball:Verlander35:看來Rose進化成人心怪樹 碧奧蘭蒂了 04/19 17:46
poloball:推哥吉拉 XD 04/19 17:46
cku9527:如果各隊有興趣,也可以加入581,不過我只會訓練精英..絕不 04/19 17:47
GregOden:平生不識德玫瑰 便稱球迷也枉然 04/19 17:48
cku9527:接受....垃圾 04/19 17:48
CrazyKG: 三平? 04/19 17:53
CrazyKG:手滑多了幾個空格真是不好意思 04/19 17:53
timohu:不意外,ROSE就是這樣冷靜的一號表情,這種人才是最恐怖的! 04/19 18:02
newyee:所以LBJ高調 代表說一點也不恐怖? 04/19 18:12
GaelMonfils:冷靜->恐怖 不代表 高調就不恐怖 04/19 18:14
timohu:只是覺得ROSE有些特質跟之前王很像~讓人看不到他的情緒 04/19 18:15
scrwer:KG這個系列賽不會出賽 是只有第一輪嗎 04/19 18:22
maxchage:推一個 翻譯的好看好玩又有趣 04/19 18:31
hotwei: 田單用火牛陣打過賽亞人.... 04/19 18:33
blooddance:這翻譯真是平易近人 非常的ptt 04/19 19:01
lave70:第一場季後賽就能打成這樣 相當厲害... 04/19 19:05
Bigcookie2:球風跟個性不太合..感覺個性很低調阿.. 04/19 19:05
yeustream:翻得真好~~ 不過容我挑一下打錯字,"稱"職 04/19 19:07
celestial318:喔喔 感謝 我改一下 04/19 19:08
※ 編輯: celestial318 來自: (04/19 19:09)
momofishj:黑色玫瑰這綽號真的很適合他XD 不然來個冷血玫瑰好了 04/19 19:46
lave70:黑色玫瑰 X>--- 04/19 19:52
waybz:期待下一場再爆冷 04/19 21:04
gepenny:我有疑問 大米有得分啊 04/19 21:16
celestial318:嗯 可能我會錯意了QQ 改一下好了 04/19 21:22
※ 編輯: celestial318 來自: (04/19 21:23)
peja528:推一個~翻譯的很棒~~很有趣!!! 04/20 00:44
leeblo:超賽沒KG只能算隻病貓 04/20 00:52
allen7976:推 04/20 14:01