精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/g0giB High risk, high reward. 高風險的買賣才能夠獲得等高的報酬,這是先賢們傳承下來的經驗 It's going to be that way for the Washington Wizards as long as they tie their fortunes to Gilbert Arenas, and as long as he teases, and temps, and posts a double-double in his first basketball game in almost a year, they will. 而這也是巫師與0號之間交易的最佳寫照。殺頭的生意有人做,只要0號瘋子能夠持續的嘴 砲,持續的維持他復出首場比賽的雙十表現,這便是一樁值得的買賣。 The Wizards continue to be the most maddening, interesting, frustrating team in the league now that Arenas is back at the wheel, as he was in the final seconds of a 98-96 loss Saturday to Detroit, in his first game after a third surgery on his left knee during the preseason. As ever, he is a roller coaster teetering on the edge. Go slower, and it's a boring kiddie ride. Go faster, and you will have the thrill of your life -- but you may well die. So what will it be? 在0號回歸後,巫師依舊是聯盟中最有趣卻最令人羞怒及沮喪的隊伍,便如同0號在復出賽 的表現一樣。在經歷了季前對左膝所動過的三個手術後,此場比賽中0號失手的絕殺使得巫 師以96:98惜敗給了擁有戰神AI的活塞隊。他就像是一台搖擺不定的雲霄飛車,要他慢慢來 的話可能比坐旋轉木馬還無聊,但過快的話又有著甲~土~豆~的生命危險 (http://0rz.tw/yfNTg)。旋轉木馬 vs 甲土豆,dochi? Through an agreed-upon limit of 28 minutes (his playing time for the forseeable future), Arenas dimed up the Pistons, getting layups and dunks for teammates, and, despite going 3-for-12 from the floor, still scored 15 points through his usual array of treys, drives, stepback jumpers and free throws. He also got blown by by Detroit's Rodney Stuckey and didn't put much pressure on the ball, which helped lead to a half-dozen wide open jumpers from Rip Hamilton. 在一場比賽至多只能打28分鐘的限制下,當天的0號其實還是對活塞造成了不小的威脅。0 號非常活躍,突破、中投、遠投、助攻、罰球樣樣都有,在命中率只有投12中3的低迷情況 下依舊拿下了15分。然而在防守端的表現卻有如旋轉門一般被活塞控衛新一哥(?)史塔基過 假的,進而造成了許多RIP能夠輕鬆跳投得分的絕大空檔。 And on the key play of the game, with Washington down three with 5 seconds left , Arenas drifted ever so slightly to the left when receiving an inbounds pass instead of shooting the gap straight up the middle, where two teammates were building a wall for him to have an open look at a 3-pointer. That allowed the trailing Hamilton to give a foul. 不過在關鍵時刻,巫師們所信任的依舊是這個瘋子。在最後五秒巫師落後三分由場外發球 的情況下,0號異於過往的往左邊移動準備接球,而兩名隊友也在這裡為他幫忙擋人好讓 他能夠順利的完成絕殺,而這個狀況也迫使當時負責防守他的RIP對他下手犯規。以往的0 號通常是會在場中央距離三分線好幾步的距離接到球,並且在一對一的情況下完成他那膾 炙人口的絕殺。 Little things like that have kept the Wizards from being a real winner for years. But more on that in a few paragraphs. This night was first and foremost about Arenas' return after missing 89 percent of Washington's games during the last two years, recovering from microfracture surgery in 2007 and an arthroscope last fall. 一些細節方面的疏忽使得巫師多年來始終無法突破成為一流的強者,而在稍後我會在於此 方面多加著墨。2007的關節鏡軟骨手術以及去年秋天的關節內窺鏡手術使得0號在過去兩年 來錯過了近九成的比賽。但是,0爺爺,您回來了,就在今舔,就在今舔! "The best part of this is that I actually stuck to the program of rehabbing," Arenas said afterward. "My leg is 10 times stronger than before ... at the end of the day, I had to find out where [my knee] is at." "我最欣慰的是我有跟著我的復建計畫走",0號說到。"雖然沒有辦法達到原訂的目標20倍 ,但我覺得我的腿比以前強壯了十倍!藉由比賽我也可以更清楚的了解現在膝蓋的狀況。" Arenas says he can now squat 505 pounds after committing to a weightlifting program for the first time in his life. Starting seven days a week (since curtailed to three times a week), he hit the weightroom. After his first surgery, he didn't built up his quads, leaving his legs weaker than they should have been; he says the second knee injury occurred, in part, after he had taken a painkilling shot for a wrist injury during last year's playoff series with Cleveland, and didn't realize he'd hurt his knee again in Game 2 of that series . 0號臉不紅氣不喘的說到在參加了生平第一次的重量訓練課程後,他現在已可負重505磅! (但小心易碎)。一開始他每個星期只去七天(...幹那不是每天都去嗎),但現在減少到了 一週三次。他說動完第一個手術後他沒有強化四頭肌,結果他的腿因此而日漸玻璃化而他 沒察覺。第二次的膝蓋受傷則是來自於去年季後賽與天子對決的第二場,當時為了上場比 賽他打了一針止痛藥來緩和手腕的傷勢,卻沒料到在比賽中他已經再度的傷害了他的膝蓋 。 "I was like, 'why am I limping?,'" he said. "那時候我在想: 阿靠盃林北那ㄟ並掰咖" But instead of pushing it this time, Arenas listened to the Wizards' doctors and trainers, who prescribed a lengthy rehab. He was supposed to be back in January, but the doctors said not yet, and he didn't push them. He practiced with the team for six weeks before getting the green light to return to the lineup. Saturday, after a pregame text from former coach Eddie Jordan told him to let the game come to him, Arenas spent most of the night being a facilitator . But he got $111 million from Washington this past summer because he can put the ball in the basket like few others. 在巫師隊醫和訓練員異口同聲的詢問"您為什麼要這麼著急呢?"後,這次0號便決定隨著他 們所排定的長期復建計畫慢慢來。理論上他一月就可以回到球場上了,但在隊醫以同樣的 問題再次質詢他時,他很乖的聽話了。在回到球員名單上前他隨隊練了六個星期的球,而 在星期六當天收到前教練Eddie Jordan的簡訊"就決定是你了,去吧,0號瘋子!"後,他終 於再度踏上了球場。雖然這場比賽0號扮演著進攻發動機的角色而傳出了不少助攻,但巫師 在去年夏天與他續約主要是因為他那眾所皆知的出色進攻能力。 0號: 超爽的~~~撿到一億元勒~~~欸~ And therein lies the Wizards' dilemma going forward. 讓巫師左右為難的狀況便出在這。本篇文章配備的標題為made in China,此篇與爭奪狀元 的觀念毫無關係,看到這的請耐心繼續閱讀不要按2,感謝您的配合。 With Arenas, Caron Butler and Antwan Jamison leading the way, Washington is always going to be an offense-first team. But that's only gotten the Wizards one playoff series victory in four years. People around here revere this group, as if it's gotten to two or three Finals during this run. Part of the reason is Washington's utter futility as a franchise in the two decades before Ernie Grunfeld and Jordan came to town. Part of it that the Arenas-led Wizards are fun to watch, and he's such a compelling guy. 陣中擁有0號、Butler、Jamison這三巨頭的巫師隊向來都是一個以進攻為優先的球隊,但 這種打法也只讓巫師在4年內贏得了一次季後賽的系列戰。這裡的人們卻仿似他們已經打過 幾次總冠軍賽而對他們無比的崇敬。一方面是因為在Grunfeld和Jordan落足此地的前20年 本地球隊顯然是沒有受過當職業球隊的專業訓練,另一方面則是因為0號大將軍確實是一個 能惹人注目的傢伙,且在他的帶領下巫師比賽的可觀性也有了顯著的提升。 To wit: Gilbert, were you upset that you weren't introduced last in the starting lineup , like most superstars? "Nah. It's not like if you're introduced last, you get a car." Gilbert, why didn't you do pool rehab as well as lift, which is less taxing on the joints? "You know, you get in the pool, and it's like, 'okay, kids, let's go swimming .'" He's really an interesting guy. 大將軍本身也是個幽默風趣的人: "0號,在開賽的球員介紹中你並沒有跟聯盟中其他一哥一樣被放在最後一個介紹,哩無感 尬金袂爽謀?" "你想釣魚,我才不告訴膩雷~~欸~" "......" "其實根本就沒差,又不是說最後一個被介紹的可以賺到一部車,然後在那邊炫耀: 媽,我勃起...阿不是我中獎了!!!呀呼~" "為何你不在泳池中進行復健及重訓的流程,這樣做似乎對關節的負擔會比較小。" "只要一到水中,我就會有這種感覺: 小朋友,0號葛格帶你們去玩水好不好阿^.< 我可不是在代班巫師幼幼台阿。" 他真的是個很有意思的傢伙。 But his team isn't close to being a factor in the NBA. 但這卻改變不了巫師在聯盟中的地位。 It clings to the memory of having the best record in the Eastern Conference at the All-Star break in 2007, but that was two years ago, when the Celtics didn't have KG and Ray Allen and Doc Rivers and Tom Thibodeau; when the Cavaliers couldn't throw the basketball in the ocean; when the Magic didn't have Rashard Lewis and Hedo Turkoglu, and Dwight Howard was still in Superman School. Times have changed. The East has changed. The Hawks are good now, for Dominique Wilkins' sake! 他們最風光的時刻大概就是在2007年明星賽的時候擁有著傲視東區的最佳戰績,只不過那 也是兩年前的事了。那時候超賽還未覺醒,沒有真男人、沒有雷槍、沒有河流也沒有 最佳防守教練Thibodeau,騎士隊的外線仍慘不忍賭,魔術隊還沒花2000萬還沒生產火槍兵 ,而魔獸也還在超人在職專班受訓。時光冉冉,東區已經有了巨大的變化,老鷹們或許也 因為前輩Wilkins的緣故而開始振翅高飛! All those teams -- and Miami, and Philly, and Milwaukee, and Charlotte -- have gotten serious about defense. 除了剛提到的隊伍外,與阿聯同處東區的熱火、山貓,與阿聯同梯的Thaddeus Young所待 的76人,以及阿聯的老東家雄鹿等隊也都開始認真的看待防守這件事。 The Wizards talk about defense, then don't play any. 巫師嘴巴說要努力防守,身體倒是挺誠實的完全沒做。 And, assuming they replace interim coach Ed Tapscott this summer (full disclosure: I've been friends with Tap for more than 20 years; I'm not impartial on this deal), don't they have to bring in someone who'll make them value that attention to detail, those little things than cause them to lose games -- especially at the defensive end? 假設他們今年暑假想要找人來替換臨危受命Tapscott (我必須公開一件事:Tap老兄已經當 強者我朋友當了超過20年了,我對於他被聘請當巫師教練這交易是很有點意見的),那麼 他們是不是應該找個能夠讓全隊意識到防守重要性的教練? Doesn't that mean a guy like Avery Johnson, for example? 舉例來說,我認為小將軍Avery Johnson是個符合條件的人選。 The Wizards would probably hate him; he's hateable when he's coaching. They'd curse him when he made them run "17s" until they puked. They would also close out on screen-rolls and put ball pressure on opposing point guards. 雖然他本身人很nice,但他在執掌兵符的時候是很機歪的。他會讓球員們跑自殺跑到吐 (17s是指在一分鐘內進行由球場其中一邊線跑到另外一邊17次的殘酷訓練),也會逼迫球員 們在擋人過後費力的上去對持球的對方後衛進行壓迫。若他執教的話我想巫師們一定是幹 聲連連,每日上黑特。 On the other hand, they'd probably love a guy like former Timberwolves and Pistons coach Flip Saunders. The Wizards, after four years of Princeton-based offense from both Jordan and Tapscott, are a system team, and Saunders is a system coach, still among the most innovative minds in the game -- "an offensive genius," one of the Pistons said afterward. Saunders would get the ball to the right guys at the right time. 相較之下,他們一定會愛上前灰狼和活塞的教練Flip Saunders。在Jordan和Tapscott手下 經過了四年普林斯頓進攻薰陶的巫師是一個有系統的隊伍,而老桑向來對帶這種隊伍有一 套。"他簡直是個進攻方面的天才",某位不願具名的活塞球員誇道。老桑總是有著嶄新的 創意,且總是能夠在最適當的時間把球交給最適當的人選。 But he's never been confused with Pat Riley when it comes to making demands on defense. And it appeared -- from the outside, anyway -- that he didn't have the respect of Detroit's veteran players, most notably Ben Wallace. 但是當提到防守時,老桑與油頭Pat Riley簡直就是天與地的差別。而且看起來他與活塞隊 的老球皮們,特別是班蛙,相處的並不好。他們之間似乎沒有尊重可言。 Still, my Piston Prophet says Saunders got a bum rap when it comes to his defensive bona fides. 不過另外一名球員卻認為只要一提到老桑的防守意識,外界總是會給他一些不公正的批評 。 "He had a lot of good zone principles. But it took us a long time to buy into him, coming from L.B. [Larry Brown]," the Pistons player said. "If we had bought in from the beginning, it might have turned out differently." "他其實擁有很多良好的區域概念,但在習慣了布朗爺的系統後,我們花了很長的一段時間 才開始接受他的方式。",這名球員說道。"如果我們一開始就能接受他的話,那麼說不定 就會有一些不一樣的結果。" But Arenas' biggest project may be working through things with his teammates. Not the kids that he ripped in the Washington Post; really, does anyone care outside the Blatche family if Andray Blatche is upset with Agent Zero? (The Wiz are hoping to dispatch a couple of their knucklehead youngsters this summer, anyway.) Gil's issues will be with his fellow Big Threers, Antawn Jamison and Caron Butler. They all respect one another, and in their heart of hearts, they know Arenas makes everyone better. 但大將軍最大的課題可能是要學會如何跟隊友融洽的相處,而這些人並不是指那些他在華 盛頓郵報上猛虧的小鬼們。你想想,除了Andray Blatche的親朋好友外,誰會去在意他是 不是不爽0號? 他算哪根蔥? (更何況今年夏天巫師應該會想要送走一些陣中的毛頭小子) 。主要的問題應該還是在於三巨頭之間的相處狀況。他們沒那麼無聊去搶誰當大哥誰當二 哥,他們彼此都互相尊重,且另外兩者也都相信0號的歸來可以讓大家變的更好。 But that doesn't mean he's easy like Sunday morning. 但這並不代表他可以輕鬆的待在家裡數錢。 "He's a different guy," one member of the Wiz organization says, and that's not likely to change. "他是個與眾不同的傢伙。",一名巫師內部組織的工作人員表示,且這件事將不會有所改 變。 "We need him to understand how important he is to this team," Jamison said. "The same with Caron, the same with myself. Not just Gil, but big-time players on this team have to sacrifice next year. I like the example of the Paul Pierce situation. When Garnett and Ray Allen came, Paul was giving you 24, 25 a night. But he realized that that's not what it's all about anymore. It's about sacrificing for the sake of the team. That 24 can go down to 19, 20. But guess what? Number one seed, I'm understanding my role ... Gil can average 30 if he wants to. But what's wrong with dropping that down to 25, 26, and getting everyone else involved, and taking over at certain points of time?" "我們希望他能夠知道他是我們的依靠~",Jamison說道。"當然我跟Caron也必須有著同樣 的觀念,在明年的時候我們都必須要有所犧牲。我很喜歡包皮的例子。當雷槍和真男人入 隊之時,他每晚還是可以拿個24、5分,但是他發現現在隊上最需要的再也不是得分了,於 是24分可以下修到19、20分,結果勒結果勒~他們取得第一種子。我很了解我該做的事... 0號這瘋子想要場均30分就跟喝水一般容易,但是稍微下修得分讓全隊一起參與進攻,並且 在關鍵時候再跳出來當英雄是件多麼爽快的事阿!" That question will hang over the Wizards the rest of this season, through the lottery, and the draft, and the next (likely) coach, and into next season, its answer uncertain, the franchise careening from joy to terror and back again in 1.9 seconds, wondering if the wild ride will ever end, half wishing it would, half hoping it doesn't, the mercurial Arenas at the wheel, laughing and smiling and holding the future in his gifted hands. 在所剩不多的季賽中這問題將持續的為眾巫師們所思考,一直到樂透,一直到選秀,一直 到下一個教練上任,一直到下一季,一直到下一個天亮...在有著明確的解答前,巫師將會 一直對0號抱持著既期待又怕受傷害的心情,而精明的大將軍將球隊未來的一切操之在手 ,想必一定能令巫師再次變出令人目瞪口呆的奇幻表現! ============================================================================== 這篇還真是長的過頭了... 都是版主沒設定好害我把錢輸光了 只好po文騙錢= = 看到0號回來是還頗高興的 希望他趕快恢復身手 不過我論這篇被一堆新聞淹沒的可能性 最後 此篇絕不是愚人節文 正當推文的人 我由衷的感謝你們的支持 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
leebee:幫你推 04/01 18:16
SeeDEX:推!很喜歡這種鄉民式翻譯的風格 04/01 18:17
otakunann:季末練練身手,搶狀原本較實在吧 04/01 18:20
vlsan:翻的不錯,推 04/01 18:21
cwebb4:推 巫師在4年內打進了一次的季後賽-->應是只贏了一次系列戰 04/01 18:21
word324:推 04/01 18:24
bakingss:哭哭 現在是怪板主就對囉!? 我要頭噓!!! 04/01 18:27
lovetracy:我看完了 推~~ 希望以後還有這種鄉民式翻譯喔~~ 04/01 18:28
bakingss:喔 我誤會了 不是在講我XD 04/01 18:28
bakingss:補血 補血 04/01 18:28
kim9301365:哭哭 這篇很貴喔~~打很久喔! 04/01 18:28
bakingss:celestial3182大大的翻譯 真的非常符合鄉民胃口 我喜歡 04/01 18:31
donvito:0號: 超爽的~~~撿到一億元勒~~~欸~ 04/01 18:32
gaiaesque:推 04/01 18:35
rich780501:XD 真的超長的~不過也才7百多P幣 真不好賺~"~ 04/01 18:37
wasely23:翻得很有趣~推一個 04/01 18:39
jacka1201:推一個...:D 另外請教17s是球場最長的兩邊嗎? 那個好操~ 04/01 18:45
okokla:17s?! 3.5秒左右跑過籃球場17次?! 太....太可怕了吧!!! 04/01 18:50
stoudemire31:哈~翻得不錯~ 媽~我勃起了那邊我笑到噴飯XD 04/01 18:53
※ 編輯: celestial318 來自: (04/01 18:58)
celestial318:謝提醒 看太快了= = 我想應該是球場短的兩邊 04/01 18:59
lave70:看有沒有機會選到B.Griffin 這樣陣容大有可為 04/01 18:59
hiphopboy7:雖然長 但是還滿好笑的 輕鬆看完0.0 04/01 19:02
GILArenas:推一個 04/01 19:02
NaClLin:妹得引猜哪 04/01 19:06
d88647511:應該不是球場短的..因為我們系隊就是跑短的兩邊17次 04/01 19:26
d88647511:NBA等級應該是長的吧!!! 04/01 19:27
kaede0711:蠻喜歡0號大將軍的希望他趕快回球場 04/01 19:34
celestial318:http://0rz.tw/Oq6d7 是邊線 不是底線 短時間內會重 04/01 19:36
celestial318:複個幾次 所以還是很魔鬼的訓練 04/01 19:37
kaiyue:看到標題 怎麼想到少年阿賓 囧 04/01 20:11
rossi876:好 校的翻譯 04/01 21:08
RonArtest93:PUSH 辛苦了 04/01 21:17
kaiDX:推阿 這超好笑 04/01 21:18
ksk0516:好文XDD 04/01 21:28
bulletproof:不錯喔 04/01 21:35
dscndg:真的很長 04/01 21:41
newd917:推~ 04/01 22:22
AmdsLancelot:推好文 04/01 22:28
Uber:老桑躺著又中槍 04/01 23:12
allen7976:大推C大!!! 04/01 23:15
tokevin1023:推!翻譯的很有點啊 04/02 00:13
rammstein:是哪一齋啊?信齋? 04/02 01:18
BrentRoy:推好文 0號加油!! 04/02 01:28
hllwolfkhan:推好文!!!! 04/02 01:49
jerryjhang:PUSH 04/02 02:22
sungastill:推 04/02 02:30
vul3a04:pu 04/02 04:21
celestial318:嗯...是實驗室IP XD 感謝大家的支持 04/02 09:53
Tmix:推假~頭~到~~~ 04/02 22:36
fishhook:不錯,推一個 04/03 11:36