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原文恕刪 原po所提供之連結 http://www.thestar.com/Sports/article/621111 The FBI is investigating the estranged wife of the University of Louisville's equipment manager regarding extortion allegations levelled by basketball coach Rick Pitino, her attorney said yesterday. FBI正在對一名為Karen Sypher的女子進行調查。這名女子為路易斯維爾大學器材部經理 Tim Sypher的妻子,目前與Tim Sypher為分居狀態。她的律師表示此次調查會展開的原因 是因為Rick Pitino曾對外聲稱此女曾涉嫌對他進行勒索行為。 Attorney Thomas Clay said he had spoken with the FBI about the matter last week but offered no further comment. Clay represents Karen Sypher, the wife of long-time Cardinals equipment manager Tim Sypher. 律師Thomas Clay表示他曾代表當事人在上個星期與FBI進行此事件方面的相關談話,但拒 絕再透露任何進一步的內容。Clay的當事人便是前面所提到的Karen Sypher。 Clay acknowledged Karen Sypher was contacted by the FBI after Pitino filed a complaint last month that he was being targeted for extortion. Clay被告知在上個月Pitino對外抱怨他曾被人勒索過後他的當事人Karen Sypher便被FBI 找上門了。 "I can't be more specific than they talked to her," Clay said. ``Yes, there could be a criminal prosecution." "我只能告訴你們FBI確實有跟我的當事人進行過談話。",Clay說道。"對方是有可能針對 這個事件對我的當事人提出起訴。" FBI spokesman David Beyer confirmed there was an ongoing investigation into Pitino's complaint and that no other law enforcement agencies were involved. FBI方面的發言人David Beyer則確認了針對Pitino的抱怨進行調查的消息,並強調目前 尚未有其餘政府機關介入其中。 Pitino said in a statement Saturday night that he planned to keep the matter private but was forced into action when the individual – whom he did not name – decided to go to the media. The statement did not detail the threats. Pitino在星期六的聲明中表示他原本不想將這件事公開的,但某位未知名的人士卻擅自對 媒體爆了這個料。聲明中則未對勒索過程有任何進一步的說明。 ============================================================================== 所以說就是小小的法律糾紛 何況Pitino目前看起來還是受害人= = 不過我跟Pitino不是很熟就是了 只知道他的教練生涯似乎不是很順利... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hllwolfkhan:推用心 04/21 00:30
OnlyTD: 良甫(炸 04/21 00:32
sky2001:Pitino很順阿 80年代末期就可以帶尼克隊 那時他才幾歲 04/21 00:32
varg:他在ncaa也算是呼風喚雨了 只是在nba不順而已 04/21 00:36
celestial318:似乎剛開始在尼克時不錯 不過到塞爾提克後囧掉 04/21 00:37
sky2001:塞爾提克時期他提攜了很多自己肯塔基的子弟兵 04/21 00:39
gaiaesque:ron mercer... 04/21 00:40
sky2001:Walter McCarty 還有囧臉Walker 04/21 00:41
imanikki:Tony Delk XD 04/21 00:47
xhole:McCarty Delk Walker Mercer Rondo C's肯塔基校友隊 04/21 00:48
xinlovelai:推! 04/21 00:57