精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
影音圖文版: http://celestial114.pixnet.net/blog/post/24683338 原文連結: http://tinyurl.com/p5edp6 Yeah, Comcast Sports Net New England's Gary Tanguay isn't exactly known for being one of the most original or ground-breaking media members in Beantown, but he did drop an interesting note Tuesday night regarding injured Kevin Garnett and his availability if the Boston Celtics had advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals vs. Cleveland. 雖然Comcast Sports Net New England的Gary Tanguay向來不是波士頓當地著名的爆料媒 體中的一員,但星期二晚上他卻語出驚人的發表了一篇大家關切許久的"KG何時會脫下西裝 "的相關報導。 During the late edition of their Sports Tonight broadcast, Tanguay told co-host Michael Felger that he heard from sources that Garnett would have played against the Cavaliers if the Celtics had defeated the Magic in Sunday's Game 7. 在當晚的節目中Tanguay告訴了一起主持的Michael Felger根據他的線報指出,若超賽當時 順利的在第七戰破解魔術而前進東區冠軍賽的話,那麼在對陣騎士時真男人就即將會上場 。 Obviously, Tanguay's got some inside connections (CSN is the official broadcast partner of the team and he is the studio host for the broadcasts) and by leading off with this, he puts himself out there in case it's not true. 很明顯的,Tanguay是有一些獨家的內幕消息(CSN是超賽官方的廣播合作夥伴,而他是播報 的主持人之一),而若這消息不是真的那麼我想他一定是吃了熊心豹子膽才敢這樣說。 But it does raise some questions if it is true: 但若這消息屬實的話,那麼這齣鄉民最愛的陰謀論顯然還是有著一些疑點: - Just how bad is this knee anyway? KG is due to have surgery next week, but there sure is a Tom Brady-esque feeling of silence around the situation, eh? 真男人他膝蓋的傷勢到底有多嚴重? 雖然超賽已經宣佈了KG將準備在下個禮拜進行手術, 但這件攸關超賽興亡的大事最後卻有點雷聲大雨點小的感覺。 - Assuming the above is true, if he could have played in Game 1, why didn't he play in Game 7 against Orlando? 若此事屬實的話,那麼理應在今天這場比賽上陣的他為何沒有在對魔術的第七戰上場? - Was GM Danny Ainge simply smoke-screening all this time? I guess the answer to this is obvious, but if Garnett had returned, it would have interesting to hear what he would have to say after he so vehemently denied Garnett would play in the postseason. 難道GM安吉這段時間以來真的都在丟煙霧彈嗎? (Fire in the hole!) 我想這答案大家心 知肚明,但若KG真的脫掉西裝上場,安吉的說詞將會是另一齣令人期待的精采好戲。 - What's the benefit of breaking this info now? I don't see much of a benefit to be gained for everyone and actually, I see more negatives that could come out of it. 但現在爆這個卦是有個屁用? 根本是百害而無一利。 - How much could we have expected out of him? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? Celtics fans would probably say a 60% Garnett is better than no Garnett, but would he have been able to make any sizable impact? 就算他真的能上場,他可以撐多久? 超賽迷可能會認為就算60%的KG也比完全沒有好,但他 真的能夠影響戰局嗎? There isn't anything buzzing much yet on the interwebs about this, but I suspect we will hear more in the week ahead. It does twist the knife a bit to realize we could have been that close to an emotional Garnett comeback, but in the end, the Celtics got throttled in Game 7 and the Magic moved on. 目前這個八卦的熱門程度並不如預期,但我相信在經過有心人的傳達後將會被更廣泛的討 論。這個消息給我們的感覺就像是差一下卻被別人尾刀般的悵然若失,只差那麼一點就可 以看到真男人脫西裝了,不過超賽最終還是在第七戰被魔術戲耍而提前放了暑假。 Damn it. 真靠盃。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
permoon:......................................... 05/21 17:33
LABOYS:我...我還沒發功... 05/21 17:33
nogoodlaugh:借轉 05/21 17:34
nogoodlaugh:轉錄至看板 KevinGarnett 05/21 17:34
Nelson26:未.看.先.推 05/21 17:35
L2M:ESPN 說他下週要動手術了 05/21 17:36
asole:KG出來照樣被電 05/21 17:38
g198877422:現在不是超賽對騎士 無法證實 他說河流會親自下場都行 05/21 17:41
jiuan1027:若火箭順利的在第七戰破解湖人而前進西區冠軍賽的話 05/21 17:42
g198877422:踢妹跟姚明會脫下西裝 大夢會上場 05/21 17:43
kaj1983:老木就會復出上場了~ 05/21 17:43
cfs:都他在扯 我還知道如果打進東區冠軍 大鳥也說要上耶 05/21 17:43
dusted:大鳥沒進季後賽也中槍 05/21 17:43
LABOYS: 我還知道如果打進東區冠軍 羅素也說要上耶 05/21 17:44
cfs:況且就算KG上又怎樣....燃燒自己職業生命 影響力也不高 05/21 17:45
BillRussell:LABOYS不要亂講 我從頭到尾都沒說要上場打球 05/21 17:49
word324:樓上打算連腳趾都戴滿戒指 05/21 17:52
LABOYS:我是去巷口買菜的時候 突然聽到有個人自稱叫... 05/21 17:53
cyhe:[陸聞]火箭計劃明年季後賽 TMac從第二輪開始打 以避開魔咒 05/21 17:54
orange7:樓樓上的第11個戒指是戴在中心腳嗎 05/21 17:54
chinhan1216:推文好好笑 05/21 17:54
rainingdayz:還不如好好養傷 萬一搞得跟﹍﹍﹍一樣還得了 05/21 17:56
gap057:我還聽說公牛打贏賽爾提克MJ就會上場對魔術咧 05/21 17:56
tompy:脫西裝然後還是坐在場邊 這樣是有差? 05/21 18:01
spring610:推文比內文精采XDDDD 05/21 18:05
feelike:這種死無對證的乳摸人人都會說,我們都輸了還在那邊亂放話 05/21 18:05
lave70:西裝只是輔助 05/21 18:06
kenyon128029:推文金靠被XDD 05/21 18:07
lave70:眾掛傷號明星:你以為只有你一個西裝底下穿球衣? 科科 05/21 18:08
daisway:PENNY說KG上場的話他也要穿魔術球衣上場 05/21 18:11
lave70:Shaq:我也是魔術之友 我也要回來打(脫西裝) 05/21 18:14
richard1003:傷了那麼久,就算G7勉強上又真的能貢獻多少? 05/21 18:19
samcra:聽說公牛贏了塞爾提克 公牛將會使用神之卡召喚出93喬丹.. 05/21 18:23
LABOYS: 可是要獻上三個先發進行召喚 05/21 18:25
Jason0813: 出棒球喬丹 05/21 18:32
chochofish:[乳摸]國王隊打入西區冠軍賽,打算徵招陳信安 05/21 18:35
gotiger:其實真男人回家都會把西裝脫下來...... 05/21 18:46
kaj1983: 練習雙手運球 05/21 18:47
sky99: 黃金球 05/21 18:54
l6k5j4:只見魔術板凳席 某人吃完香蕉 脫衣上場 05/21 19:11
alan09082006:乖乖養傷+1 增長顛峰期 05/21 19:23
im5566:幹~聽說勇士如果進季後賽~張伯倫會從棺木裡爬出來比賽~ 05/21 19:35
canonring151:難道連馬刺找我西區決賽出來也要跟你們說嗎 05/21 20:21
ilefe:汪汪汪~ 05/21 21:21
allen7976:推 05/21 22:02
lanth123:Bill Russell 要脫掉西裝下場才是真的 05/21 23:29
bboyaryu:怎麼能少了安吉呢??他說他跟麥克海爾也要上喔 05/22 01:04