精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文恕刪 New York Times有篇主要與NFL有關的文章有提到: http://tinyurl.com/mxgfyu 擷取部份內容 So say the T-shirts and the caps worn in Niger, Uganda and Sierra Leone. 這些帽子和衣服會被穿在尼日、烏干達和塞拉利昂等貧窮國家的人民身上。 The other set of championship gear — the 288 T-shirts and caps made for the team that did not win — will be hidden behind a locked door at Dolphin Stadium . By order of the National Football League, those items are never to appear on television or on eBay. They are never even to be seen on American soil. 為落敗方所訂製的那套衣物 -- 288件T恤和帽子會被鎖在邁阿密海豚球場中的某個房間內 。根據NFL的規定這些衣物將永遠不能出現在電視上或者eBay等拍賣網站上,在美國當地是 沒辦法再看到它們的蹤跡的。 They will be shipped Monday morning to a warehouse in Sewickley, Pa., near Pittsburgh, where they will become property of World Vision, a relief organization that will package the clothing in wooden boxes and send it to a developing nation, usually in Africa. 在星期一這套衣物將會被運送至匹茲堡附近的一間工廠並成為World Vision這家救濟組織 的所有物,而World Vision將會以木箱打包好這些衣物並送到多半位於非洲的發展中國家 。 This way, the N.F.L. can help one of its charities and avoid traumatizing one of its teams. 藉由這種方式NFL可在不傷害落敗方的情況下幫助慈善機構行善。 The losers, meanwhile, trudge back to their locker room in sweaty jerseys. Major League Baseball destroys the clothing that was made for its runners-up. The N.B.A. donates it to an overseas charity. And the N.F.L. sends it to a place far away. 輸球的一方身著被汗水浸濕的球衣步履蹣跚的回到休息室中。MLB會銷毀這批為輸球方所製 作的衣物,NBA會將其捐贈至海外的慈善機構,而NFL也會將其寄送至有需要的地方。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ksk0516:MLB最沒品 06/01 11:08
Mr13r0wN:這樣就說被說沒品 會不會太嚴苛 06/01 11:09
jeffccl:MLB 竟然銷毀.. 06/01 11:10
sai1268:應該說最浪費 06/01 11:10
ksk0516:別太認真啊...QQ 06/01 11:10
jeffccl:推World Vision 06/01 11:10
larson:MLB還真浪費... 06/01 11:14
kill90677:會寄來台灣嗎? 06/01 11:16
s4511981:銷毀實在是……有點浪費…… 06/01 11:16
s4511981:寄來台灣會出現在EBAY上被拍賣……XD 06/01 11:17
heats:那有人知道熊庹的哪去了.... 06/01 11:47
peter1082:熊庹的都在國中女生家裡阿 06/01 12:18
blueennis:銷毀?有沒有可能是回收阿!? 06/01 12:19
sonofgod:洋基07年最好笑http://0rz.tw/vbVnK 06/01 13:29
sonofgod:還出現在EBAY 06/01 13:30
johnny04a:樓上這件好帥XD 06/01 14:51