精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Nash是我最喜歡的球員之一 所以在關門放狗前先看一下我覺得一些可以再加以修飾的地方 囧 "People have always doubted whether I was good enough to play this game at this level. I thought I was, and I thought I could be. What other people thought was really always irrelevant to me." "人們總是質疑我的能力是否足以勝任如此高等級的比賽,但我對此毫無疑問。我堅信我可 以,至於其他人怎麼想基本上並不會對我有所影響。" "That's the key to our team. We have so many weapons. You can just pick your poison." "這就是我們球隊關鍵性的特色。我們擁有太多種武器了,所以你可以自己選擇最想要的死 法。" "We were excited to win, staying undefeated is just the icing." "贏球是一件讓人興奮的事,而保持不敗只是錦上添花罷了。" "Anytime you play a finalist it's going to be a challenge." "在任何時候與參加過總決賽的隊伍比賽,都是一個很大的挑戰。" "I am not too accusatorial or defensive by nature. I have always been kind of philosophical about it, remembering that it is just a game. People take these things too seriously." "我是一個很理性的人,並不輕易指責他人,且自我防衛性也不高。我常提醒自己這只不 過是一場比賽罷了,但有些人就是很嚴肅的看待此事。" "I am a huge believer in giving back and helping out in the community and the world. Think globally, act locally I suppose. I believe that the measure of a person's life is the affect they have on others." "我很熱衷於對整個社會甚至整個世界做出回饋。在思考的過程中需抱持著宏觀的世界觀, 並於你能力所及的範圍內做出行動。我認為一個人人生的價值便決定於他能夠對其他人造 成多深遠的影響。" "I think it's important that people stand up for what they believe in. It's important that people discuss things." "我認為人們應該要能夠為自己的信念做出聲援,而基於各方不同意見所產生出的討論 是十分重要的。" 同樣歡迎指教 如果看完了那就... 來人阿! 升堂! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
h11wolfkhan:有看有推 04/10 00:37
NLchu:最後一句還是有瑕疵... 04/10 00:38
NLchu:後面那句該是補充前面那句 04/10 00:38
NLchu:文意比較接近'你因為相信什麼,所以會有人與人間的discuss' 04/10 00:40
EvanRL:其實不太懂贏球跟保持不敗之間的差別@@" 04/10 00:40
NLchu:而這整個,呃,就是前後兩句同整所表達的事情,是很重要的 04/10 00:42
MikeBibby10:undeafted未必是指賽果的不敗 我覺得比較像是在說精神 04/10 00:43
MikeBibby10:層面上的意思 靠怎麼拼錯 undefeated 04/10 00:43
NLchu:沒有啦,nash就是說連勝紀錄這種東西其實滿無聊的這樣 04/10 00:44
MikeBibby10:excited to win 我覺得可以翻成積極爭取勝利 @@a 04/10 00:44
MikeBibby10:喔對 那應該是保持連勝不敗了! 04/10 00:45
※ 編輯: celestial318 來自: (04/10 00:48)
celestial318:意思是這樣嗎? 不敗跟贏球大概就是單場跟連續的差別 04/10 00:49
bobsorcerer:贏球是贏球 不敗是連勝 04/10 07:33