精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文恕刪 借用連結 http://tinyurl.com/cd55xz Brook Lopez, C, Nets In the NBA, the center position is the toughest physically and the hardest to fill effectively. Lopez, who turned 21 last week, has performed ably and efficiently for the Nets in just his first season. His PER of 18.06 ranks him 10th in the NBA among centers who play 30 or more minutes a game, and first among rookies who average more than 26 mpg. 在NBA中,要有效率的打好中鋒這個位置是最不容易的。除了要有一身橫練的筋骨以經的起 禁區內的肢體碰撞外,現在的頂尖中鋒如歐肥和魔獸還有一項特質: 嘴砲Max。有幸成為阿 聯隊友的Lopez上個星期才剛滿21歲,而在他為籃網效力的第一季便繳出了非常亮眼的成績 單。在NBA中出賽超過30分鐘的所有中鋒裡,他以18.06的PER值排名第十,而這項數據在本 季出賽超過26分鐘的所有新秀中獲得排行榜上第一名! What makes Lopez unique is his ability to help his team in a variety of ways on both ends of the floor. His numbers after one season suggest he's a lot like Yao Ming, who is arguably the best center in the league at the pick-and-pop game. Check out Yao's offensive numbers: Thirty-nine percent of his shots are jumpers, many of which come after setting a ball screen. And his effective field goal percentage is a strong 44.6. Similarly, Lopez, who is eight years younger than Yao, gets 40 percent of his shots from the perimeter and his efg% is 40. 最難能可貴的地方在於Lopez於攻守兩端都能以不同的方式來幫助球隊。觀察他這一季所打 出的數據可以發現其與一名對岸的球員非常類似: 不是能夠狂砍十二分、怒摘六板、妙傳 一球、巧失二誤、智犯三規的隊友太空易,也不是有能耐拿驚人33+20+20的孫大聖,而是 剛獲選山寨版最佳年度員工獎的姚明。Yao可以說是聯盟中最善於打擋切的中鋒,他的出手 中有39%是來自於擋切後的跳投,而他的有效命中率高達了44.6%。Lopez雖比Yao年少八歲 ,但數據方面可也沒有跟著少了。Lopez的出手中40%來自於外圍的跳投,而他的efg%也高 達40%。 註: Effective field goal percentage(efg%)跟普通命中率的差別就在於efg%中三分命中 數的計算必須再乘以0.5來計算。 eFG% = (.5*3FGM + FGM) / FGA 此項調整的基準在於三分出手的命中會比兩分出手的命中多得一分。 Ex: 假設A球員出手10次命中4球,而其中兩球是三分球。B球員出手10次命中5球但全部都 是兩分球,則依普通命中率的計算方式會出現不同,但若以efg%視之則兩者相等皆為50% ,可以更為客觀的觀察一個球員的命中率跟得分效率。 In addition to his perimeter skills, Lopez is also adept at using his size, speed, strength and agility in the paint, much like Dwight Howard, who is the most dominant center in the game. And this is where Lopez separates himself from most of the centers who have solid shooting talent. The Nets' big gets 16 percent of his shots on dunks and another 6 percent on tips (Howard gets 22 percent of his shots on dunks and 3 percent on tips; Yao gets 8 percent of his shots on dunks and 3 percent on tips). Yes, even though Lopez is not the athlete or physical specimen Howard is, he has enough athleticism and power to overwhelm many of his opponents (and it's fair to project that Lopez will gain strength in the coming years). 除了他外圍的投射技巧外,Lopez與目前NBA中最具有禁區統治力的中鋒魔獸一樣也很善於 在禁區內利用他的身型、速度、力量、敏捷、(靈性、激情、能量?)等特質來取分。在他的 出手中有16%來自於灌籃還有6%來自於補籃 (相較之下魔獸的出手有22%為灌籃而3%為補籃 ,姚明8%的出手為灌籃而3%為補籃)。雖然Lopez不像魔獸是萬中選一的絕世高手,但他還 是擁有足以征服對手的體能與力量 (而且預見Lopez在未來的進步是非常合理的)。 Lastly, to go along with his rare ability to do damage both from the perimeter and in the paint, he is also a shot-blocker on defense. In fact, he and Yao are the only two players in the NBA this season to have such balance on offense and finish in the league's top 10 in blocked shots. 最後,在外圍和禁區都擁有取分能力之餘,Lopez在蓋帽方面也是十分出色的。你要知道, 在全聯盟十大蓋帽高手中只有他跟姚明在兼顧防守的同時還能擁有如此出色的進攻能力。 Factor in that Lopez is 21st in the NBA in rebounding (clearly his weakest area ), and it's hard to fathom that a player who has had this kind of impact would not be the rookie of the year. 你可能會說他那麼威哪天打通任督二脈那還不飛天阿? 不過沒有人是什麼都會的,Lopez的 籃板為他較弱的一環,在全NBA中只排名第21名。但一個新秀若能夠同時擁有上述的條件, 那麼按常理來說當選年度最佳新秀是十拿九穩的。 But when you're in Derrick Rose's class, that's how it goes. 但衣洗災武告科連勒,跟Rose同一梯,雖然他不是歐巴馬,但恐怕也只能乖乖閉嘴將年度 最佳新秀的獎項拱手讓人了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gn00668925:推歐巴馬 04/16 01:27
imsohappy:咧~~ 04/16 01:28
summer0101:可以看這篇學英文嗎? 04/16 01:30
spluto:魔獸當初也沒拿到最佳新人阿 最佳新人重點在球隊要量身訂做 04/16 01:35
materil:翻的很棒 可惜自己添加太多酸人的部份 04/16 02:22
Elwe:加好多料XD 不過有笑有推 04/16 02:31
h11wolfkhan:這些梗你想很久了吧 有校有推... 04/16 02:35
ooplus:才不要告訴你咧~~~ 04/16 03:38
sgw888: 勒~ 04/16 03:58
badprince:借轉最佳新秀中鋒板 04/16 11:48
badprince:轉錄至看板 Nets 04/16 11:56
BTWay:超爽的~~~~~ 04/16 14:29