精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
上色圖文版: http://celestial114.pixnet.net/blog/post/25594027 連結1: http://tinyurl.com/ngnakm 連結2: http://tinyurl.com/nu7uox WASHINGTON -- Cavs star LeBron James visited the White House this afternoon in an appearance that was off the public schedule. He said hi to President Barack Obama (the two know one another from the campaign trail, and the president is a huge hoops fan). And he got a tour of the West Wing. 雖然不在公開的行程內,但小皇帝今日下午意外的駕臨白宮。他與現任的總統歐巴馬打了 招呼,而先前已經由競選活動識得龍顏的歐巴馬也帶領小皇帝參觀了West Wing,他平日辦 公的建築。 Unclear if King James upstaged the other VIP at the White House this afternoon -- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. 雙龍會是否因此冷落了當天下午在白宮的另一位貴賓 -- 義大利總理Silvio Berlusconi則 不得而知。 Politics Daily reports that James is scheduled to attend a screening this evening in suburban Silver Spring of "More Than a Game," a documentary about him and four of his high school basketball buddies in Akron. Politics Daily的報導指出小皇帝當晚正要到郊區的Silver Spring參加他的紀錄片"More Than a Game"的審查。 "More Than a Game", a documentary by Kristopher Belman about LeBron James and his high school teammates, opens in October. You can see the movie poster to the left. It’s pretty dope, kind of an evolution-style photo montage with the players blending into a King James dunk. "More Than a Game"是一部由導演Kristopher Belman所掌鏡的紀錄片,內容主要與小皇帝 和他的高中隊友有關。此片將在十月上映,而底下便是宣傳海報。海報主要藉由前衛的蒙 太奇風格讓其他球員得以融入小皇帝的灌籃動作中。 Here’s a summary of the doc, courtesy of Ball Don’t Lie: The plot: “Five talented young basketball players from Akron, Ohio star in this remarkable true-life coming of age story about friendship and loyalty in the face of great adversity. Coached by a charismatic but inexperienced player’s father, and led by James, the “Fab Five’s” improbable seven-year journey leads them from a decrepit inner-city gym to the doorstep of a national high school championship. Along the way, the close-knit team is repeatedly tested — both on and off the court — as James' exploding worldwide celebrity threatens to destroy everything they’ve set out to achieve together.” 以下是由 Ball Don’t Lie所提供的簡介: "五名出身於Akron, Ohio的年輕球員雖然極具籃球方面的天賦,但隨著年齡增長現實中的 種種逆境卻一再考驗著他們之間的忠誠和情誼。一位球員的父親魅力十足卻缺乏經驗,而 在以他為教練以及James的帶領下這五虎將在歷經了七年的艱辛奮鬥後終於由過去的破舊體 育館成功的踏足全國高中的總冠軍賽。旅程中這支緊密結合的球隊面臨了無數場上和場下 的考驗,而隨著James的聲名大噪當初他們說好要一起完成的目標也正悄悄的開始崩壞..." 最後作者也列出了一些他認為夠酷能和小皇帝一樣路過就可以進去和總統打個招呼的球員: 1. 小皇帝(LeBron James) 2. 小飛俠(Kobe Bryant) 3. 魔獸(Dwight Howard) 4. 俠客(Shquille O'neal) 5. 接生小孩(Jason Kidd) 6. 甜瓜(Carmelo Anthony) 7. 閃電俠(Dwyane Wade) 8. 奈許(Steve Nash) 9. 石佛(Tim Duncan) 10. 移動長城(Yao Ming) 另外還有一份前NBA球員的名單: 1. MJ (Michael Jordan) 2. 老巴(Charles Barkley) 3. 大鳥(Larry Bird) 4. 魔術(Magic Johnson) 5. J博士(Julius Erving) 6. 海軍上將(David Robinson) 7. 天勾(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) 8. 羅素(Bill Russell) 9. 老皮(Scottie Pippen) 10. 小蟲(Dennis Rodman) ============================================================================== 由於球季已結束,此時新聞多半為交易流言和選秀新聞,再加上板上此類文章也變多,於 是本日News將暫時告一段落。若遇重大交易事端等筆者將會偶發一篇,但將不如之前一般 每日固定出刊,望各位見諒。 -- 貝頭偕老,永浴冥河 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
qaz90155:頭推 06/16 22:29
carotyao:推翻譯 06/16 22:29
btea:推你好勁 06/16 22:30
timbrake:推 辛苦了 06/16 22:30
mike1990:推C大~~XD 06/16 22:30
REXDJ:推~ 06/16 22:30
Supermarket:推一個..期待能再看到你貼的News!!謝謝 06/16 22:30
TSYasus:推 06/16 22:30
lucasyao:推~ 06/16 22:31
cielnoir:辛苦了 期待你的出刊! 06/16 22:31
RonArtest93:辛苦了 06/16 22:32
NENE31:JAMES除了要當全世界最有錢的人之外 06/16 22:34
imsohappy:斷 06/16 22:34
NENE31:他要統治全世界當第二位黑人總統 06/16 22:34
NENE31:皇帝登基 06/16 22:35
k1453888:推 06/16 22:38
librasky:冷落貝魯斯科尼那種人又沒差lol 06/16 22:39
puagao:感恩!! 06/16 22:41
s9220140:more than 5 steps 06/16 22:47
pedroremorse:貝魯斯柯尼擔心自己的性醜聞都沒時間了 不會介意的啦 06/16 22:47
lovefordidi:PUSH 辛苦了 06/16 22:49
DDDDing:辛苦了^^ 06/16 22:59
yehming:推 辛苦了 06/16 23:04
IronMan5566:看成自宮... 06/16 23:21
chunyu0720:樓上放肆~人家可是大帝! 06/16 23:24
psychoF:東廠小騰子史公公 06/16 23:27
miamiwade:推 06/16 23:39
wolve:LBJ可是萬王之王 白宮這地點實在太適合他了 06/17 00:05
yahooman:看成自宮 06/17 00:18
sulamau:感謝你本季的辛勞!~ 06/17 00:19
shian14579:lbj:給我閉嘴~歐巴馬 06/17 00:52
simon0131:用心推~ 06/17 01:06
linlittlehan:謝謝~~~大推~~~ 06/17 01:07
atpx48691:辛苦了 06/17 01:52
kazaf79114:自宮+1 = = 06/17 02:08
gn02335338:KIDD推 06/17 13:30
sunfallmoon:rodman進去沒關係嗎??? 06/17 14:21
angel1014:Rodman有去過白宮了 06/17 19:36
gary84097:小皇帝:Obama你在忙啊?沒有我路過而已... 06/17 20:28
kevinyeah:你把KG放哪 甜瓜姚明都上榜了 06/17 22:28
kazamisin:小蟲?! 有沒有搞錯,是要去給歐巴馬髮型建議嗎.. 06/18 18:18