精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文連結: http://tinyurl.com/qf6us7 上色圖文版: http://celestial114.pixnet.net/blog/post/24972560 In his final interview of the season, Gregg Popovich talked about hard offseasons. This offseason, he suggested, would be difficult because the team will say goodbye to some of its role players. Telling the Robert Horrys of the world that it’s time to part is never easy. But then Pop said something else that struck me as telling. He said there would come a time when the Spurs would have to replace a star with a star. He was quick to add that the time had not yet come, but gave an impression that it was not too far off. 在本季最後一次的採訪中,波帥表示這將會是他們最難過的一個暑假,因為馬刺將必須對 他們的一些綠葉球員們說再見。當你必須和幾個如"我是傳奇"歐瑞般資深的老將分開時, 那滋味總是令人不太好受。但真正令我感到[震驚]的是波帥的宣言: 也到了制服組再度發 揮功力作出球星交易的時候了。雖然他很快的補充這近期內將不會發生,但眾人眉頭一皺 ,深覺此事將不遠矣。 As Spurs fans, this is something for which we have to prepare. 與正宗冥燈同樣身為馬刺迷的各位可能也得做好心理準備。 Looking at the Big 3, one would assume Tim Duncan will retire a Spur. He’s part of the fabric–he is the franchise. Tim Duncan is one of the most untouchable players in the league. So when the Spurs arrive at the point of a star for a star, it’s beyond doubtful that they wave goodbye to Duncan. His contract is locked up through 2012, and he’s safe. 在看過了三巨頭後,我阿嬤也認為石佛最後會在馬刺退休。他是全隊的支柱,馬刺的代表 ,而隊上有佛時你當然不會輕易的把他送走。因此在談到球星交易時我們已經可以將石佛 排除在外,他的合約簽到2012年,沒有人會去動這尊佛的。 At 26, Tony Parker is close to his prime. I think he’s the second best point guard in the league, just behind Chris Paul. If you’re going by All-NBA votes, Parker certainly belongs in that conversation. Relative to talent, he has a good contract that only pays 13 million in its final year (2011). The Spurs really would have to receive a can’t refuse offer to trade Parker. An elite point guard, in a point guard dominated league, that is a 3-time NBA champion and former Finals MVP. And 26. And he has a good contract. Whatever price you name is too low. 現年26歲的趴車現今正接近他生涯的巔峰,而我認為他在聯盟中是僅次於CP3的最佳控衛, 歷年的NBA年度隊伍投票結果也力挺我的結論。相較於他絕佳的天賦,在2011這最後一年尚 只需要付這輛跑車1300萬美元油錢的合約可說是物美價廉。除非馬刺真的碰上別隊提出了 如同當年湖人與灰熊交易般的搶劫機會,否則這部跑車還是會乖乖的停在聖安東尼奧。車 上載著三枚總冠軍戒指與冠軍賽MVP頭銜,這名物超所值的26歲後衛其價值是無法衡量的。 That leaves us with Manu Ginobili. When healthy, he’s one the best 10 players in the league. His incredibly affordable contract is set to expire after next season. He’ll be 32 in July. He has an insatiable lust to play for his country , which is admirable and unfortunate. But that lust walks hand in hand with qualities that make him more valuable than other stars–the man is an absolute winner. Euroleague title? Yes. Olympic gold? Yes. NBA Championship? Three. Whatever it is that Chauncey Billups brought to the Nuggets, Manu Ginobili has in spades. 於是最後就只剩下了妖刀馬努。在保存良好的情況下這柄妖刀絕對可以在聯盟的兵器譜上 排進前十名,而這柄妖刀的使用費雖然不貴,但馬刺的使用權也只到下一季為止。七月將 滿32旬的妖刀對他的出產地忠心耿耿,那為國家出賽從不見底的熱情實是可敬复可嘆。然 而這股熱情和他的特質造就了這柄妖刀傳奇般的輝煌戰績 -- 他戰無不勝,歐盟總冠軍、 奧運金牌、NBA總冠軍都是他鞘中之物。無論槍西本季為金塊帶來了什麼樣的改變,這把名 刀對馬刺的貢獻都是有過之而無不及。 But it’s obvious to me that if the Spurs have to let go of a star, he is the most likely candidate. This isn’t to say that the Spurs will seek to trade Ginobili. I don’t think they should or will. Pop is correct to say the time to exchange a star for a star is not yet. But next summer I expect Manu Ginobili to receive the same treatment Tony Parker did in 2003. Remember that? The Spurs had just beat the Nets in the Finals, Parker’s team had bested Jason Kidd’s team, and the Spurs still put Parker on ice and chased after Kidd in free agency. Well, next summer the Spurs will approach Ginobili in the same way while they make an offer to the star who could replace him–Dwayne Wade seems like an impossibility, but Joe Johnson, Chris Bosh or even Dirk Nowitzki are within the pale. And after the Spurs make an offer to a player of that caliber, they’ll have to throw some money at Tiago Splitter. You see all that much ballyhooed cap space evaporating? 但若要在三者中挑一位來進行交易,跟車或佛比起來你一定會選刀嘛。當然我並不是說馬 刺當下就會開始尋求交易妖刀,而且我也不認為他們會這麼做。波帥的"時候未到說"是正 確的,但我想下個暑假馬刺就會以2003年對待趴車的方式來對待馬努。當年馬刺在總決賽 擊敗了籃網而奪冠,趴車所屬的馬刺贏過了接生小孩所屬的籃網,但在夏天他們還是試圖 全力追逐成為自由球員的小孩而冷藏趴車。明年夏天馬刺將同樣會追逐可以取代妖刀戰力 的球星 -- 閃電俠大概是不可能了,但鷹王、龍王甚至司機都在可能的範圍內。在成功的 簽下該名球星後,馬刺還必須將一些錢砸在他們2007年首輪第28順位選到的Tiago Splitter身上,雖然他至今還在西班牙打球。所以不要以為馬刺有很多的薪資空間,這一 切都只是幻覺。 But if they can't land a star, they'll extend Ginobili. At least, that's how I think things will shake out. 但若簽不到適用的球星的話,那麼我想馬刺最後還是會選擇延長妖刀的使用期限。 It’s in the Spurs best interest to give the Big 3 at least one more season together. Trading Manu Ginobili is an unthinkable proposition for the Spurs, in part because they’re in a great position by simply allowing his contract to expire. And, of course, he’s Manu Ginobili. The time is not yet. 馬刺最大的希望就是三巨頭至少還能夠再聚首一季,而交易馬努將不會是馬刺會考慮的舉 動。一方面他的合約即將到期了,另一方面他依舊是那傳說中的"鬼之切入",現在送走他 還太早了。 Obviously, the landscape changes dramatically if the Spurs take on someone else’s cap dump this summer, but we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it. But despite all this, I suspect there will be Ginobili chatter behind the scenes. Why? While I don’t think the Spurs have any interest in trading Manu Ginobili, I think they’ll receive more calls about his availability than ever before. This might seem counter-intuitive given his recent injuries, but if you’re an opposing GM you know: 1. the Spurs need to reload, and their assets are limited 2. if healthy, Manu Ginobili can lead a team to glory 3. he is only due to make 11 million next season 4. his contract is expiring, so the risk is minimal 5. even if he doesn’t return to form, his bird rights and a scaled back contract offer give any team an insanely good 6th man going forward 當然,若馬刺今夏簽下了別隊為清薪資空間而釋出的球員,那麼情況將大為不同,但到那 時候我們再另做討論。無論如何,我想私底下將會多出許多以馬努為主題的談話。馬刺這 季應該無意交易他,但我想有關妖刀的詢問電話將會讓馬刺接到手軟。雖然依此刀過去的 折損率來看這並不是個明智的舉動,但若你是敵對的GM你將會考慮到以下的事: 1. 馬刺在薪資有限的情況下正在尋求重建 2. 在保養好的狀況下妖刀將是奪取榮耀的關鍵 3. 下一季此刀只賣你1100萬美元 4. 下一季過後合約就到期了,想要回收還來得及 5. 就算他沒有修復到100%的狀態,他依舊是板凳上的最佳第六人 The problem for other GMs is that the Spurs aren’t stupid, and you can’t get Manu Ginobili through some ill-conceived salary dump. The Spurs are smart not to return calls, but even if they did pick up the phone, the initial offer would have to be strong in order to keep San Antonio on the line. Say it with me, “He’s Manu Ginobili.” 但最大的問題是,你的交易對象是老奸巨猾的馬刺隊,所以你不可能用幾個爛蕃薯臭鳥蛋 就想拿走這把刀。馬刺大概完全不會回你電話,就算真的回電,不想被掛電話的你必須要 開出夠吸引人的條件。來,跟我說一遍: "他是吉(ㄍㄨㄟˇ)諾(ㄓ)比(ㄑㄧㄝ)利(ㄖㄨˋ) "。 And here’s the thing: you can comb through every roster in the league, and you’ll be hard pressed to find a deal that gives enough value or makes enough long term sense for San Antonio. It’s too difficult to trade a star without losing your hat. 你可以試著去仔細研究聯盟中每一隊的球員名單,最後卻會發現很難找到符合妖刀價值或 者馬刺未來期望的交易。想要掌握這把刀,你就得付出一定的代價。 But I did look. And I looked. And I looked some more. I looked at every roster in the league for an offer that might make the Spurs think. I came up with three. Three offers that I’m nearly certain the Spurs would reject, but that would nevertheless cause them to hold the line for a few minutes. 1. Manu Ginobili and Fabricio Oberto for Raymond Felton, Gerald Wallace and Alexis Ajinca 2. Manu Ginobili and Fabricio Oberto for Ben Gordon and Tyrus Thomas 3. Manu Ginobili and Fabricio Oberto for Tayshaun Prince and Amir Johnson 話雖如此,但在下遍閱名單,絞盡腦汁的想出了馬刺可能會有興趣的三個方案。雖然最後 大概還是會被拒絕,但起碼可以多浪費一些馬刺的電話費: 1. 馬刺送出妖刀和歐貝托以交換山貓的肥爾頓+G蛙+Ajinca 2. 馬刺送出妖刀和歐貝托以交換公牛的戈豋和湯馬士 3. 馬刺送出妖刀和歐貝托以交換活塞的小王子和Amir Johnson You can see why those teams might call and pester San Antonio. 這些隊都有著為妖刀而向馬刺糾纏不清的理由。 Not only could Charlotte use a star to market to fans, but they could use Ginobili’s expiring contract. He’d make the team better, he’d help their pocketbook, and he’d free up 2010 cash. Win, win, win. Moreover, it’s doubtful they can resign Felton. So in reality that’s Wallace and Ajinca for Manu. Yes, please. 山貓需要一位球星來增加市場,且他們也能好好運用馬努即將到期的合約。他能讓山貓升 級,增加球隊市場同時也能夠幫山貓清空2010年的薪資空間,這是個完美的三贏局面。此 外,山貓能不能夠簽回肥爾頓還是個未知數,所以實際上應該是G蛙+Ajinca換妖刀,請好 好考慮一下。 Ben Gordon came up big for the Bulls in the playoffs, but he wants a little more money than he’s worth, and more money than the Bulls can pay without damaging their cap situation. Getting Ginobili, to pair with Rose, Deng, Noah and Salmons would be a coup. It would put them in a better position to trade Hinrich. And, of course, it would give greater flexibility next summer when Ginobili and Brad Miller’s contracts expire. If you can’t resign Gordon, Manu Ginobili for Ty Thomas is an easy choice. 戈登在季後賽的爆發讓公牛得以與超賽戰至第七場方才落敗,但他想要比身價更多的$,而 這筆多餘的$將會打算公牛的薪資安排。若添得妖刀與玫瑰成為後場搭檔,再配上滷蛋、 諾亞和鮭魚的鋒線,簡直就是一盤色香味俱全的好菜。這道菜也能讓公牛更為放心的將韓 瑞克給交易出去,明年夏天大米和妖刀的合約到期後他們也擁有更有彈性的薪資空間。當 然若不能留下戈豋,妖刀換湯馬士也是一個很簡單的方案。 The Detroit trade is a little more dicey. Could the Pistons play Hamilton at small forward? In the long run, I don’t think it matters. Prince and Hamilton are part of the old face, and Joe Dumars is currently giving the team a facelift. I’m not sure that either player is in Detroit’s long term plans. What matters is that Manu Ginobili is the anti-Iverson. If he plays for your team, it gets better. But even more importantly, landing Manu Ginobili would reduce Detroit’s cap by 11 million in 2010, bringing it down to around 20 million. I’m not even sure if that’s legal. And they’d still have Rodney Stuckey and Rip Hamilton. Hello rebuild. With that kind of flexibility, the Pistons could resign Ginobili and two All-Stars in 2010 to pair with Rodney Stuckey. In other words, they could become serious contenders in the space of one humid Midwestern afternoon. 相較之下活塞交易的風險就比較高了。活塞會讓RIP打小前鋒嗎? 不過以長期的觀點來看, 我倒覺得其實無關緊要。小王子和RIP是球隊中的老將,不過Dumar正在尋求重建,我也不 確定這兩個人是不是在活塞未來的藍圖中。不過重點在於,妖刀的靈氣和戰神是完全相反 的,他可以讓你的球隊變的更好,而手握妖刀的同時活塞也為自己在2010年時省下了1100 萬美元的空間,全隊的總薪資也不過2000萬美元出頭而已。靠,保安,這招合法嗎? 五樓你說說看。在史塔基和RIP都還在隊上的情況下,擁有此等薪資空間的活塞可以在2010 年簽下兩名球星並重簽馬努,而重建後的活塞瞬間搖身一變成了最有競爭力的球隊之一。 Let me reduce this down to a fine point: is there a more attractive expiring contract in the entire league than Manu Ginobili? R.C. Buford’s phone is ringing. 說了這麼多,重點只有一個: 在所有即將到期的合約中有誰比妖刀的更吸引人? 我想 Buford的電話已經在忙線中了。 Most of our readers can see why these scenarios would bring pause prior to dismissal. But I think dismissal is the right choice. Gerald Wallace is half the player of Ginobili and twice as injury prone; it’s doubtful that Ben Gordon is “a Spur” in terms of team culture (and would the Spurs be willing to give up their 2010 cap space for him?); as good as Tayshaun Prince is, he and Amir Johnson do not add up to Ginobili in terms of talent, and you lose your 2010 cap space. No thanks. 但大部分的讀者看到這都可以理解在否決這些提案前馬刺的猶豫,不過我認為拒絕是正確 的選擇: G蛙的能力只等同於半把妖刀,但受損率卻高達兩倍之多。戈燈是否能夠適應馬刺 的球風和傳統還是個很大的問題(而且馬刺會願意為了他放棄2010年的薪資空間嗎?),而小 王子雖然是名很好的球員,但他和Amir Johnson加起來也還是無法填補馬努離去後馬刺所 缺少的天賦。所以還是對不起,謝謝。 Ultimately, it’s too difficult to replace Manu Ginobili in a trade. The Spurs ’ best move is, just as Pop indicated, to wait until the time is right. So, if you’re one of those fans who are thinking about a star for a star rebuild, you’ll have to wait patiently at least one more season. The Spurs best chance at competing for a title is to wait until next summer or by blowing up their 2010 strategy and trading for another star to pair with Duncan-Parker-Ginobili. 最後我還是發現,要從交易中獲得取代妖刀的力量實在太難了。就像波帥說的,馬刺現在 應該做的就是耐心等待,仔細尋找,感覺很重要。所以如果你也是那種期盼以家傳妖刀換 取王朝再臨的球迷的話,那我想至少你還等上一季。馬刺王朝重現的最佳時機是在明年夏 天的交易後,或者就必須放棄2010的希望而在下一季交易來另外一個球星來輔佐現今的三 巨頭。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: celestial318 來自: (05/28 22:00)
peter1082:啪車才26歲??? 05/28 22:02
SS159:唉 假如馬紐能上 相信馬刺還是大有可為 05/28 22:03
zebirlin:Manu<--->Tmac...雙贏! 看誰先復原就那隊賺 XDDD 05/28 22:03
ymca900:好長 結論是馬刺不太願意跟妖刀續約? 05/28 22:04
yehming:推 05/28 22:07
silentwisher:推一個 05/28 22:07
yaobj:我拷~~馬刺搶更大!{陸聞}火箭要小心了,鬼之切入,意輔姚天子! 05/28 22:07
k1453888:推~ 05/28 22:07
pttda:Manu~~~~ 05/28 22:07
qhaabk:Manu<--->Tmac...Tmac貴2倍 05/28 22:08
jerrysula:翻得有點... 05/28 22:08
theclgy2001:踢妹的恢復速度怎麼可能快..尤其是心傷 哈哈 05/28 22:09
qhaabk:[陸聞]Tmac交易妖刀和歐貝托 姚天子+阿根廷國家隊 火箭王朝 05/28 22:10
TaksNo7:感謝翻譯 但是看的懂原文的還是看原文吧 05/28 22:10
alanalg:推喔 05/28 22:11
L2M:先推再看 ^^ 05/28 22:12
shouraku:推翻譯 但原文還必較easy XD 05/28 22:17
sendoh07:原波可考慮到天橋底下說書 保證客人絡繹不絕 05/28 22:18
Tacticsogre:推。最後一張圖壞掉叉燒 05/28 22:18
oldice:推 05/28 22:21
Alfred:作者應該是說那些提案都會被否決(dismissal)而不是送走 05/28 22:22
Alfred:馬刺應該不會提前交易Manu除非真有搶劫的機會。 05/28 22:23
lnear:太有趣了! 可以考慮鬼切換卡特 09卡特不錯用XD 05/28 22:23
IMDACO:純推 吉(ㄍㄨㄟˇ)諾(ㄓ)比(ㄑㄧㄝ)利(ㄖㄨˋ) 05/28 22:23
McGrady77031:我還是查字典好了 05/28 22:23
※ 編輯: celestial318 來自: (05/28 22:27)
jerry761031:推翻譯 05/28 22:27
celestial318:謝謝 Alfred 05/28 22:27
sinin5:噓yaobj..從頭到尾沒出現一個YAO和火箭字樣也能高潮.. 05/28 22:29
kendle: yaobj是怎樣 這樣也要扯到姚??? 05/28 22:31
sinin5:推回來,好長的翻譯.不過馬刺就沒保留三人換新血的選項么? 05/28 22:32
ThreeNG:推! 05/28 22:34
ando:不管怎麼換都有一方會覺得自己被搶劫 05/28 22:35
ando:保留三人換新血就是等10暑假 不然就是期待別隊GM腦殘 05/28 22:35
DenshaNyanco:我推~ 05/28 22:38
isaac0121:耐心等待,仔細尋找,感覺很重要 這不是戴愛玲嗎?XD 05/28 22:42
jimmihg:很棒的翻譯XDDDDDD,那個注音是銀魂的梗吧? 05/28 22:43
jimmihg:用了超多的梗XDDDDDD 05/28 22:43
jonestem:好文推用心翻譯~~ 05/28 22:44
hussar01:純推Manu 05/28 23:06
Magicwind:好文 相較於原文 翻譯的娛樂性更高 05/28 23:17
y1234548: 05/28 23:21
jiuan1027:這篇刺板也有翻 不過還是辛苦了 05/28 23:23
ga701001:車+佛=馬+炮 05/28 23:26
king12272:馬妞<=>T mac 超讚XDDDD 05/28 23:33
litelife:翻得太好了 05/28 23:34
s86409:用心推~ 05/28 23:45
kuofish:yaobj= blow job for yao 05/29 00:12
sdada0916:用心看完推 05/29 00:49
evilraistlin:馬刺三巨頭都算是物超所值阿...要換那有那麼容易... 05/29 00:58
hsuhuche:有看有推.:) 05/29 01:12
itryla:他是吉(ㄍㄨㄟˇ)諾(ㄓ)比(ㄑㄧㄝ)利(ㄖㄨˋ) 05/29 01:14
yaobj:YO?每天看陸聞的火箭,你們也看的很高興啊~就不能自娛一下啊? 05/29 01:20
yaobj:真是.... 05/29 01:20
yaobj:連blow job都來了,真沒水準... 05/29 01:25
jackloutter:推 05/29 02:35
SKnight:推標題 下得很有意思 05/29 03:42
shoxayumi:很好的見解.但鬼切要用的好.大概也只有波波教練了.到活 05/29 06:09
shoxayumi:賽.不可能.活賽教練都是個大問題了 05/29 06:10
oboe:推個翻譯 感謝 05/29 07:28
pecib:翻得很娛樂化啊 推一個 05/29 10:59
Poleaxe:推好文 05/29 13:10