精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/dailydime?page=dime-090318 Cleveland's MVP candidate had his fingerprints all over the game's crucial possessions, while Orlando's contender for the league's top individual award was nearly invisible. 在昨日魔術與騎士對陣的比賽中,騎士隊每一個關鍵的球權都經過了小皇帝的親手處理。 相較之下,同樣由於個人突出表現而有機會競逐MVP的魔獸,卻在此時施展了風行,讓人 無法察覺到他的存在。 風行術: 持續一節,冷卻三節,消耗英雄100%法力 LeBron James showed why he is the favorite to be named MVP by hitting a big 3-pointer and making the key free throws in the final minute of the Cavaliers' 97-93 win over the Magic in a matchup of two of the Eastern Conference's best teams. 小皇帝完全的證明了他能夠成為當今天子並非浪得虛名。在比賽的最後關鍵時刻投進了大 號三分以及穩穩的罰進兩球,幫助騎士隊在這場對決中看穿魔術。 If Orlando's Dwight Howard is an MVP candidate, then the ball needs to go through him down the stretch. That wasn't the case Tuesday night, and I haven't seen that with him on a consistent basis. Orlando is a 3-point shooting team and they had a difficult time in half-court sets when they didn't go to Howard. 既然魔獸擁有爭奪MVP的突出能力,那麼這個球隊的戰術應該十分清楚明確,就如閻總所下 達的指令一樣: 小哈,把球給志傑! 雖然野獸比魔獸簡直是XX比雞腿,但在關鍵時刻魔獸 所持球的機會確實不多。不單單只是這場比賽如此,整個球季這個"觀念"的執行度都不是 很令人滿意。魔術所倚重的是他們狂轟猛炸濫射的三分砲火,而在缺乏魔獸強大的內線牽 制力下,想要贏球便成了一件很困難的事。 It seemed like he didn't touch the ball the final three or four minutes, and he went scoreless in the fourth quarter. The Magic need to be able to go to Howard at the end of games. I don't know if Dwight is not calling for it or if Stan Van Gundy is not calling for him to get it. At some point he has to prove he can deliver. 常常在比賽的最後幾分鐘內魔獸連球都沒摸到而只能在一旁看戲,最後一節的表現也如在 場上的遊魂般一分未得。把球交給隊上的一哥是一件理所當然的事(火箭一哥洨(ㄅㄞˋ)A (ㄑㄧㄡˊ)B(ㄨㄤˊ)或許是個例外),而魔術隊也必須試著去做到這一點。我不知道是魔 獸沒有跟教練發出"我想打球阿!"的抱怨,還是大范沒有閻總那麼聰明未下達這樣的指令 。總之,在關鍵時刻魔獸也必須放放大絕表現出他強大的破壞力,而不是把自身全部的 mana拿去放風行。 The Magic tried to win the game from the outside. They shoot 31 percent on 3-pointers when they lose and 41 percent when they win. 魔術隊遠射的命中率說明了他們對三分球的依賴性。當射歪的次數多了些,命中率只有31% 的時候他們就會輸球,而準確率提升到41%的話他們就可以贏球。 Orlando was able to take the lead because they came out in the third quarter and played good defense and Cleveland looked disinterested. Orlando was in up-tempo mode, while Cleveland was in the watch LeBron zone. They do that from time to time. They still have to play off of LeBron instead of standing around and watching him. Luckily for them, he was able to bail them out. 在前三節打完後魔術隊其實還取得領先。第三節的嚴密防守使得眾騎士們打的意興闌跚, 而相較下魔術隊卻打出了他們所喜愛的快節奏球風。在這種時候騎士隊便祭起了他們這季 無堅不催的陣法: 天子區。此陣由某日本國中網球部主將的絕技變化而來且更具威力,在 持有球權的24秒內無論如何傳導球都會回到小皇帝的手上。雖然此技能並不具有使恐龍滅 絕的威力,但大多時候都可以助騎士隊取得勝利。 In the playoffs, Orlando could end up being a problem for Cleveland because the Cavs have small guards. Orlando can slide Hedo Turkoglu to the 2 and he would give Delonte West problems. Hawks 2-guard Joe Johnson also has good size and could give Cleveland headaches. 若在季後賽碰頭的話,事實上魔術隊是可以為騎士隊帶來很大的困擾的。騎士隊的後衛太 嬌小可愛了,因此若魔術隊將火槍兵拉去打2號位置的話,面對Delonte West將會形成一個 很明顯的mismatch。同理可證,在面對鷹王約翰遜的時候,2號位置的攻防將會成為影響比 賽的一大重點。 Cleveland will finish the regular season with the best record in the East. Boston is too banged up and the Cavaliers have 10 more games at home, where they are an unbelievable 30-1. 正規賽季結束後騎士隊將會取得東區聯盟的最佳戰績。超賽傷兵累累戰力銳減,且在剩餘 的比賽中騎士隊還有十場比賽在主場進行,況且在紫禁城 Quicken Loans Arena的比賽中 騎士們取得了驚人的30勝1負的紀錄。 I don't think they'll go to the Finals, though. Mo Williams is averaging 22 points per game in March and is a great second option, but who is the third option for Cleveland? You can't totally stop LeBron, but if you slow him down and take out Williams, who is going to step up for them? They need a third guy. 但我不認為騎士們可以打入總冠軍賽。的確,3月分賽均22分的毛‧威廉斯堪稱是護駕最大 的功臣,但騎士們需要找出第三個得分點。雖然無法完全阻止馳騁沙場的千金龍體,但只 要能夠做出適當的干擾並且守住昔日的莫不傳,那麼騎士們將後繼無力。找出能為聖上分 憂解勞的第三得分點乃騎士當務之急! Plus, don't underestimate the loss of Ben Wallace. If he can't come back, that is a huge loss. He is a bigger piece than people realize. He does all the dirty work, takes guys off the boards and is a good one-on-one defender. They have been getting beat up inside without him. 另外,不要看到現在騎士們連勝的狀態就忽略了大笨鐘的重要性。若說數據光鮮亮麗的是 小皇帝,那麼專門負責髒活的便是大班。缺少了大班的籃板以及一對一防守的情況下其實 他們的禁區非常容易就會被打爆。 The Celtics are still the best team in the East. They are the most mentally tough team in the league. If Kevin Garnett comes back -- and he is supposed to be back Friday -- I think they'll go back to the Finals. Boston is a shadow of itself without him. The Celtics are not nearly the team they will be when he is healthy. 我認為超賽還是東區最好的隊伍。就精神層面而言他們還是擁有著全聯盟最堅定的意志力 ,就如魯夫想要成為海賊王的意志一般。若堅信it takes five的真男人能夠準時在星期五 歸位的話,我想他們還是可以殺入總決賽的。少了KG的超賽根本沒有足夠的氣可以變身, 或許連撒旦都打不贏。 Meanwhile, Orlando is playing good basketball and has some impressive wins, but the Magic need a power forward. They play with a small lineup. They don't have anyone other than Howard to go to in the post. They shoot a lot of jump shots and do a lot of one-on-one basketball. If they had another big body, they would be so much better defensively. 魔術隊這季的表現很好,也有幾場讓人印象深刻的比賽。但若想要在季後賽走的更遠,那 麼他們需要一個襯職的大前鋒,而不是一位拿了兩千萬只會丟丟外線且效率還落差奇大的 射手。除了魔獸之外沒有人可以在禁區中討生活,他們的進攻多半是讓持球的人進行一對 一的突破然後尋找機會跳投。如果再加上另外一根強硬的肌肉棒子,那麼他們全隊的防守 都將有大幅度的提升。 ============================================================================== 我跟某位錯字王一樣最近也是很忙= = 然後每次有人發錢都搶不到... 好不容易有時間可以來騙騙P幣(輸光了...) 作者是Jon Barry 看到照片就憶起了當年他還在火箭的時代 弟弟Brent Barry現在也還在火箭 時間真的過的很快 NBA真的來台比賽一定要去看! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ando:GJ 錯自王 <-(這樣才有專業喔) 03/19 18:56
hllwolfkhan:錯字王是誰? 我都有把字打正確喔 03/19 18:57
hllwolfkhan:還有騎士隊擺兩個PG先發 目前看起籃效果不錯 03/19 18:58
ando: 這麼快就自表 來 03/19 18:59
hllwolfkhan:我打太快了... 03/19 18:59
gaiaesque:push 03/19 19:01
gaiaesque:騎士今天有插眼,所以風行沒用XD 03/19 19:04
jinpenchi:West低潮中,希望趕快走出來這樣問題就解決了 03/19 19:08
imsohappy:毛 威廉斯 ..XD 03/19 19:17
sheettrait:五樓打很快..NBA三秒俠 03/19 19:41
airanfernee:LBJ不像別人還要CP尾刀賺錢 剛進NBA就1神靴+5七星了 03/19 20:28
mea7211:推翻譯 原po的譯文都很好笑^^ 03/19 22:02
reaper317:推原po的翻譯! 03/19 22:15
Sucker:我看原文 看到LeBron zone笑死了XD 03/19 22:38
celestial318:我看以後翻譯要翻的能引戰 不然沒什麼人氣XD 03/20 01:03
demonazx:XD 03/20 03:53
luoren:XD 03/20 07:40
discoco:幫推 看了嘴角會一直上揚的翻譯~ 03/20 10:48
banky:push 03/21 16:17