精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
內容延續上一篇 就不再重複貼連結了 有興趣者可自行搜尋上一篇 6.) It would be good for the league if Jeff Van Gundy and Mark Jackson stay out of coaching for another year. JVG and Jax have become a delightful duo on ABC's Sunday games, disagreeing without being disagreeable, obviously knowledgeable (still can't believe Van Gundy, last year, pre-called Kobe Bryant beating the Mavericks for an offensive rebound off a missed free throw that hadn't been missed yet). Unlike many ex-players, Jackson isn't afraid to call out former peers. They're a good team with play-by-play man Mike Breen. 我認為明年若Jeff Van Gundy和Mark Jackson繼續待在原職位而不要投入教練工作會比較 好。這兩位哥倆好在評論ABC所轉播的週日比賽時總是帶來了很多歡樂。兩位是專業的球評 ,對於球賽的知識和經驗自是不在話下,此絕非單純"靈性"二字可描繪。他們雖常意見相 左,但都秉持著理性討論的精神,不會一言不合就開始亂戰一通。(最令我印象深刻的是去 年Van Gundy在一場湖人對小牛的比賽中提到Kobe將會因為隊友罰球不進而搶到一個進攻籃 板,但問題是那時候那名隊友根本還未出手....[謎之隊友:幹 未罰也中槍]。不知道是因 為他真的會未卜先知呢,還是他是Kobe迷XD)。而做為一名前NBA球員,Mark Jackson卻和 別人不一樣,他不會忌諱去對一些前隊友做出評論。這哥倆好再加上擅長play-by-play分 析的Mike Breen組成了一個絕佳的團隊。 7.) It would be good for the league to give serious consideration to moving the Grizzlies to Seattle for the 2011-12 season. I have nothing against the good people of Memphis, who are doing the best they can. But attendance is flagging. Michael Heisley isn't selling to local owners. John Calipari's departure is a big blow for the Grizzlies, who are financial partners with the University of Memphis. And it's likely the Washington state legislature will be more amenable to committing public funds for a new arena in Seattle to anyone not named Clay Bennett. It's not a perfect or fair solution (or easy, with the Grizz on the hook for $50 million in penalties to the city of Memphis if they try and break their lease at FedEx Forum), but Seattle is a deserving market, with 40 years of near-unflagging support for the Sonics as collateral. 聯盟可以考慮在2011-2012球季將灰熊隊由曼菲斯遷移到西雅圖。當然曼菲斯球迷人都很 nice的,我也沒有對他們有什麼誤會,但很明顯的進場看比賽的球迷數量呈現著一個下滑 的趨勢。球隊老闆Michael Heisley沒有考慮將球隊出售給當地的企業,而曼菲斯大學的教 練John Calipari的離去也對與曼菲斯大學為經濟上合作夥伴的灰熊隊有著很大的影響。 此外華盛頓當地的州議會對於撥一部分的公款以用來在西雅圖建造一個新球館的提議的接 受度應該還算高,不過先決條件是球隊老闆的名字不能叫做Clay Bennett(超音速的前老闆 XD)。當然這並不是一個完美或完全恰當的方案(其實也不容易,因為如果灰熊違反了與 現今球館FedEx Forum的租契,那麼他們將必須支付高達五千萬的違約金...),但西雅圖 是一個值得期待的市場,在過去40年來居民對當地所屬的超音速的支持始終如一,幾乎沒 有任何下滑。 8.) It would be good for the league if the players understand how desperate owners are to cut salaries. There are hard-liners among the owners who want to slash the players' share of revenues from its current 57 percent to less than 50. Draconian? Ridiculous? Maybe. But owners will burn a season if that's what it takes. Another lockout would be catastrophic. The union will not want to contemplate reductions, but in this economy, the give will almost certainly come from labor. Better it come sooner than later -- too late to save the 2011-12 season. 若球員們能夠共體時艱並體諒球隊老闆想要減薪的心情的話那麼對大家來說都是一件好事 。在現有的球隊老闆中不乏一些態度強硬不肯妥協者,而他們正計畫著將球員所佔的營收 比例由目前57%砍至五成以下。或許殘酷,抑或可笑,但依照目前的營收比例分配球隊老闆 每一季都必須要燃燒他或者所屬企業的小宇宙才能夠維持球隊的運轉。最壞的情況便是聯 盟再度停賽。雖然是千百個不願意,但聯盟或許得考慮縮減其規模。在目前全球經濟低潮 的狀況下,這現下尚未確認的方針遲早會在受到勞工方的壓力後執行。與其在陷入無法挽 救的困境下再來亡羊補牢,現下未雨綢繆肯定是個比較好的選擇。 9.) It would be good for the league if more players Twitter during games. The Bucks' Charlie Villanueva got in hot water for sending a Twitter text to fans during halftime of a recent game. But Villanueva pointed out that the TV networks grab players for halftime interviews all the time; what's the difference? (He didn't add, and I will, that we TV people also often tape excerpts from coaches' halftime talks to their players.) Twitter messages are almost comical in their brevity (hot now, drink water); a quick communication from players to their fans during a break isn't going to kill anybody. 我認為聯盟可以鼓勵球員在比賽進行的空檔期間使用Twitter。日前阿聯前東家公鹿隊的球 員,當年阿聯的最佳競爭對手比克,最近因為在比賽的中場休息期間利用Twitter發送了一 條訊息給屬名為"孫悟飯"的粉絲而遭受到責難。但比克卻反駁在中場休息時電視台的採訪 員常常把球員抓去做訪問,同樣是在提供訊息給外界,兩者在本質上其實並沒有太大的不 同。(其實電視台的工作人員也常常將教練於中場休息時與球員們的對話摘錄並錄下來)。 現今正夯的Twitter其賣點就在於它的簡潔性(好熱ㄛ,喝水ㄅ),而在比賽空檔期間讓球 員有個管道可以跟他們的粉絲溝通是無傷大雅的。 其實這道理很簡單。就跟你一樣,對就是你不要懷疑。以前上電腦課的時候真的都在乖乖 聽課嗎? 哩麥豪洨,大家要嘛在聊MSN要嘛就在上逼。強者我同學李家宏更屌,某次上課坐 他旁邊聽到他在敲鍵盤,轉頭望向他的螢幕: ★↖煞气a強尼↗★:ㄋㄅㄔㄇ? 我ㄉ信長只有強 說要單中ㄌ 是聽ㄅ懂逆 10.) It would be good for the league if Tracy McGrady and Allen Iverson return strong next season. They are two of the most popular and talented players in the game, but neither can seem to find the right fit. Here's hoping McGrady recovers from microfracture surgery next year for Houston and continues his career, and Iverson re-considers coming off the bench and re-surfaces next season for a contending team that could use his scoring in reserve. 最後,如果TMac和戰神能在下季順利的復出的話,對聯盟也是有助益的。他們還是聯盟中 兩個最具有人氣和天賦的球員,但目前似乎都面臨了生涯中的瓶頸。希望TMac的關節鏡軟 骨手術順利並且明年能健康的回到場上。See you in Houston, Tmac! 也希望戰神能夠在 基於球員生涯的利益下重新思考由板凳出發的可能性,並且下季能夠在一支具有競爭力的 隊伍如願的好好發揮他的進攻火力來幫助球隊贏球! ============================================================================== 此乃十大千金良方 至於NBA會不會採用就不得而知了 本系列至此結束 感謝大家的支持! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
takarashi:頭推! 04/10 23:13
lmf770410:頸推 04/10 23:14
mike1990:胸推 04/10 23:19
mark0628:雞雞推 04/10 23:19
REXDJ:腳毛推 04/10 23:21
joyushan:雞眼推 04/10 23:22
ChangJimmy:地板推 04/10 23:24
Nelson26:滿漢全席推! 04/10 23:25
RumTumTugger:推煞气a強尼&好翻譯 04/10 23:31
walleyekneee:不打球專翻文 04/10 23:40
h11wolfkhan:就是推... 04/10 23:40
Nelson26:買新冰箱高興再推^^~ 04/10 23:42
h11wolfkhan:岡本003叫我推 04/10 23:43
sungastill:推 04/11 00:00
bruce513:★↖煞气a強尼↗★:窩ㄌ幫ㄋㄊㄊ歐 04/11 00:02
lmf770410:樓上中肯推XD 04/11 00:05
mea7211:看到原po的翻譯就要推一下 04/11 05:23
freijaking:★↖煞气a強尼↗★:窩ㄌ幫ㄋㄊㄊㄡ 超好笑 XD 04/11 08:06
amuro0126:寫專欄啦 04/11 09:34