精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/pywHm All season long, the Utah Jazz had been the picture that would never come into the focus, the puzzle that was always missing several of its pieces. 連影帝湯姆‧漢克斯都讚譽有加的宅爵,本季卻因傷兵問題而猶如一個殘缺不全的積木, 因此也鮮少受到媒體及鎂光燈的照顧。 You could put your ear to the garage door and hear the sounds -- Clang! Whir! Bang! -- of a team of mechanics trying to assemble the parts of a hot rod, maybe using coat hangars and bubble gum to hold the tailpipe in place. 爵士隊的GM Kevin O'Connor表示常常有怪聲從教練史隆的房間內傳出。當然並不是西斯鄉 民最常說嘴的嗯~阿~斯勾以內~,而是卡啦卡啦(不是雞腿堡),疑似努力組裝著某樣物品所 發出的聲響。 Deron Williams started the season on the shelf with an ankle injury. Carlos Boozer was lost to knee surgery, then Andrei Kirilenko with ankle surgery. C.J. Miles suffered an ankle injury and Matt Harpring had a bruised back. And that was just the tip of the iceberg. 季初當家控衛小胖便因腳踝的傷痛而做壁上觀,在Shaq的嘴砲後與Bosh現今互為好麻吉的 娘布也因動膝蓋手術而只能將自己打扮的漂漂亮亮的坐在板凳上。在存到了$2500後,教 練按下了B41,卻發現AK47同樣因為腳踝的傷而報廢。C.J. Miles同樣為腳踝傷所困,而硬 漢Harpring也為背部的傷勢所擾。然而這種種尚且不過為冰山一角罷了。 Coach Jerry Sloan was forced to use 16 different starting lineups as his anchors -- Williams and Boozer -- were on the court together for only two of Utah's first 56 games. So while the occasional rumblings of the engine came from the garage, you were never really sure if the doors would ever swing open to reveal a racing machine ready to hit the track. 在有限的戰力下,雖然沒有十二宮,但光五個位置也讓教皇史隆感到頭疼。主力蝶龍‧威 廉斯以及卡洛斯‧不惹前56場比賽只共同出戰兩場的情況下,使得教皇嘗試了多達16種的 黃金聖鬥士組合。終日思索最佳組合的教皇,此時也無多餘心力去完成他正在組裝的物品 。 Vroom! Vroom! Until now. 直到某天,Kevin O'Connor聽聞教皇房內傳來一聲 "阿~~~~~~~斯~~~~~~~",跟著教皇推 門而出。他的眼神銳利了許多,頭髮中間那撮劉海不見了,人也貌似高了幾公分。正當百 思不得其解之際,O'Connor望向教皇胸前,瞬即明白了一切—他完成了傳說中的千年爵 木,獲得了黑暗的力量。 Just when it seemed that the Jazz should be mired in self-pity and also grief over the recent death of team owner Larry Miller, they have pulled together to make a statement about their resolve. 在哀悼球隊老闆Larry Miller逝世的同時,在場上的爵士隊也展示了他們的決心和全新的 力量。 The Jazz roared through February as the NBA's hottest team with a 10-1 record and are carrying an eight-game winning streak into tonight's meeting with the Houston Rockets at EnergySolutions Arena. Sloan was named NBA Coach of the Month for February as five of Utah's 10 wins came against teams that would currently qualify for the playoffs, including a pair over two of the top three teams -- Lakers and Celtics -- in the league. 勢不可擋的爵士隊在2月創造了10勝1敗的佳績,並即將在今晚於主場挾著8連勝的氣勢挑戰 近況也頗佳,由七呎巨人姚明所領軍的"沒有TMac,我更神!"的火箭隊。優異的戰蹟讓教皇 當選了二月的西區最佳教練。這10場勝利真金十足,因為其中五場的對手是目前極有機會 進入季後賽的勁旅,而其中也包含了東西聯盟的盟主: 小飛俠科比所領軍的紫金軍團,以 及"真理"包皮所帶領的傳說中的超級賽亞人。 "I've always been proud of these guys, for the most part," Sloan said. "I get upset with them, just like you would with your family at times. "你是我的寶,我一直為你感動驕傲~",教皇唱道。"但你也必須了解,有蠟筆小新在的球 隊並不好帶,我也常被氣的七竅生煙。" "But they have to always expect more out of themselves. When they're satisfied with being this and that, that's where you have to dig in a little bit deeper and try to get a little more out of yourself. You'll surprise yourself many, many times when you do that." "我也常告訴他們: 不要輕易的滿足於現狀。只有在不斷挑戰自我的過程中,你才會驚訝於 自身所擁有的能耐。做人如果沒夢想,跟鹹魚有什麼分別?" What's most surprising and even more impressive is the Jazz growing at a time of sorrow. The team has come back to life in the standings just when the entire Jazz organization had to deal with the Feb. 20 death of the iconic team owner Miller from Type 2 diabetes. 但更令人吃驚的是爵士隊所表現出的在逆境中求生存的能力。球隊老闆Larry Miller於2 月20日由於第二型的糖尿病而過世,使得大家陷於一片愁雲慘霧中,但球隊戰績卻不降反 升。外界普遍認為這是一個"哀兵必勝"的最佳典範,也對此表示讚揚,但只有他們自己知 道這一切與千年爵木的力量有著一定的關係... Greg Miller, the oldest of Larry and Gail's five children, was put in charge of the family business after his father suffered a heart attack last summer. Greg went into the locker room before the Jazz hosted the Hornets on Feb. 21, one day after his father's passing. He spoke to the players about how his father would like nothing more than to have the team go on a roll. Larry Miller在去年夏天心臟病發後,便將球隊的事務交予他的長子Greg Miller負責克紹 箕裘。在Larry Miller去世後的隔日,爵士將在主場迎戰由"蜂王"CP3所領軍的黃蜂隊。比 賽前Greg Miller與球員們做了一番談話,語重心長的告訴他們父親在天之靈最希望看到的 就是球隊能夠開始贏球並創造一波連勝。 But, of course, after all those years of seeing Miller sitting in his front row seat, dressed in his khaki pants, polo shirt and sneakers, they already knew that. For while Karl Malone and John Stockton were doing their parts on the court to establish the Jazz as a post-season fixture -- the Jazz made the playoffs 20 straight seasons from 1984 to 2003 -- it was Miller's purchase of the franchise that solidified the Jazz in Salt Lake City and laid down the foundation of perennial success. 當然這不需要Greg Miller的提醒,爵士球員們個個了然於心。每當憶起每一場比賽Larry Miller那穿著polo衫、卡其褲和運動鞋坐在前排的有型身影,大家都默默的紅了眼框。每 當提起爵士,最具代表性的人物莫過於"郵差" Karl Malone和老妖怪John Stockton。以這 兩位作為球隊的基石後,爵士隊已經連續20季取得了季後賽的門票,甚至還二度殺入總決 賽,遺憾的是終究被當年的"籃球之神"MJ所擋了下來。追根究底,當時爵士的成功以及長 時間下來所塑造的強權地位,這都要歸功於當時納入了這兩位代表人物的Larry Miller。 Having been turned away at the doorstep to the throne room twice by Michael Jordan and the Bulls in 1997 and 1998 with their fervent owner cheering them on, how poetic would it be for Boozer and Williams -- who reached the Western Conference Finals in 2007 -- to pick themselves up off the floor and off the injured list to make an inspired run now? 在97及98年的總決賽敗於神之手後,球隊老闆對爵士的熱情依然不減。蝶龍‧威廉斯以及 卡洛斯‧不惹這兩名曾帶領球隊闖入西區冠軍賽的猛將,何時才能夠擺脫傷痛的困擾,帶 領球隊重現前輩們的風采? It said enough about the Jazz's resilience and Sloan's unwavering philosophy and drive that the team was able to keep its head above water through the first 3 1/2 months of the season. The entire roster was not healthy and able to practice together for the first time until Feb. 20. 靠著可媲美魯夫的驚人彈性以及教皇那不動如山的帶兵哲學爵士在前3個半月的腥風血雨中 才得以倖存,而練球點名總是會有人翹掉的爵士隊終於在2月20日首度全員到齊。 "It just feels good for me to be back on the court playing and for all of us to be together again," Boozer said. "It was tough going through the first half of the season, but maybe this means everything will come together at the right time." "人家真的很高興可以回到場上跟大家一起打球呢~",不惹說道。"前半季我們隊真的很辛 苦內,每次看比賽都嚇的人家小心肝撲通撲通的跳。但是現在大家都回來啦,我又可以跟 小柯佛在一起了(大心),一定沒有問題的!" Through November, December and much of January, the Jazz were lurking outside the crowded Western Conference playoff picture. But the fabulous February and the winning streak has Utah in seventh place and within striking distance of earning home-court advantage in the first round, just 2 1/2 games out of the No. 3 seed and 1 1/2 games behind Denver for the Northwest Division lead. 在過完了11月、12月以及絕大部分的一月後,爵士隊完全無法踏入季後賽的門檻。 "爵士隊在門外 進不去在苦惱 它的勝場還太少。 它真的真的想知道 (到底要搞到什麼時候 傷兵才能完全好)"。 而他們最近所拉出的這波連勝便成了"The Answer"。目前他們暫居西區第七名,距離第三 種子只差了2.5場的勝差並且只要克服1.5場的勝差便可以成為西北組的龍頭。 The picture has come into focus and the pieces of the puzzle are coming together, even as the franchise struggles with the loss of its leader. They were late out of the garage, but now the Jazz' engine is humming. 雖然尚處於失去球隊老闆的哀慟中,但在完成千年爵木後爵士隊已成為一方之霸,如今已 有力量與任何一支球隊互相抗衡。 "We're not showing any letdown, any back-down," Williams said. "We realize we can beat anybody." "在看了漂白水這部漫畫後,我們了解絕不能在輕敵後再以嘴砲及大絕來挽回顏面,這只是 作者為了連(ㄊㄨㄛ)載(ㄒㄧˋ)的手段。我們完全沒有鬆懈也不會退縮。",蝶龍說道。 "我很欣賞某支高中球隊,我們也有著相同的口號: 我們是最強的!!!" ============================================================================== 這篇其實稍微有點舊 不過最近宅爵這麼夯 只好跟上流行了 中間為了尊重球團老闆逝世 所以沒有加油添醋 一樣 歡迎大家指教 不要再戰湖人了 別讓戰文淹沒這篇 請不吝推文 謝謝XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gaiaesque:看到標題以為是This is Jizz 03/10 18:05
Keepgoing:+1 03/10 18:05
※ 編輯: celestial318 來自: (03/10 18:06)
TREXSoul: +1 03/10 18:06
WizZ:jizz 03/10 18:07
rangertsao:這文有爵爵版的風格 原po要不要考慮加入阿爵阿~~ 03/10 18:08
k7117836:好文 03/10 18:09
OnlyTD:+1 03/10 18:10
b600271zxc:漂白水是在說死神阿! XD 03/10 18:10
lahugh:Jizz..... 03/10 18:11
kotime:這篇好笑XD 03/10 18:11
sk050607:你翻很久了吧.............. 03/10 18:12
A000111:很好笑~~ 03/10 18:12
sk050607:這一篇文章值 808 銀 03/10 18:12
sabo:淚推 連(ㄊㄨㄛ)載(ㄒㄧˋ) 03/10 18:13
NENE31:很幽默 03/10 18:13
IWF:沒有一定宅度,是翻不出如此好文的  03/10 18:14
nikekobe:我以為是DIRK說的......看了第三次才確定不是他 03/10 18:14
hllwolfkhan: 優質翻譯 03/10 18:15
makswu:歡迎加入阿爵喔 03/10 18:16
tyshmanq:這翻的也太... 03/10 18:16
baitlunas:教皇真的是爵士的寶Q_Q 03/10 18:17
daydream772:射了 03/10 18:20
celestial318:我翻的時候中間一大半時間在做實驗上課...所以我就放 03/10 18:20
celestial318:著賺錢 XD 03/10 18:20
bobsorcerer:4個字可以翻成4行 GOOD!!! 03/10 18:21
wildhog:讚 清流 03/10 18:21
word324:推個 03/10 18:21
bobsorcerer:錢跟打字時間有關嗎@@! 03/10 18:22
monmo:你是大尾的分身吧~!? 熟捻阿爵用字的能力根本如身入其境! 03/10 18:22
cfs:和時間沒關係 03/10 18:22
CW4:Vroom! Vroom! Until now. 翻的就跟山崎退一樣 03/10 18:22
monmo:借轉回家:) 03/10 18:23
monmo:轉錄至看板 UTAH-JAZZ 03/10 18:23
bobsorcerer:不惹好可愛>//////////////< (噁) 03/10 18:24
ooplus:有笑有推XDDDDDDD 03/10 18:26
Arteta:離大尾還有一段不小的差距 03/10 18:29
boxoxox:沒話說 清流!!! 03/10 18:33
cmtums24:Jizz +1 03/10 18:35
hllwolfkhan: 03/10 18:36
loselove6636:GOOD 03/10 18:36
Szyan0130:看成dirk + jizz = = 03/10 18:41
OnlyTD:Dirk: This, is Jizz!! 03/10 18:42
Kiri1enko: 千年積木..... 03/10 18:48
TuChicken:看成Dirk+1...我還以為Dirk在譙爵士 03/10 18:52
jorden:看成Jizz~xd 03/10 19:01
fasco:希望教皇早日拿到最佳教練! 03/10 19:06
neptune317:看成Dirk 03/10 19:15
chairball:看到 Dirk : This is jizz ~!! 03/10 19:35
glenrice:good! 03/10 19:56
jjhome:推 03/10 20:38
a274775927:Nowitzki: This, is Jizz! 03/10 21:05
hpokai:推阿.... 03/10 21:24
DK47:乃尾之風! 03/10 21:48
rjhio:有夠宅XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 03/10 21:54
ojo32: 03/10 21:55
awaro:我要推聖鬥士XD 03/10 22:24
yousetmefree:push 03/10 23:10
allencc:+1 03/11 00:23
h5426878:我推~ 03/11 01:21
pttQQQ:推翻譯 03/11 02:57
nightcatman:有笑有推 03/11 09:35