精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/0rfSr For months, we have heard about the economic issues facing the NBA, looming collective bargaining troubles, the decline of once-dominant franchises and other potential maladies. Things could be better, to be sure. But all isn't lost. The league has a heaping helping of great young talent and hope in important markets. It would further help the L, though, if the next few months brought the following developments: 過去幾個月來,由於經濟方面的困境大家不斷的責怪政府無能,不過這真的不是馬總統一 個人的錯。在全球經濟海嘯的影響下,NBA同樣也受到了影響: 逐漸浮上檯面的勞資雙方談 判、以往在聯盟中呼風喚雨的球星逐一殞落以及一些尚未明朗化的隱憂。但也不是說阿幹 明天NBA就要解散了所以趕快來發些一哥二哥的戰文不然以後沒機會了!!聯盟中還是有很多 年輕具有潛力的明日之星,世界還是充滿著希望的。不過我認為若在接下來的幾個月聯盟 肯採納我開出的妙方的話,那麼情勢將會比預計的更加樂觀: 1.) It would be good for the league if LeBron, Kobe, Carmelo and Dwyane stay right where they are. A league that isn't geographically competitive tends not to be very strong. Having four of the NBA's top eight players spread across the country, in different time zones, playing vastly different styles, and all being successful, means that fans across the country -- conceivably, at least -- can see some of the game's best players in person. Extensions for all would assure future viability in four very different markets. Lebron、Kobe、Carmelo和Dwyane這四名球員最好是能夠繼續在他們的地盤上稱王。當東武 林擁有蟹皇、炎帝,西武林擁有科神、瓜哥時,這種明星球員在聯盟中不同位置的分佈有 助於提升東西武林的競爭以及可看性。東蟹、西科、南炎、中瓜這些屈指可數的高手佔地 於不同的時間區內且各自成功的呈現出自成一格的球風,這理論上這有利於NBA往全國的推 廣。因應眾高手以及地區性所開發出的多元市場將維持NBA的激情與能量! 2.) It would be good for the league if Blake Griffin goes to Oklahoma City. Obviously, having Griffin -- can I say his name now? -- play professionally 40 minutes from where he starred in college would be huge for the Thunder's bottom line. Oklahoma City's management team has astutely built a promising nucleus, and needs a space-eater inside. But Griffin to OKC would also benefit the league by assuring that Kevin Durant, a superstar in waiting, gets the kind of exposure he deserves as he enters the meat of his career. Durant's game is hellacious, but if the Thunder keep losing 50 games a year, nobody's going to notice. 明年狀元的熱門人選Blake Griffin若能夠選擇前往塔克拉瑪干...sorry是奧克拉荷馬市的 雷霆隊將會是一個聯盟所樂見的狀況。在當地大學打球且剛獲選為NCAA年度最佳球員的他 若能夠加入雷霆隊很明顯的將會是一大助力。其實這季的雷霆已經很明確的認定了未來球 隊的核心球員,除了一名可以依賴的禁區球員外可以堪稱是五門齊,若得到了Griffin後 能夠順利的完成六神合體,那麼他們將成為武林新生代球隊中的翹楚。Griffin的到來也可 以增加球隊以及球星的曝光率,這樣逐漸邁入生涯巔峰正在慢慢覺醒的雷帝Durant才能夠 多得到一些媒體關愛的眼神。雷帝的能力是十分可怖的,但若他所帶領的球隊持續的輸很 大,除了戰自幹一哥以外大概沒什麼人會注意到他。 3.) It would be good for the league if the Clippers trade Baron Davis back to the Warriors. Davis and Mike Dunleavy hate each other. It's not going to work. So send BD back to the bay for Jamal Crawford and Anthony Randolph, whom Nellie is trying to run off the reservation, anyway. The Warriors were one of the most exciting, surprising stories in recent years when they exploded in the '06 playoffs, and Davis was their catalyst. Their long-suffering, incredibly loyal f ans deserve a break. 如果快艇隊能夠將暈船水土不服的海賊王Baron Davis送回勇士山寨的話,那麼這將會是一 個雙贏的局面。Davis跟老鄧Dunleavy互看彼此不爽,而在眾多教練紛紛下課的這一季老鄧 卻還能夠保住飯碗,就可以知道它勢力之龐大。總管、教練都是我,你怎麼跟我鬥? 所以 不如用Davis與勇士換Crawford跟Randolph。如此一來老尼Nelson可以清出更多空間也不必 再擔心Maggette和Crawford誰先發的問題,回到陸地上的Davis也可以繼續當他的山賊王, 快艇的戰力也有所補強,可謂是一舉數得。勇士向來是聯盟中球風最激情的球隊,而這群 土匪在Davis帶領下於2006球季的季後賽一舉成名,殺紅了眼的他們上演了一幕老八傳奇, 將當年的第一種子小牛生吞活剝給淘汰。是該讓勇士死忠球迷們重燃那一股熱血的時候了! 4.) It would be good for the league if Peja Stojakovic's back holds up. When he's right, and knocking down threes -- like he was Tuesday in Miami, in a Fan Night game on NBATV -- the Hornets are a factor in the Western Conference, and they win games, and fans keep filling New Orleans Arena, and Chris Paul doesn't start imagining greener pastures elsewhere. After all the work that thousands of folks have done since Hurricane Katrina to get basketball back to the Big Easy, it would be a shame to see that franchise return to its old bad days. 若斯托賈科維奇能夠屏除背傷的困擾並順利出賽的話,對聯盟也會是個利多。他健康的時 候,其三分砲火也是猛烈無比,就像他星期二在邁阿密一樣射阿射的射的好開心阿!黃蜂隊 在西區也是隻很有競爭力的球隊,若他們能夠持續的贏球,球迷自然而然會掏腰包入場, 那麼如此一來蜂王CP3或許便不會萌生另覓棲身之地的想法。在經過卡翠那颶風的摧殘後, 耗費了很大的一番功夫才使得籃球再次在這個城市中亮相,若這支球隊走回頭路而再度失 去打出精采比賽並贏球的能力,那麼將有負眾望。 5.) It would be good for the league if Ricky Rubio comes over from Spain next year. The great wave of Euro-centric talent that helped the league grow in the last decade -- Dirk Nowitzki, Stojakovic, Pau Gasol, Tony Parker -- is collectively pushing 30. And there aren't a lot of international stars in the pipeline. Rubio, the 18-year-old guard playing for Joventut this season, has the entire package -- skills, smarts, looks -- that will make him a star for any of the Lottery teams (but especially Washington, L.A. or New York, with their large Latino populations). A big contract buyout is an issue, but Joventut, like a lot of clubs, is having financial issues, and NBA types are hoping Joventut will agree to a sale that would send Rubio to the States instead of to another Spanish rival. 如果能夠爭取到金童Ricky Rubio參加明年的NBA選秀,聯盟也一定會很開心。在過去的十 年中歐陸高手的加盟對於聯盟發展有著很大的幫助--但當時引起潮流的司機、佩甲、枷鎖 、趴車等人也將邁入而立之年,而此潮流過後來自異域的高手少之又少。目前尚為西班牙 的尤文圖特球隊所效力的金童,簡直就是個天上掉下來的禮物。去年底剛成年的他,集球 技、靈性及長相於一身,天生就是個當巨星的料,令譯者邊翻譯邊哭著抱怨 "上天怎麼這 麼不公平...沒天理阿..." 無論是哪一個具有觀念的隊伍搶到他都一定會直呼 "超爽的~~ ~撿到Rubio勒~~~欸~~~"(但其中又以巫師、快艇和尼克這三隊為佳,因為球隊所在地有著 較多數的拉丁裔人口)。現今唯一的阻礙便是一筆為數不小的買斷費,不過就跟NBA一樣, 尤文圖特隊也面臨了經濟上的一些困難,聯盟中各隊也引頸期盼尤文圖特將採取的行動。 與其不智的將他送至同聯盟中的球隊來增加自己的負擔,倒不如將他包的漂漂亮亮的漂洋 過海送至美國,順便跟買家敲一筆竹槓。 =============================================================================== 容許我拖稿一下... 因為文章太長會懶的看= = 下半部等我有時間再來完成 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Bigcookie2:不爽啦!!南炎帝聽起來超帥..其他人綽號聽起來超囧XDD 04/09 15:22
dennis331533:北有誰?? 龍王? 04/09 15:24
newd917:東蟹、南炎、西科、中瓜 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/09 15:28
mrporing:雷帝Durant:紫雷七擊第七擊,天打雷劈屠真龍!! 04/09 15:30
gohit:中瓜:吃我的左右互搏!!!!!!!! 左手吃瓜,右手灌籃!!!!!!!!! 04/09 15:33
mog044: 所以嚕比偶去湖人吧 快艇: 幹 04/09 15:37
duncan47:天打雷劈是第八式吧XD 第七級是怒雷撕天裂地 XD 04/09 15:37
mrporing:搞錯了 04/09 15:40
muuu:拜託Rubio不要去快艇= = 04/09 15:41
mea7211:蟹黃好吃~ 04/09 15:41
Iverigma:推這篇 不錯笑 04/09 15:43
kikijuice:Rubio是國王的 誰都不要搶 04/09 15:50
johnjohn1330:超爽的~~~撿到一百塊~~ 04/09 15:53
JoshSmith:北CP3 04/09 15:54
forwardgo:你真屌!!!!!!!! 04/09 15:58
fishhook:翻得有趣又不失精髓~推 04/09 16:07
hitori0217:翻的實在太妙了~~不過冬蟹聽起來很好吃的樣子...=口=.. 04/09 16:12
WWWOOOXX:超爽的~~~撿到Rubio勒~~~欸~~~ 04/09 16:20
bruce513:瓜是不是在北阿 西北組 好像比較順 04/09 16:35
celestial318:我是依據地理位置分的喔 北我原本要指定AI或龍王的 04/09 16:36
kenny1300175:北海龍王 04/09 16:37
bruce513:東炎帝 南蜂王(西南) 西科神 北瓜哥(西北) 中蟹皇(中南) 04/09 16:39
xiao1012:我要打十個!打傻勾!! 04/09 16:40
pttsac:Davis回去的話 勇士後場不會太擠了嗎 04/09 16:45
smallzch:超爽的~~~撿到Rubio勒~~~欸~~~ 04/09 16:49
kevin628:東蟹 西科 南炎 北瓜 中叮噹 哈哈XD 04/09 17:12
engeering:魔獸:.................... 04/09 17:38
RickFox:感覺北瓜比較順 04/09 17:51
fish2871:有笑有推~期待續集 04/09 17:52
steeldeck:塔克拉瑪干讓我大笑XD 04/09 18:06
camelma:推蟹皇....XDDDDDDD 04/09 18:22
rufus7:超爽的~~~撿到Rubio勒~~~欸~~~ 04/09 18:48
acmonkey:位啥沒有西瓜 04/09 19:10
hanway:北瓜瓜比較好 04/09 19:15
DAING:XD 04/09 19:50
BlackGuy:哈哈 有趣 04/09 19:58
h11wolfkhan:北瓜+1 04/09 21:39
kevin628:南炎 有戒指總是威了點 哈 04/09 21:48
klsan:你的文筆比陸文記者好多了.文采推 04/09 21:51
BrianGrant:塔克拉瑪干駱駝隊。 04/09 22:06
allen7976:推 04/09 22:42
kungfu:超爽的~~~撿到Rubio勒~~~欸~~~ 04/11 00:09