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http://dimemag.com/2009/09/whos-better-chris-paul-or-tony-parker/ 被冥燈威逼...大家加減看看 理性討論 We argue. You decide… CHRIS PAUL (by Ben York) On both sides, the argument for who is better cannot be made by simply comparing stats. On the contrary, it goes much deeper than that. 我們來戰,由你來鑑定^.< 蜂王代表: 班‧約克 對我們來說,要戰誰比較強不是像憨人所想單純的比數據這麼簡單。事實上,這是個非常 有深度的問題。 Let me start by saying that you really couldn’t go wrong with either of these players on your team. Even though I’m arguing for Chris Paul, if I had to pick which player I’d rather have in the playoffs, I would have absolutely zero hesitation in picking Tony Parker. He’s proven to be so damn good, and clutch, for the Spurs in the post-season it’s hard to make a fair comparison to Paul who has only been in the playoffs twice. "蜂王、趴車,得其一可安球隊也。" 雖然我嘴上挺的是蜂王,但若要我在季後賽時兩者擇 其一,身體還是很誠實的選擇了趴車。對馬刺而言季後賽的趴車實在是"太神啦!",但若以 此與只參加過兩次季後賽的蜂王做比較是有失公允的。 However, we’re not judging these players based on their play in the post- season, we’re analyzing who is better now. 我們並不是要藉著球員季後賽的表現來評斷他們,而是追求以更客觀的方式來來分(ㄊㄠˇ )析(ㄓㄢˋ)究竟誰比較"強"。 I could sit here and rattle off some of Paul’s phenomenal stat lines that he consistently puts up, but Austin could do the same thing with Tony Parker. Thus , the real disparity between these two players is that Chris Paul is the Hornets while Tony Parker enhances the Spurs — and there is a big difference between being a team and enhancing a team. 蜂王扶搖直上的數據可以讓我說上三天三夜也說不完,但挺趴車的Austin想必也有著同等 的嘴砲能力。讓我用一些比較平易近人的比喻來說明他們之間的差異 -- 就重要性而言CP3 等同黃蜂軍的主堡,而趴車只是馬刺軍的一個外掛,這兩者間有著很大的差異。 I typically hate this analogy, but I feel it’s pertinent in this comparison: Imagine if you took both Parker and Paul away from the Spurs and Hornets, how much worse would each team be? While the Spurs success doesn’t solely rely on Tony Parker, the success of the Hornets undeniably rests with Chris Paul. If Paul doesn’t get his teammates involved, score 25 a night, or literally will the team to victory, then New Orleans doesn’t have a prayer in the world to win. Paul is quite simply the glue that holds the Hornets together, and if he isn’t on the court, the Hornets are (at best) a mediocre team. 譯者實在不喜歡用這種顯示自己是阿宅的方式來比喻,但一時之間也想不到其他更貼切的 方法。試想想從兩軍中分別移除蜂王和趴車的後果...穩定的馬刺並不全然倚仗這台法國跑 車,但黃蜂卻不可一日無王。若沒有了CP3供輸和得分的帶領,散亂無章的蜂群連分毫贏球 的機會都沒有。他就是球隊的首腦,沒有了他黃蜂也只不過是支失去尾後針的平凡球隊罷 了。 For example, last season Chris Paul averaged about 23 ppg and 11 assists per game. The Hornets, as a team, score about 95 points per game. Consequently, Paul’s 23 points and 11 assists (which lead to between 20-30 points) legitimately account for half of the Hornets production as a team in virtually every game they play. How ridiculous/amazing is that? In addition, the Hornets were without Tyson Chandler, Peja Stojakovic, and David West for a good portion of last season, which only makes Paul’s stat line that much more remarkable. 攤開CP3上季的數據: 場均23分11助攻,而黃蜂平均每場可以得約95分。11次助攻經過換算 後大約值20~30分,也就是說理論上黃蜂每一場比賽的產量CP3都負責了約50%左右,這實在 是一個很驚人的現象。況且上季黃蜂有大半時間損兵折將,拳王、大衛西和佩甲不在場上 的情況下讓這份數據顯得更為難能可貴。 Tony Parker, on the other hand, adds to the already great Spurs team. Rather, to put it another way, he’s not looked at like Chris Paul is to account for half of the Spurs points on a nightly basis. Parker is a fantastic player, there isn’t any doubt about that, but his role is to facilitate Gregg Popovich’s system — not be the system. 相較下趴車對本已相當出色的馬刺來說可謂是錦上添花,球隊對他的依賴性並不如蜂王高 。毫無疑問的趴車是一名相當優秀的球員,他在波帥的戰術系統下如魚得水,但他始終不 像CP3: 毫無反應,本身就是個系統。 Parker is a fantastic point guard. However, he doesn’t consistently make the players around him better regardless of the situation or who is on the court with him. Chris Paul does, and that’s why he is the better player. 趴車是名傑出的控衛,但與蜂王相較下他增進隊友能力的靈氣受到環境與隊友因素的限制 較大,所以我認為蜂王才是較"強"者,謝謝指教。 -- HEY~~~HEY~~~CHAAAAARLIE~!   。。。。。 ⊙ . ▼▼▼▼ \▲▲▲▲ φ . \ . δ ./ㄨ \\/ˊ▄▄ \|/ㄑ ( ︶ ˋ\///\/. by Armour@joke -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kenny1300175:如果這篇是陸聞會有人噓嗎? 09/18 18:20
jackyu0810 :三國 港片 銀魂...any梗 else? 09/18 18:22
BrentRoy :翻的怎麼有一點宅氣縱橫... 09/18 18:32
BrentRoy : 而且我都看得懂(掩面) 09/18 18:33
swordmr20 :黃飛鴻鐵雞鬥蜈蚣 09/18 18:42
gaiaesque :.........原來是這篇 09/18 18:51
gaiaesque :毫無反應,本身就是個系統 XDDDDDDDDDDD 09/18 18:52
greatodin :TP現在算馬刺核心之一了 玩P&R玩得很棒 09/18 19:13
hllwolfkhan :翻翻外電也算照服人群咩.....別說我逼得好悲 09/18 19:24
gaiaesque : 皂浮 09/18 19:32
s4511981 :其實寫得很好笑XD 09/18 19:41
pttsac :看到主堡跟外掛害我笑了PS.這篇術語有很多嗎看的懂+1 09/18 19:56
hllwolfkhan :老實說 翻譯我看不太懂...有人可以解釋一下嗎? 09/18 20:11
LamarOdom :本身就是個系統 好猛的感覺 09/18 20:18
mimi410229 :大推 本身就是個黃蜂作業系統 09/18 22:57
yxian :好個宅氣縱恆 XD 09/19 01:50