精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
欠債還文... http://dimemag.com/2009/09/whos-better-chris-paul-or-tony-parker/ TONY PARKER (by Austin Burton) As much as I’ve been a blaring advocate for Tony Parker in recent years, I’d always ranked him behind Chris Paul in the “Best Point Guard on the Planet” race. That changed during this year’s playoffs. 法國跑車代言人: Austin Burton 雖然我和本板冥燈一樣是位高調的趴車迷,但每當談論到"地球上最強控衛"的排名時,我 每每還是將趴車排在蜂王的後面。不過看完今年的季後賽後我改變了我的觀感。 On the surface, there wasn’t much difference in CP and TP’s brief postseasons . Both of their teams got knocked out in the first round in series that weren’t really that close. But while Paul was below-average (16.6 ppg, 10.4 apg, 1.6 spg, 41% FG) against Chauncey and the Nuggets, Parker was as dominant as a player could be in a losing effort, dropping 28.6 points, 6.8 assists and 1.2 steals against J-Kidd and the Mavs. And TP wasn’t gunning; he shot 54 percent from the field and matched his regular-season assist numbers despite San Antonio having exactly zero credible scoring threats after Tim Duncan. 檯面上看來今年兩人在曇花一現的季後賽舞台上表現相差不遠,兩者所屬球隊在兵力不足 的情況下皆止步於第一輪。當槍西帶領的金塊將蜂王砸個頭昏腦脹使其數據下降之餘(場均 16.6分、10.4助攻及1.6次抄截,命中率41%),在面對接生小孩帶領的小牛時這輛法國跑車 催足了油門,以場均28.6分、6.8助攻和1.2次抄截的表現力抗狂牛陣。更難能可貴的是家 有美豔嬌妻的趴車依舊秉持著他不濫射的原則,維持著54%的命中率,同時在隊上只有石佛 清醒的情況下也保持著他供輸的效率。 When his back was against the wall, Paul sank into a corner. When the Hornets gave up early in the infamous Kobayashi Game, CP gave up with them. On the other hand, Parker responded to bleak circumstances like a predator. Going into the postseason without Manu Ginobili, the Spurs got nothing from Roger Mason, Mike Finley and their other role players. They were pretty much a two-man team, and yet Parker alone put a fright into Dallas. He owned a must-win Game Two, scoring 27 of his 38 points in the first half of a Spurs blowout. Then in a Game Four loss, Parker posted 43 points and four steals. Reminiscent of the ’07 Finals, he was San Antonio’s postseason MVP, even ahead of Duncan. Is CP capable of carrying his team like that against adversity when it matters most? Probably. But until he actually does it, “probably” is all he’s got. 當球隊走投無路時,蜂王也只能坐以待斃。被金塊大肆屠殺時蜂王只能夠跟著隊友提早舉 白旗,終場以58分之差被對手羞辱。相較之下,面臨困境時趴車卻催起了他最大的馬力應 戰。在妖刀毀損以及其他人全都失神的情況下,季後賽堪稱為兩人球隊的馬刺卻依舊殺的 小牛一身冷汗。在勢必拿下的第二戰上半場一波38分的馬刺狂潮中趴車一人便佔了其中27 分,在輸球的第四戰中趴車狂飆了43分且附帶四次抄截。請別忘了雖然石佛在隊上,但他 才是2007年總冠軍賽的MVP! 蜂王是否同樣能在面臨絕境時帶領球隊殺出一條血路? 我想大 家都不會懷疑他有這個能力,但在他實際證實前答案也只是個"應該吧?"。 Am I overrating what may simply have been a bad stretch for Paul, and a mere hot streak for Parker? Possibly. Or you could say that in those contrasting playoff performances, we got the short-film version of why TP had three championships and a Finals MVP to his name, while CP is still a conference- finals virgin. 或許我有點過度解讀了兩者在季後賽表現間的差異,但由此我們也能約略了解為何趴車車 上已經載了3枚總冠軍戒指和一座總冠軍賽MVP獎盃,而終日碌碌的蜂王卻依舊還未取得分 區冠軍賽的門票。 Paul gets the nod over Parker defensively, and while TP’s passing is underrated, he is still a notch below CP in that aspect of the game. Their handle is about equal — Paul’s is just more flashy. But Parker is a much better scorer and shooter; his mid-range J is a vital part of the Spurs’ pick-and-roll, and he’s consistently among the League leaders in field-goal percentage despite being a small guard with seemingly no muscle on him. 蜂王在防守層面的評價無疑比趴車高,而雖然人們常低估趴車穿針引線的功力,但與蜂王 相比還是略遜一籌。兩者處理球的能力在伯仲之間,只不過蜂王花俏了些。但若談論到得 分與外線能力,趴車很明顯勝過了蜂王。在馬刺的擋切系統下趴車的中距離成了最致命的 武器之一,而貌似弱不禁風的他就如先前提到的 - 不濫射,命中率始終維持在聯盟中前段 班的位置。 I’ve covered this before: Parker has simply beaten everyone lined up across from him (including CP3 in their only playoff matchup), and no point guard over the last two decades has matched TP’s combined level of team and individual success. For me, that alone used to be enough to put Parker ahead of almost every PG in the world. After the ’09 playoffs, he’s advanced to the top of the class, vaulting past the NBA’s teacher’s pet in the process. 我先前提過,基本上趴車已經勝過了所有同位置的球員(其中也包含了與蜂王唯一一次的季 後賽交手),而過去20年來從未有控衛能夠達到如趴車般於團隊和個人的成就。對過去的我 來說趴車的成就幾乎足以凌駕任何控衛,而在2009的季後賽後這輛低調全力奔馳的跑車已 經超越了那些受到聯盟注目的球星。 -- 《大絕輸入對照表》 :↓ :B :L1 :↘→↘ :C :L2 :↙← :X :R1 :A :Y :R2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
oneindark :如果CP3有Duncan當隊友 只是這世界上總有太多如果.. 09/22 17:01
fionkissyou :IVERSON給它球星級隊友一樣打不出名堂啊 09/22 17:02
ihopeso :金塊跟小牛能比嗎?兩隊對手交換TP還是打的比CP好 09/22 17:03
ihopeso :說 更何況一個面對kidd 一個面對槍西 09/22 17:03
sukademo :二樓戰力低下 09/22 17:21
BrentRoy :不濫射...只在球場跟______兩個地方(  ̄ ﹁ ̄) 09/22 17:22
liousta :AI是招財貓賣門票用的 這兩個對球迷吸引力沒那麼大 09/22 17:24
KobeisMVP :AI真的很無辜... 09/22 17:53
greatodin :家有美豔嬌妻的趴車依舊秉持著他不濫射的原則 09/22 17:54
word324 :有美艷嬌妻 當然不濫射 只瞄準... 09/22 17:58
lotywin :這什麼爛文 得分助攻DOUBLE-DOUBLE 抄截1.6 還要被批 09/22 18:42
PaulChris :難道我就沒妻子嗎QQ 09/22 19:44
luxylu :樓上CP3 09/22 20:18
doodoohow :沒人要批他啊 只是比較的對手又老將又高檔而已... 09/22 21:55
gaiaesque :↓↘→↘↓↙←Y 09/22 22:46
monsterjam :如果過去這幾年把CP3跟TP交換..... 09/22 23:24
Highflying :Parker以前也被Kidd電過... 09/22 23:45
BrentRoy : 還有Marbury... 09/22 23:57