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Marbury Could Go To Wizards http://tinyurl.com/qr4shu Stephon Marbury's up and down (and down some more) playoff run with the Boston Celtics probably won't result in a lucrative contract next season but there is one team that could have interest in the former Knicks guard. Marbury, according to a source, was contacting Flip Saunders almost on a daily basis during the postseason and there is a chance that Marbury could be reunited with his first professional coach (okay, second after Bobby Cremins) next season. Saunders is now the head coach of the Washington Wizards and would strongly considering adding Marbury to the roster if there is a vacancy. The biggest hurdle for Marbury is that Mike James and Javaris Crittenton are both under contract. Ernie Grunfeld was a big Marbury fan when Ernie ran the Knicks. He tried to get him the year that Marbury was traded to the Nets. Instead of Marbury the Knicks made a deal the same day for Mirsad Turkcan. Marbury 最近與他職業生涯第一個教頭、現為巫師教練的 Flip Saunders 保持 極為密切的關係,如果有空缺的話,Saunders 應該會強烈的考慮納入 Marbury。 而巫師隊的 GM Ernie Grunfeld 似乎也相當喜歡 Marbury。 不過比較大的障礙是巫師陣中的後衛 Mike James 以及 Javaris Crittenton 合 約都還未走完。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
clkdtm32:重要嗎... 05/27 17:43
takohice:痾... 05/27 17:43
joffeter:天ㄚ...0號:又一個搶飯的! 05/27 17:43
goodsnk:去達欣拿冠軍吧 05/27 17:44
badprince:Marbury打PG 0號打SG ? 05/27 17:46
Hsin180:不能加入達欣了吧@@ 低名次才可以聘請洋助人 05/27 17:47
psychoF:可以借轉嗎? 05/27 17:48
hate2004:marbury應該比達欣的艾倫強吧 05/27 17:49
blueennis: 肯定 05/27 17:50
QooQ5566:馬布里 不準之後 連切入都沒了 05/27 17:53
moris0204: 絕對 05/27 17:53
sonico:季後賽看了幾球,感覺馬大少速度沒回來,不過拋投回來了 05/27 17:54
QooQ5566:看了巫師薪資 果然非常 爆炸... 05/27 18:00
gap057:Marbury跟四個NBA板的鄉民組一隊搞不好就稱霸581了 05/27 18:00
garlicidiot:推樓上~跟鄉民組隊就可以電爆達欣了 05/27 18:06
howard0321:球給痣傑 V.S. 球給馬大少.....XD 05/27 18:11
imanikki:[新聞] 對馬布瑞作困獸鬥 野獸踝傷下場 05/27 18:14
MandarinKing:痔傑全盛都不能跟Marbury比 現在變跛傑 還要比? 05/27 18:15
BrentRoy:林志傑其實真的蠻強的 看過他打街頭 根本秋風掃落葉阿 05/27 18:20
iAmReaLsORry:19幾的在台灣打街頭很猛這有啥好意外的嗎 05/27 18:24
OrzXXXqoo:偽大帝 05/27 18:28
lave70:19X之外體能 身體素質也要好 05/27 18:37
lave70:不然也是上去當大三0 05/27 18:38
ksk0516:台灣前幾強的打街頭猛很意外嗎? 05/27 18:39
kaj1983:打職業的還被街友電的話,那他也不用混了 05/27 18:44
unicotexalex:借轉可以啊~ 05/27 18:45
deh3215:街友(跪,躺,睡在地上):跪著也中槍,躺著也中槍,睡著也中槍 05/27 18:55
clkdtm32:19X光身高就吃死死了吧 05/27 19:15
BBSNUK:光裕隆的張益文街頭就猛到嚇死你了 05/27 19:27
knight0123:巫師己經有0號,傑米森,巴特勒,又不是能發4個球打~~~ 05/27 19:28
Resco:DORA:志傑據說你打街球秋風掃落葉 你覺得怎麼樣 ??? 05/27 19:28
WADECHEN:很久以前有篇文章 林志傑穿拖鞋去打33 六球三分 05/27 19:35
WADECHEN:被嗆說(認識的) SBL只會投三分? 05/27 19:36
WADECHEN:六球都切進去灌籃 XD 05/27 19:36
Maxslack:鄉民等級跟校隊等級都差很多了... 05/27 19:47
xenosagapro:明年搞不好沒有581 怎麼加入= = 05/27 19:50
jeffm:如果志傑每球都想灌籃 我一定去看SBL 05/27 20:03
deh3215:那你大概看沒幾年吧 灌籃很傷手腕和膝蓋的 05/27 20:05
starbury:叫Arenas走 我就去 05/27 20:07
unicotexalex:@@ 05/27 20:52
CenaC:小馬現在去哪隊....重要嗎? 05/27 21:01
callously:明年還有SBL嗎?.. 05/27 21:18
legend4431:林志傑近年傷史豐富 而且他現在又很惜灌...不大可能 05/27 21:46
skitshady:煩死了明明是NBA版動不動就要扯SBL 煩死了 05/27 22:27
jayjen:後衛好擠阿................... 05/27 23:03
WADECHEN:林志傑肥仔時期打UBA還滿常灌籃的 現在飛不起來了~慘 05/28 03:41