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Oklahoma City Signs Shaun Livingston 雷霆隊簽下Livingston source: http://0rz.tw/eOgW8 The Oklahoma City Thunder have signed guard Shaun Livingston to a multi-year deal, Executive Vice President and General Manager Sam Presti announced today. 雷霆隊宣布他們已與後衛Livingston簽下一只複數年的合約。 Per team policy, terms of the agreement were not announced. 細節不便透漏。 Livingston, 23, is being called-up from the NBA Developmental League’s Tulsa 66ers, where he averaged 9.5 points, 6.0 assists, 3.5 rebounds and 29.4 minutes in 11 games (10 starts). At the time of his call-up, the 6’7’’ guard ranked seventh in the D-League in assists (6.0). He scored a season-high 22 points on March 27 at Rio Grande Valley Vipers and dished out a season-best 11 assists against Iowa Energy on March 12. 23歲的Livingston是從發展聯盟被叫上來,在那裡他打了11場比賽(10場先發),平均每場 貢獻9.5分,6.0助攻,3.5籃板,平均上場29.4分鐘。(其餘略) Originally selected by the L.A. Clippers in the first round of the 2004 NBA Draft (#4 overall), he has appeared in 149 NBA games with L.A. Clippers and Miami. The Peoria, Illinois native owns career averages of 7.3 points, 4.7 assists, 3.1 rebounds in 26.8 minutes per contest. 04年被快艇隊以第四順位選中,在快艇隊及熱火隊打了共149場比賽。生涯平均每場7.3分 ,4.7助攻,3.1籃板,上場26.8分鐘。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (04/01 02:18)
valkyrie35:痾呵呵呵 04/01 02:20
spurs2120:這篇好像不是愚人節新聞 是真的@@" 04/01 02:22
Dacool:這次避震應該有調整好了吧 04/01 02:23
zealeliot:不錯喔 恢復的話對雷霆很有幫助 04/01 02:24
BrentRoy:http://www.nba.com/thunder/ 雷霆官網 係金欸 04/01 02:27
unicotexalex:我不會騙人啦= = 04/01 02:27
CW4:複數年 好猛... 04/01 02:28
BrentRoy:如果他可以扛下替補PG 那雷霆的Watson可以拿出去換SF.SG 04/01 02:29
MB10:推膝蓋... 04/01 02:29
BrentRoy:還是PF替補了 印象中老尼好像頗愛Watson 去勇士挑個板凳 04/01 02:30
BrentRoy:暴徒回來吧XD 04/01 02:30
crazyvsjay:本來是快艇的明日之星說 04/01 02:34
yeustream:希望他能成功復出 04/01 02:39
wulanjiao:愚人節弄的人心惶惶 04/01 02:46
SmallLong:好痛... 04/01 02:49
benoit0427:一爹 04/01 02:52
sasdrag:看他受傷影片超噁心 = = 04/01 03:00
foreverpeace:推一個 繼Penny之後又一個高控衛! 04/01 03:49
mercuryblue:還可以打SG 和魏斯布魯克和雷霆王剛好把pg-sf補滿 04/01 04:29
CKnnnn:thunders是棄將再生工廠嗎? 繼kristic後又一位 04/01 05:31
phillybutter:雷霆... 04/01 06:53
baronterry:加油吧~ 04/01 07:32
kok823:還23歲 路還有得走 04/01 08:21
Tyrael:每次看到Livingston就會有影片的陰影... 04/01 08:25
kungfu:忍不住摸了一下膝蓋.. =.=|| 04/01 09:13
celestial318:not bad,還有機會的 04/01 09:19
ICpo:加油~~希望他還能繼續發光! 04/01 10:19
Cavsgo:他還能打啊?!看了都會怕怕的= = 04/01 12:33
tt812:哀!他是我一直很看好的球員說...希望他接下來順利了 04/01 13:50
Ok303:加油~ 04/01 20:26
mingxian:加油!我很喜歡他的球風 04/01 21:07
evilbrian:之前不是有篇文章說他百米連14秒內都跑不進去嗎@.@? 04/02 05:12