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Mavs' Cuban Confronted K-Mart's Mom Cuban 與 K-Mart 母親衝突 source: http://0rz.tw/D5RbC / http://0rz.tw/fRP0Z 摘要: The NBA is reviewing a postgame confrontation between Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and the mother of Nuggets forward Kenyon Martin. NBA 當局正在重新檢視小牛與金塊上一戰賽後,小牛老闆 Mark Cuban 與金塊前鋒 Kenyon Martin 母親的衝突。 The incident took place as Cuban walked off the court following Saturday's controversial loss to Denver. 衝突事件發生於上一場爭議性的敗戰後,當 Cuban 要離開球場時。 Cuban referred to Martin as a "thug" or a "punk," according to The Denver Post. 根據丹佛郵報的報導,Cuban 嗆 Martin 是個 "惡棍"、"無賴"。 Cuban told the Denver newspaper by e-mail that as he walked off the court after the Mavericks' Saturday night loss in Dallas, he saw Martin's mother, Lydia Moore, as a fan was yelling that the Nuggets were "thugs." Cuban 透過電子郵件告知丹佛郵報,上一場敗戰後當他離開球場,他見到 Martin 的媽媽 Lydia Moore,那時有球迷正叫喊著 "金塊隊是一群惡棍!"。 "That includes your son," Cuban said to Moore, according to his e-mail to The Post. Cuban 向 Moore 說: "欸,那包括你兒子。" Martin's agent, Brian Dyke, had a different take on the incident, The Post reported. According to Dyke, an unprovoked Cuban told Moore, "Your son is a punk." 據報導,Martin 的經紀人 Brian Dyke 有不同的觀點。就 Dyke 所說,未受挑釁 的 Cuban 告訴 Moore 說: "你兒子是個無賴。" = Nowitzki 的談話: "We both played hard, had some great battles and left it at that," Nowitzki said Tuesday. "We were laughing at one move that I made on the block where I had like 10 or 11 fakes and he was just standing there. He asked me what the hell I was doing?" "我們都打得很用力,有一些不錯的對抗,但也僅止於此," Nowitzki 說。 "有 一球我大概做了10或11次假動作有吧,而他就只是站著沒動,結果我們都笑了。 他還問我到底在幹麻啊?" "K-Mart is K-Mart. He's an aggressive player, an aggressive defender," Nowitzki said. "He goes to the basket hard. I don't think that's going to be in the back of his mind." "K-Mart 就是 K-Mart。他是一個積極的球員,一個很有侵略性的防守者," Nowitzki 說。 "他總是用力地挑戰籃框。我不認為這(先前的罰款)會讓他有所困擾。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hllwolfkhan:聞到火藥味 05/12 00:06
clay3631:你到底在幹嘛? 05/12 00:07
doodoohow:「而他就只是站著沒動,結果我們都笑了。」XDDDDDD 05/12 00:07
chunyu0720:其實球員私底下滿多好像都不錯呢 05/12 00:08
namtar:XD K-mart 超有趣 05/12 00:08
baimoo520:對阿 大家都很NICE 都是普通的地球人 05/12 00:08
aieri:印象中好像有看到那一球 05/12 00:09
rongeorge:而他就只是站著沒動,結果我們都笑了。XDDDDD 05/12 00:09
g198877422:而他就只是站著沒動,結果我們都笑了。 05/12 00:10
ilovedps: 而他就只是站著沒動,結果我們都笑了。 05/12 00:10
kyoforever:K嬤 : 到了叫我~ 05/12 00:11
unicotexalex:轉錄至看板 Nuggets 05/12 00:12
allen4374: 而他就只是站著沒動,結果我們都笑了。 05/12 00:12
YamagiN:其實Dirk的確差不多把K-Mart自傲的防守打爆了 05/12 00:13
alan09082006:流氓隊 05/12 00:14
lance7:what the hell are you doing??? 05/12 00:16
ccl007:認真防守隊 想拿冠軍就是要有鐵血防守! 05/12 00:16
ert0700:假動作就是要假阿 05/12 00:16
g198877422:假一點 再假一點 05/12 00:17
WinShot:奇枒:假動作? 我每個動作都是假的啊? 05/12 00:20
CW4:德佬xDDDDD 05/12 00:20
goodbad:Dirk真有風度 05/12 00:28
g198877422:獵人....富間是要拖多久阿 05/12 00:31
aimjvc:XD 05/12 00:32
fegat:司機:(晃*10) 科科... Kmart:科科! 05/12 00:35
unicotexalex:K-MART: 在幹麻啦(挖鼻孔) 05/12 00:36
wrqet:德老來金塊吧!氣死庫班 05/12 00:37
Paraguay:轉錄至看板 Mavericks 05/12 00:40
smallzch:這篇怎麼這麼好笑阿XDDDDDDDD 05/12 00:40
Shaq32:這篇好好笑歐= = 05/12 00:44
envogue:怎麼能這麼歡樂阿XD 05/12 00:48
deo770521:這篇好笑 05/12 00:49
unicotexalex:結果老闆推文跟大家格格不入XDDD 05/12 00:49
blueslovetw:「而他就只是站著沒動,結果我們都笑了。」 XDD 05/12 00:50
ray3813900:好想看假動作的影片= = 05/12 00:50
g198877422:不知道有沒有場上大家笑場之類的影片剪輯 05/12 00:50
APUU:= = 05/12 00:51
bbbruce:XD 05/12 00:52
chinlingts:Dirk 很有風度,至於Cuban講的話,原封奉還吧!! 05/12 00:54
celestial318:看完我只覺得好像小題大作了... 05/12 00:55
bruce0077:有些球員私下交情真的超好,KOBE跟阿泰也是..不要懷疑.. 05/12 01:03
kurt28:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 05/12 01:04
ecbytesan:XDDD 05/12 01:06
HeavyBlue:XD 05/12 01:06
JoshSmith: 而他就只是站著沒動,結果我們都笑了。 05/12 01:15
ando:我覺得小牛的問題 老闆比球員嚴重 05/12 01:17
jackeighteen:推有風度的Dirk 越來越喜歡他了@@ 05/12 01:27
KAEKO:Dirk真的很有風度 老實說這很讓人臉紅阿 可是人太好是不行的 05/12 01:36
KAEKO:Dirk...球場上要凶狠阿...都季後賽了誰跟你笑嘻嘻... 05/12 01:37
Dsman:Dirk其實這系列賽打超好阿..... 平均破30分耶 05/12 01:39
Dsman:只是小牛還是GG 05/12 01:39
vuelvely76:科神跟阿泰交情有很好嗎?可以爆個卦來聽聽嗎 05/12 01:40
cutefennec:之前報導有說有私交 幫找看看 05/12 01:41
tony77998:小牛老闆博板面一直都博很大 05/12 01:41
q4928767:諾佬真的很nice....就甘心 05/12 01:43
cutefennec:這個可以嗎 @@ 05/12 01:52
freijaking:Dirk講話不錯 KMart防守沒話說 05/12 02:28
tinybaby:不是"我們金怪是惡棍">< 是CUBAN說你們金塊是惡棍 05/12 02:42
CW4:是樓上搞錯..... 05/12 02:47
CW4:http://www.denverpost.com/nuggets/ci_12340464 供參考 05/12 03:05
CW4:Cuban是說當時有球迷這樣講 他就順勢跟Moore戳一下妳兒子也在 05/12 03:12
CW4:其中 所以原PO的翻譯可能也略需修正才符合原意 05/12 03:14
CW4:不過如果真象的是如另一方所說直接罵"Your son is a punk." 那 05/12 03:17
CW4:Cuban就真是非常的沒風度了 05/12 03:19
Smartla:跟他媽講說不用跟狗吵架 05/12 05:21
carotyao:司機蠻不錯的 正常人應該會臉紅跑開XD 05/12 06:18
roadofmajor:這篇原文的確是寫 球迷講的,不是Martin他媽 05/12 08:21
chengyuyang:as a fan was yelling that....這句你沒看到意思全變 05/12 08:26
unicotexalex:感謝各位指點:) 05/12 08:34
※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (05/12 09:16)
aLaCarte:Cuban: 冷涼卡好 KMart:.............. 05/12 09:50
dusted:要投了叫我 05/12 10:06
ILNARA:司機>////< 05/12 11:19
lave70:老媽被嗆 會不爽是正常的 05/12 11:31
kg960629:請問得老有跟人吵過架嗎? 05/12 15:07
hidetoshi:Dirk真的很有風度!!! 05/12 16:12
awaro:姚明跟Dirk真是愈來愈讓我喜歡 05/12 22:52