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Barkley Gets 5 Days In Jail For DUI source: http://0rz.tw/iVlO8 Charles Barkley will serve five days in jail after pleading guilty to drunken-driving charges in Scottsdale, Arizona on Monday. 在承認酒駕之後,老巴即將要蹲五天的牢。 Barkley was arrested on December 31st. He had a blood-alcohol level of .149 percent, way above the legal limit of .08 percent in Arizona. 當初被逮捕的時候,酒測值遠遠超出標準。 Barkley took a leave of absence from his job as a TNT basketball analyst to deal with the issue, but returned last Thursday and aplogized for his mistakes. 因為此事,離開了TNT一陣子,最近又回來且他也道歉了。 "I think that a DUI is unacceptable," Barkley said, "That can't happen and I've got to challenge other people, not just celebrities or jocks. You have to really think before getting behind the wheel after you've been drinking." "我認為DUI是不可被接受的。不只是名人或者是那些自以為是的混蛋,我要 讓你們所有人都知道,酒駕之前最好是好好的想一想" 老巴說。 Along with serving five days in jail, Barkley must participate in an alcohol awareness program. 不只這樣,老巴還得參加酒精控制的課程咧.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kojiohashi:爽 02/24 12:57
squalljack:自作自受.... 02/24 12:58
hllwolfkhan:記者:巴先生,請問您為什麼酒駕 巴:我這是果汁~~ 02/24 12:58
permoon:危險駕駛? 02/24 12:58
LABOYS:這就是巴爵士為什麼這麼受歡迎 我超愛他的賤嘴和草莽個性 02/24 13:02
u2gogowin:這的確是自作自受= = 酒駕害人害己 02/24 13:07
lovefordidi:真糗..以後別再犯了 明知道這事不對還去做 02/24 13:09
hsuhuche:還好沒撞到人... 02/24 13:09
lovefordidi:真的好險沒撞到人 02/24 13:10
BrianGrant:我也蠻喜歡他,不過酒駕真該死。還好沒撞到人。 02/24 13:11
Iloveit:老巴怎麼不找立委... 02/24 13:13
h12258:會被肛肛嗎 02/24 13:16
lave70:有人敢嗎@@ 02/24 13:17
shch:DUI就是失去完全掌控能力下開車 比如喝酒瞌藥都是 02/24 13:20
TimChiu:不意外 02/24 13:21
DeonBon:酒駕怎麼不關久一點 02/24 13:21
deoman43:最好關到死 02/24 13:29
sonico:酒駕就是該罰,就算是巴爵士也一樣!!! 02/24 14:29
LlT7399:酒駕就是該死 跟賤嘴和草莽個性有啥屁關係?? 02/24 14:40
joffeter:老巴嘴炮深受歡迎,但如果是當事人不氣死才怪! 02/24 14:45
aquarius2oo2:撞到人就不得了了...會改變他的後輩子吧... 02/24 14:56
righthand:張伯倫就沒被關 酒駕要會選地點 :P 02/24 17:48
lave70:老巴:五天之後 您伯又是一條好漢~~~ 02/24 20:35
※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (02/25 02:39)
unicotexalex:感謝yij大提供翻譯指點!! 02/25 02:39