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Reports: Allen target of death threat Tony Allen成為死亡威脅標靶 source: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=4094591 Security around Tony Allen was increased on Thursday at the United Center after a Chicago man issued a death threat against the Boston Celtics guard, The Boston Globe and Yahoo! Sports reported on Thursday. 根據Boston Globe以及Yahoo! Sports的報導,由於一名芝加哥人對超賽的後衛Tony Allen發出死亡威脅,今天在公牛主場進行的比賽加強了其周圍的保全。 The Celtics and Bulls had extra security around their benches during Game 3 of a first round playoff series to keep an eye on Allen. A source said the added security presence was a precautionary measure, according to the Globe. 今天超賽與公牛的首輪季後賽第三戰,板凳席的部分有較平常更多的保全人員以確保 Allen的安危,增加保全人員是為了確實做好預防措施。 Allen, who is from Chicago, played nine minutes on Thursday night and did not score in the team's 107-86 win over the Bulls. 來自芝加哥的Allen,今天比賽上場九分鐘,沒有得分,超賽107-86戰勝公牛。 Sources told the Globe that Allen has been receiving threats in Chicago for some time. Allen was also threatened prior to a March 17 game at Chicago. He didn't make that trip because of a thumb injury. 消息指出Allen已接過來自芝加哥數次的威脅,三月十七號在芝加哥的比賽前也曾傳 出威脅,該場比賽他因拇指受傷並未隨隊出賽。 "Is that what you're going to write about? Is that what you're going to write about?" Allen said when asked about the threats, then walked away, the Globe reported. "這該不會是你打算要寫的東西吧? 這該不會是你打算要寫的東西吧?" Allen被問到 有關死亡威脅時這麼說到,隨後他就掉頭離去。 "It's a private team matter," Celtics president Rich Gotham told Yahoo! Sports. "It's just not something that we are going to talk about." "這算是球隊私底下的事情," 超賽總裁Rich Gotham如此告知Yahoo! Sports。 "這並 不是什麼我們打算要談論的事情。" The NBA also declined comment to Yahoo! Sports. NBA聯盟方面也拒絕發表評論。 In April 2007, Allen was found not guilty of aggravated battery in a Chicago court. That charge was connected to a fight in August 2005 outside a Chicago restaurant. 07年四月,芝加哥法院宣佈Allen在一次嚴重鬥毆中無罪。鬥毆事件發生於05年八月, 一家芝加哥餐館外。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mike1990:確定是..TONY?? 不是歹徒寫錯吧..= = 04/24 22:23
unicotexalex:轉錄至看板 Celtics 04/24 22:23
shivaeye:大概是希望他不要上場(誤)...不過他不上超賽比較穩定 04/24 22:24
hllwolfkhan:RAY ALLEN 吧...威脅TONY沒啥用阿?? 04/24 22:24
gap057:是因為私人恩怨吧 不是球技問題 04/24 22:25
celestial318:他私下可能結怨太多= = 04/24 22:25
shivaeye:Ray allen不太可能和人結怨..TONY不意外啊..球場常腦充血 04/24 22:26
gary63122:Tony還沒找到腦細胞 04/24 22:30
pttsac:應該是Ray吧 結怨的原因無奇不有的 應該是表現太好吧 04/24 22:30
giveme5566:會在死球時間耍憨灌籃把腳灌爛的也算是屌哥一個 04/24 22:31
kuofish:RAY最好是不太可能和人結怨 沒看過發言越來越嗆的"君子" 04/24 22:35
celestial318:樓上你跟他很熟? 他私底下如何你很了解? 04/24 22:37
unicotexalex:幹麻噓我( ′-`)y-~ 04/24 22:41
kuofish:補推u大 04/24 22:43
unicotexalex:XDDD 人真好 04/24 22:48
Kirihara:樓樓上最懂 04/24 22:48
david760615:這個版到底怎了 每次都有一些莫名奇妙的低級釣客 04/24 22:51
unicotexalex:大家把焦點拉回來吧 怎麼可以扯到Ray去... 04/24 22:51
ckshera:Kuofish 失敗了... 04/24 22:51
unicotexalex:今天明明就是Tony Allen是芝加哥當地人 又曾在當地 04/24 22:52
unicotexalex:捲進一些事件 有人看不爽他才想要搞他啊.. 04/24 22:52
kuofish:幫米粉頭講點話也有人要扯到釣魚( ′-`)y-~ 04/24 22:56
spahappy:呵 04/24 22:58
Alik:推 04/24 22:58
Geel:奇怪明明是魚還一直釣魚... 04/24 23:00
andy80209:他是寫錯了吧... 04/24 23:03
ej04cj86:看不懂kuofish是被釣還是釣人....有點呆...(⊙o⊙) 04/24 23:04
Kirihara:就引戰阿 04/24 23:06
cat0806:郭魚好像有點弱...... 04/24 23:08
kuofish:那還真抱歉哪( ′-`)y-~ 04/24 23:10
clkdtm32:我也不懂威脅他要幹嘛.... 04/24 23:15
jas620:有種就威脅Tony Stark (誤) 04/24 23:28
kingroy:威脅他跟球隊無關阿 = = 04/24 23:44
qoomilk:魚釣魚? 04/24 23:47
bruce513:今天稍早就在Y!SPORT首頁看到這個 覺得很訝異!! 04/25 00:07
RonArtest93:希望他平安 阿彌陀佛 04/25 00:47
LinChihChei:有種就威脅 David Stern 04/25 01:25
szuta: 有種就威脅 David Stern的老爹LeBron James 04/25 02:07
aikurakimai:9樓 XD 屌哥 哈哈 04/25 06:29
b7616734:有些人就是愛裝熟 04/25 08:27
baronterry:SOGA...我還以為歹徒眼殘手殘寫錯了= = 04/25 14:36