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※ [本文轉錄自 UTAH-JAZZ 看板] 作者: K0BEJ0RDAN (科比喬丹) 看板: UTAH-JAZZ 標題: [外電] Too early to compare Suns' Nash to Stockton 時間: Sat Jun 3 10:48:02 2006 原文網址:http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,635212347,00.html Compared to the praise being heaped on Steve Nash during this year's playoffs, the memory of John Stockton seems downright quaint.Remember when announcers were speaking in similar tones about Stockton? Maybe not. Athletes , like pop stars, come and go. That's not to say Stockton was merely a flavor of the month. But after watching Shawn Kemp outplay Karl Malone one night in the 1990s, a Seattle area writer said to me: "Looks like we may be witnessing the passing of the torch." 與這季的playoffs中讚賞聲不斷的Steve Nash相比,John Stockton帶給我們的回憶 似乎顯得更為離奇。 還記得當時的發佈者用相同的口吻來形容Nash與Stockton嗎?但事實或許並非如此, 運動員就像電視上看到的明星一樣,有的只是紅極一時,來的快去的也快。不過我們 應該也不會說Stockton就是那些只出一張專輯的一片歌手吧。但在90年代的一場比賽 中我看到Shawn Kemp擊敗了Karl Malone,而在賽後西亞圖當地的一位作者對我這麼 說:"或許我們將見証一位閃亮巨星發光的過程"。 For a year or two it almost seemed possible. Now, of course, it only looks silly. Kemp ended up impersonating a blowfish while Malone became the second-leading scorer of all time. That's how it goes. We tend to get bogged down in the here and now. To a starving man, the best meal he's ever tasted is the most recent. Which raises the question: Who is/was the better point guard, Nash or Stockton? I can answer that . . . in about a decade. 在那一兩年看來似乎的確是如此。但對於現在的我們來說,那說法卻是愚蠢至極。 因為當Malone成為了NBA史上得分第二高的球員時,Kemp卻讓我們覺得他只是個披 著人皮的河豚。世事就是如此,人們總是會為了現階段的某些事情而墮落下去。 對於一個有野心,積極進取的球員來說,把握當下就是最好的享受。 這也讓我們連想到一個問題:到底Nash和Stockton誰才是比較優秀的控球後衛呢? 現在我還不能回答你們,但十年後或許我能給你個答案。 As the Phoenix Suns continue their quest for a championship, it is obvious that Nash is a phenomenal player. (By the way, who styles his hair, Tom Petty?) It's hard to watch him and not summon the well-worn description of "Best Point Guard Ever, Not Named Magic," or "The Best Pure Point Guard." That's what they used to say about Stockton. Right now, though, it's hard to argue against Nash. He is averaging 20 points and 10 assists in the playoffs and is making the Dallas Mavericks wish he would just leave basketball and join a grunge band. 以目前太陽隊能夠邁向NBA總冠軍來說,Nash的確是個很傑出的球員。(對了,是誰設計 他的髮型的?是Tom Petty嗎?)。很難看著Nash打球卻不連想到那些所謂的稱號---- "最佳控衛不再是Magic Johnson了"或是"最佳純種控衛不再是John Stockton了"。 以目前的情形來說,你很難去否決掉Nash,因為他在playoffs中的平均得分是20,而助 攻也達到10,並且他也使得小牛隊很希望Nash能夠去組個地下樂團而別來打籃球。 Nash has won two MVP's, while Stockton didn't win any. His career 3-point percentage and free throw percentages are ahead of Stockton's, and their career scoring averages are nearly identical. Still, Stockton remains the all-time NBA assists and steals leader. His field goal accuracy is nearly four percentage points better than Nash's. While Stockton was a consummate "pass-first" player, Nash is a scoring point guard. Stockton considered it his duty to get the ball to Malone in scoring position; Nash often looks to shoot first. 與Stockton相比起來,Nash拿了兩次的MVP,但Stockton一次也沒有。Nash的3分命中 率與罰球命率也都比Stockton要來的高,而他們兩位的生涯平均得分也很相近。 然而,Stockton仍是NBA史上的助攻王及抄截王,並且他的投籃命中率也比Nash高了 有4%之多。而當Stockton被視為是一個以傳球為優先的球員時,Nash則是被視為一 個擅於得分的控衛。Stockton總是認為的他的首要任務就是要將球傳給Malone來得分, 而Nash則是常常以自已有沒有機會投籃為優先。 Both are superb passers and masters at making teammates better. Yet the temptation is to rush to judgment, especially while Nash is front and center. But even in Stockton's glory days there were challengers. Mark Price was the Cleveland guard who for a few years was a considerable worry for Stockton's. But he never came close to Stockton's career. Gary Payton was more than enough trouble for Stockton for several seasons. He had determination, attitude and talent. He may even end up in the Hall of Fame. But he'll never be considered a better guard than Stockton. 他們兩位都是非常會傳球的好手,而且也是個能使球隊打的更好的球員。 尤於Nash是現階段NBA中控衛打的最突出的球員,所以最讓人期待的還是這個話題的 結論:到底他們兩誰才是更好的控衛? 不過就算是Stockton在那最輝煌的時刻,仍是有許多的競爭對手。騎士隊的後衛Mark Price就給Stockton帶來了些許的困擾,但Price的成就仍與Stockton相差甚遠。 相較之下,Gary Payton所帶給Stockton的麻煩就大多了。Payton有堅強的意志, 積極的態度及過人的天賦,他甚至也很有可能成為名人堂的一員。但Payton卻也從來 沒有被視為一個比Stockton更好的後衛。 In the late '80s and early '90s, Phoenix's Kevin Johnson occasionally ate Stockton for lunch. But not over the long run. Golden State guard Tim Hardaway's crossover dribble thwarted Stockton at times, but not for long. Later came Nash, New Jersey's Jason Kidd and Sacramento's Mike Bibby. Great guards, one and all. 在80年代後期和90年代初期,太陽隊的Kevin Johnson也偶爾曾把Stockton吃假的, 但時間也不長。當時勇士隊的後衛Tim Hardaway的crossover也常常過了Stockton, 但時間也同樣不長。之後就是Nash,籃網的Jason Kidd和國王隊的Mike Bibby。 幾乎攘括了所有偉大的後衛。 But over a 19-year career, Stockton accomplished more than any of them. He was a 10-time All-Star (Nash has four All-Star appearances), ranks second all-time in games played and has the fourth-best field goal percentage of any guard in history (behind Lewis Lloyd, Maurice Cheeks and Magic Johnson). He helped his team to the playoffs in each of his 19 seasons. 但在Stockton職業生涯的19年之間,他的成就比任何以上的球員都還要偉大。 他10次入選明星賽(Nash則有4次),打的球賽場數排名NBA史上第二,而他的投籃命中率 也是NBA史上第四高(僅輸給Lewis Lloyd,Maurice Cheeks,和Magic Johnson)。 在他職業生涯的19年之間,Stockton每年都幫助爵士隊打進季後賽。 Nash is the best point guard in the game today. He has been in the league 10 years. If he keeps up his pace, he will surely be a Hall of Fame selection. Most important, if he leads the Suns to an NBA title he'll be one up on Stockton in that department. But to say he's a better guard than Stockton right now requires a longer perspective. Another nine years, in fact. Let's put it to a vote in 2015. Nash無疑是當前最好的控球後衛,他在NBA也有十年之久了,而如果Nash能夠繼續維持下 去,那麼進入名人堂也是遲早的事。最重要的是假如Nash能夠帶領太陽拿下NBA總冠軍, 那麼他在這點上面和Stockton相較之下會佔得比較多的優勢。 但是要說他是個比Stockton還要好的後衛還太早了點,我們必須長期觀察下來才能得到 結論。或許再9年後,讓我們在2015年時再下這個結論吧~ 翻不好的地方還請見諒 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
CarlosBoozer:翻得真好 @@ 06/03 10:52
ppr:翻得好。 google了一下Tom Petty的照片還蠻好笑的 XD 06/03 10:54
※ 編輯: K0BEJ0RDAN 來自: (06/03 10:58)
amox:推 :) 06/03 10:58
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kaido:推好文 另外推"幾乎攘括了所有偉大的後衛" 這句真屌.. 06/03 11:06
loveway:個人覺得Stockton帶給我籃球的感動遠勝於Nash 06/03 11:08
ccl007:要考慮到他跟哪位球員身在同一時代呀 唉! 06/03 11:10
po1008:是好文 06/03 11:11
Lothario:披著人皮的河豚.... 06/03 11:13
rahim1211:要NASH再打9年...也太殘忍了... 06/03 11:14
sam369:奈許要跟老史比 先超越裴頓KIDDKJ這三個人吧 06/03 11:16
BlueKidds:Nash的MVP價值應該已經超越那三人了 06/03 11:17
newest:可惜的是年資還不夠@@ 06/03 11:18
s855453:投籃命中率是後衛中第四高喔 06/03 11:19
sam369:老史>裴頓>KJ>KIDD>奈許>BIBBY>TIM HARDWAY>SM 06/03 11:21
sam369:史塔克頓帶領爵士闖入二次總冠軍戰 西區冠軍戰也打好多次 06/03 11:22
sam369:裴頓帶領超音速打入一次總冠軍戰 西區冠軍戰也有打過 06/03 11:23
kaido:我不認為bibby在Tim之上 坦白說 還差很多 06/03 11:23
sam369:KJ跟老八那一年也打入過一次總冠軍戰 西區冠軍戰幾次不清楚 06/03 11:23
sam369:KIDD總冠軍戰也打過二次一次被馬刺幹掉一次被湖人幹掉 06/03 11:24
DAING:Tim > Bibby 06/03 11:25
sam369:SM似乎....點點點最好的成績好像只有打過季後賽第一輪OR 2 06/03 11:25
sam369:Tim > Bibby沒意見.只是BIBBY往後還可以打幾年身體保養不錯 06/03 11:26
sam369:奈許總冠軍戰次數0 得到冠軍次數0 季後賽MVP0 當然有機會 06/03 11:26
sam369:在今年帶領太陽打入總冠軍戰甚至拿下MVP季後賽 還有冠軍. 06/03 11:27
sam369:TIM很可惜前期是TMC跑轟戰術在西區 後期跟莫寧在東區 06/03 11:28
sam369:TIM在二個時期沒打入總冠軍戰 後期總是跟尼克廝殺互有勝負 06/03 11:29
sam369:mark.price沒拿過冠軍也沒打過冠軍戰好像都呆在騎士比較多 06/03 11:30
Gmo:你們把MArk Jackson放那了..史上助攻地二名也. 06/03 12:19
madgame:Nash長得真的有像 Tom Petty XD 06/03 12:24
madgame:http://0rz.net/971qx 有圖有真相 06/03 12:25
GAIEGAIE:我戴假髮 把臉嗚住 也很像阿0.0 有沒有別張阿 06/03 12:51
husky2:披著人皮的河豚 XDD 06/03 13:03
madgame:要找年輕照,Petty老了禿了就不像了 :( 06/03 13:04
sam369:老馬克一次冠軍戰 沒拿過冠軍 也沒有MVP加持 組織好 防守差 06/03 13:07
Scion:Nash的防守跟老史比還差得遠,應該是沒可能超越 06/03 13:58
ayabrea:純推 他也使得小牛隊很希望Nash能夠去組個地下樂團 囧 06/03 14:45