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http://tinyurl.com/abqklk7 Kobe Bryant Sends Message to Terminally-Ill Cancer Patient Chris Gelinas, 16, was thrilled to hear words of encouragement from his favorite player. By Jared Kiemeney | Friday, Jan 4, 2013 | Updated 9:57 AM ESTView Comments (0) | Email | Print To say times have been tough for Chris Gelinas is an understatement. The 16-year-old from Corpus Christi, Texas, has been battling a rare form of cancer for years and doctors recently told the teenager there’s no further treatment that can help defeat the epitheliod sarcoma. 有一個16歲叫做Chris Gelinas的少年 已經對抗癌症多年了 醫生最近告訴他 已經沒有更進一步的方式來治療了 Chris’ fight is nearing its end. Chris的奮鬥已經接近終點了 Despite the grim reality, family and friends continue to encourage Chris. His fellow students at Tuloso-Midway High School started doing what any teenager would do in this situation: they took to Facebook. 儘管事實很殘忍 家人和朋友還是持續鼓勵Chris 他的同學打算用Facebook去幫忙 Hundreds of schoolmates started a campaign in hopes of reaching Chris’ favorite athlete: Kobe Bryant. One call to the Lakers and NBC4 was able to help deliver Chris a personal message directly from Bryant himself. 學校同學幫忙希望能找到Chris最喜歡的球員Kobe Bryant 湖人隊和NBC4幫忙傳送一則有關Bryant的視訊 "Hey Chris, what’s going on, this is Kobe," Bryant said in a video message. "Just wanted to say thank you so much for your support and for what you continue to embody and the spirit that you have to endure and to persevere and to fight. That’s an inspiration for me. Just wanted to take time to give you a shout out, say hello. Hope you had a merry, merry Christmas and a happy, happy New Year." Bryant在視訊表示:嘿 Chris~怎麼了? 我是Kobe 想對你說真的很謝謝你的支持 你的持續忍受和病魔對抗還有不屈不饒的精神 這都可以鼓舞著我 想在這個時間給你喊著 哈囉 希望你可以快樂~聖誕快樂 新年快樂 Chris was thrilled to hear the message from the player he’s idolized for as long as he can remember. Though the cancer has taken his eyesight, Chris couldn’t help but smile hearing Bryaant speak directly to him. 雖然癌症讓他失明了 Chris還是很興奮的在聽這個影片 ................... ................... LAODA!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
O10lOl01O :不是有專板? 01/05 12:42
akiramax :做善事給推!!! 01/05 12:42
nagisanoff :好可憐@@ 01/05 12:42
cs0917066585:公益推 01/05 12:42
Asty1e :善事推 01/05 12:43
SmonSo :推 01/05 12:43
atpx48691 :不渴質疑! 01/05 12:44
cpc21478 :視訊王 01/05 12:44
chipndale :其實還蠻感人的 給推 01/05 12:44
stevefran :溫馨! 01/05 12:45
GigiBuffon :推 希望有奇蹟出現 01/05 12:45
zxc15793 :不愧是LAUDA 01/05 12:45
scottandk :溫馨感人給個推 01/05 12:45
po11po11 :感動推 某樓...愛心是不分版 01/05 12:45
ck321 :good 01/05 12:45
JPDREAM :有督他嗎 01/05 12:46
katanakiller:老大有愛心 01/05 12:46
chien0923 :推 01/05 12:46
leisesnow :LAODA魂! 01/05 12:46
SuWeiLin :做善事給推! 至少是對社會有益的~ 01/05 12:46
MatrixMJ :善事推一個! 多一點這種文章吧 01/05 12:46
hiroshima :做善事不錯 01/05 12:47
nagisanoff :這種文也能噓 真誇張 = = 01/05 12:47
like1259 :還不錯 01/05 12:47
verydisco :推一個 那少年應該活不久了 01/05 12:48
z2114422 :善事給推~ 01/05 12:48
akiramax :有些人的水準真的是..... 01/05 12:48
DOGGYBEAR :溫馨 T^T 01/05 12:48
nanoca :給推 這種文也能噓... 01/05 12:48
jack19931993:做善事也能扭曲 某樓很閒齁 01/05 12:49
vance1024 :溫馨推 01/05 12:49
sdfsonic :做好事給推 JPDREAM真她X的嘴臭 01/05 12:49