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原文:http://www.slamonline.com/online/nba/slamonline-top-50/2009/09/top-50-manu -ginobili-no-29/ http://0rz.tw/hYFKH 翻譯:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/942631.html ============================================================================== September 22, 2009 8:00 am | 193 Comments Top 50: Manu Ginobili, no. 29 The definitive ranking of the NBA’s best players. by Adam Sweeney Underrated. It might be the most overused word in sports. As hoop-aholics we always beat our chests and stand on the curb shouting about how our favorite player gets no love. Therein lies the roundball rub. Our arguments are often dismissed because of our allegiances. This case for Manu Ginobili’s greatness can’t be. Why? Because as a Houston native, I loathe the San Antonio Spurs. I can assure you that no bias exists here. I went to college twenty-five minutes away from San Antonio and had to listen every day about the San Antonio Spurs dynasty. I made it my mission to debunk the fantasies Spurs had about their team. The thing is that the more you examine Manu’s career, the better he becomes. In fact, Manu may be the most underrated, there ’s that word again, player of our generation. Fact: Kanye West can cry about how a VMA was robbed from Beyonce but one of the truly great steals in history came when the Spurs grabbed Manu Ginobili with the 57th pick in the 1999 NBA Draft. Let me throw out a stat, seeing as we spent the last few weeks drinking the champagne of greatness that was Michael Jordan’s career. Manu is only the second player ever to win a NBA Championship, Euroleague title and Olympic gold medal. But you still don’t get it. Seeing is believing and anyone who saw the San Antonio Spurs fall apart in the playoffs against the Dallas Mavericks last year got a huge dose of how important Manu is to the team’s success. Say what you want about the addition of Richard Jefferson. Give deserved praise to Tim Duncan as the greatest power forward ever. Gasp at Tony Parker’s speed and emergence as a team leader. A run at an NBA title begins and ends with Manu Ginobili. Related Stories30 Teams, 30 Days Manu Ginobili Will See You Next Season The Post Up: Suns Shining Manu Ginobili Out 2-3 Weeks When Will Popovich Let Ginobili Play? And what’s funny is that as NBA fans we only got a partial glimpse of the picture. Before he came to the Association, The Argentine was tearing it up in Argentina and the Italian League. MVPs? He’s got them, winning the 2001 Euroleague Final Four MVP. He was only voted one of the thirty-five greatest players ever but we don’t want to talk about that. The NBA is king, oh wait, except when Manu led Argentina to Gold in the 2004 Olympics. Yeah, he was the MVP of that also. Perhaps it’s Manu’s foreign origins that make us shy away from him. You make the call. If that wasn’t enough, the most exciting player in S.A. is the first sixth man to win All-NBA honors. If Ben Gordon is worth over $50 million, what is Manu’s value? You can’t put a price on it. Unlike Gordon, who is at his best when he is coming off the bench, Manu has proven he could dominate as a starter. The stats don’t lie. In a five-game stretch as a starter last season, he averaged 34.4 points per game and 6.6 assists per game in 37.4 minutes per game. Efficiency, Manu is thy name. How well-rounded is Ginobili’s offensive game? A New York Times article regarding Shane Battier, the defensive student of the game that he is, studied the very subject. Battier is given data to study every opponent. The results speak for themselves. “Manu Ginobili is a statistical freak: he has no imbalance whatsoever in his game,” the article offers. “There is no one way to play him that is better than another. He is equally efficient off the dribble as he is off the pass, going left and right and any spot from on the floor.” It’s true. You’re just as likely to get beaten by a quick slash to the lane as you are a bucket from behind the line when it comes to Ginobili. He can score from anywhere. On any other team he would be a perennial All-Star. But it’s not about that. See, unlike other players who are too caught up in the “importance” of getting starter’s minutes (see Allen Iverson), Manu Ginobili kills ‘em softly any way the team needs him. He doesn’t mind letting Timmy and Tony have their names on the marquee, even though he could lead the team in points and assists. He just keeps on keeping on and counts the championship rings at the end of the day. The word clutch has become synonymous with Kobe Bryant but it’s an undeserved association. Yeah, you guessed it, Manu’s the real heir to the last minute throne. Forbes did a study chronicling the top players in the last five minutes of a game including overtime. It wasn’t even close. Manu topped the list and shoots lights out at a 57.4% clip. Your boy Kobe? 44.8%. Do I have your attention yet? The only thing that can stop Manu Ginobili is his health and he has suffered a few setbacks in the past few years. The 2008-2009 season ended unceremoniously for him as he had to shut it down with a stress fracture in his right distal fibula. That only means you’ll be sleeping on him this upcoming season, just like the majority of us have slept on the Spurs all these years. So when you are watching the Spurs in the Western Conference Finals next season, perhaps against the defending champion Lakers, don’t be shocked if Manu slaps the taste out of your mouth with a game-winning three. The quiet ones always sneak up on you. The funny thing is you’ll be the one left speechless. Manu Ginobili has been doing it his entire career and yet we still can’t find words to describe him. For now, underrated will have to do. Notes ‧ Rankings are based solely on projected ‘09-10 performance. ‧ Contributors to this list include: Jake Appleman, Brett Ballantini, Russ Bengtson, Toney Blare, Shannon Booher, Myles Brown, Franklyn Calle, Gregory Dole, Emry DowningHall, Jonathan Evans, Adam Fleischer, Jeff Fox, Sherman Johnson, Aaron Kaplowitz, John Krolik, Holly MacKenzie, Ryne Nelson, Chris O’ Leary, Ben Osborne, Alan Paul, Susan Price, Sam Rubenstein, Khalid Salaam, Kye Stephenson, Adam Sweeney, Vincent Thomas, Tzvi Twersky, Justin Walsh, Joey Whelan, Eric Woodyard, and Nima Zarrabi. ‧ Want more of the SLAMonline Top 50? Check out the archive. ============================================================================== 低估,一個在體育界被用到掉渣的詞匯。當自己鐘愛的球員不受待見時,我們這些籃球死 忠必然會捶胸頓足地找人理論。很自然的,我們的評論一般會帶些感情色彩。然而這種事 情絕對不會發生在M.Ginobili身上。作為休斯頓本地人,我極其厭惡聖安東尼奧馬刺。但 是有一次當我去一家離聖安東尼奧只有25分鐘車程的大學拜訪時,聽到的全是對馬刺王朝 的贊譽。我試圖從馬刺的偉岸幻影中找出一些瑕疵,但卻無功而返。因為往往我越是對馬 努的職業生涯吹毛求疵,越是被他的魅力深深迷惑。可以這麼說,刺客也許是這個時代最 被低估一個球員,好吧,再用一次也無妨。 真相只有一個:如果拿坎耶-維斯特從碧昂斯手中偷走MTV音樂錄影帶大獎和馬刺在99年選 秀中以57順位摘走刺客相比,就不值得稱道了。過去幾週,我們做了一些針對球員經歷的 統計,在對籃球之神喬丹頂禮膜拜的同時,我們也被馬努的履歷所震精,他是僅有的兩位 同時獲得NBA,歐洲聯賽以及奧運會冠軍的球員之一。這,只不過是冰山一角。 事實勝于雄辯,想必上賽季目睹馬刺被小牛踢出季後賽的諸位一定對馬努之于聖安東尼奧 的作用了然于胸了吧。盡管這一季馬刺引入了強援R. Jefferson,石佛依然是現役最偉大 的大前鋒,法國跑車的速度和神出鬼沒足以勝任球隊的領袖,但是,爭冠路上,絕對不能 少了阿根廷刺客。 有一點,要特別值得注意的是,球迷們往往只是看到了阿根廷刺客的半身輝煌。進聯盟之 前,刺客在阿根廷還有意大利聯賽可謂是呼風喚雨,予取予求。諸如歐冠四強賽的最有價 值球員等至高無上的榮譽,一一被他攬入懷中,他也是唯一一個入選35大歐洲球星的現役 球員。不過,在NBA至上的時代,那些並不算什麼,除了2004年那次帶領阿根廷攻城拔寨 摘得桂冠,MVP理所應當。刺客的歐風血統或許會讓我們輕視他的能力,那來看些你想要 的吧。 作為聖城最有激情的球員,刺客是第一個贏得所有NBA榮譽的第六人。假若B.Gordon身價超 過5千萬,那刺客該領什麼樣的薪水?這樣一想,你是否已經語塞?Gordon是板凳上蹦出來 的爆炸性得分手,而刺客,無論是替補還是先發,都能遊刃有餘,應付自如。數據從不會 說謊,上個賽季有段時間刺客連續五場作為先發出場,場均37.4分鐘內轟得34.4分、6.6 次助攻。高效之極,令人乍舌。 刺客的進攻手段可謂五花八門。時代週刊曾報導過,有人給火箭防守專家八爺一堆與他對 位球員的數據,讓他進行評論研究。當提到刺客時,他說道,“阿根廷刺客簡直就是個數 據怪胎,他的比賽往往都是完美無缺,找不到一絲破綻。”文章還提到,“沒有人打球比 他來得更聰明,他在無球狀態下同樣高效,無論是做什麼樣的動作皆是如此。”事實的確 是這樣,當對方的防守稍一走神,就極易被妖刀的刺客劃出一道口子。他在場上無所不能 ,得分手段千奇百怪。如果換作是在其他隊,他早已是全明星的常客了。 但事情並沒有和我們想象的那樣,有些球員過多地在意出場時間、先發位置(比如AI), 刺客卻總能犧牲小我、成全大我。當石佛和跑車名聲大噪時,他從不埋怨什麼,盡管他有 能力領跑球隊的得分榜和助攻榜。他一直默默地努力著,直到有一天,他不打球了,開始 把玩手中的戒指。 很多時候,溢美之辭往往被一個叫小飛俠KB的人據為已有。其實,這是不對的。正如你現 在想的那樣,刺客才是比賽關鍵時刻最有力的接管者。福布斯雜志曾對頂尖球員在比賽最 後五分鐘包括加時賽中的表現進行過統計分析。他們倆的結果幾乎配不上勢均力敵這個詞 ,刺客以57.4%的命中率高居榜首,而KB呢?只有44.8%。現在你明白了麼? 唯一能阻止刺客前行的障礙就是傷病,過去幾季,因為傷病他缺席了不少比賽。上個賽季 由于右腿末段腓骨有應力性骨折刺客不得不黯然提前結束了征程。新賽季即將開打,想必 你肯定會一如既往的支持刺客,就和這些年來我們對馬刺的不離不棄一樣。到賽季末,當 你看到西區決賽的賽場上演的是聖安東尼奧大戰洛杉磯時,請不要因為刺客的絕命三分而 驚訝。無聲處的驚雷才顯得恐怖,你可不要被嚇到。阿根廷刺客的職業生涯驚豔到我一時 找不到好的詞匯來修飾。再一次,我不得不再用一次,低估。 -- │ ╲╱ │ █◣◢█ █◣◢█ █◣◢█ █◣◢█ mysterio ╱     ╲ ◢ ◣ ███ 619 SPRS SPRS ◤ 9 ◥ WESTψ * * / \ FRANCE FRANCE │ │ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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