精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
"GINOBILI!" http://0rz.tw/6nu0C by Jesse Blanchard Friday, February 26th, 2010...11:02 am 隨著本球季開打時的風聲大雨點小,一堆負面新聞報導的推波助瀾下,馬刺迷們想必 是悶爆了。甚至連過去用來洗戰績的仙丹靈藥"客場長征",也以兵敗費城與底特律作收。 雖然近10場戰績只有5勝5敗,但在這段期間中馬刺的諸位卻可能得到了本季最棒的消 息: Manu Ginobili回來了! 馬刺還是有機會的。 請自行造訪 Express-News website 瞧瞧他自己說的話。( http://0rz.tw/rzBNf ) “I feel great, and I bet you can tell,” Ginobili said after submitting Exhibits A through Z in a Wednesday night victory against the Thunder. The performance gave every Spur aboard the short flight to Houston reason to believe a late-season surge is possible. Ginobili整季來一向都是個有力的球員,不論是將自己重塑成playmaker,亦或是變 成Jason Kidd化的得分後衛。偶爾來個怒濤洶湧的幹分會使你憶起過去的Ginobili曾是 如此般的球員,但這些跟過去他的比賽相比不過是鳳毛麟角般的幻影罷了。 早年季後賽馬刺輸給湖人的系列賽中,步履蹣跚的Ginobili在馬刺唯一贏的那場比賽 中狂得30分,給刺刺們一個"Ginobili is back"的美好假象。但假象終究只是個假象。 那一夜的確是令人熱血沸騰沒錯,但是他的得分與其說是他的註冊商標"挫傷男"般—用 侵掠內線而來,倒不如說是用那滑稽可笑的投籃而得的 同樣地,他這季初期的得分數字都是個假象,那只是他的外線偶爾準起來,以掩蓋他 的體能下降的事實。當他準起來時,仍然能夠狡猾地見縫插針,就像是他三分球八投六 中,拿下本季最高的36分一般。但不準的時候他就寸步難行了。 以下列出在一月Ginobili得分15分以上的所有比賽與其三分命中率,都比他球季表現 來得更高。 Opponent Points 3-Pointers NOR 16 2-5 POR 17 2-7 TOR 36 6-8 SAC 20 2-2 CHA 22 4-5 LAC 17 4-6 NYK 17 2-6 MIA 18 0-3 DET 16 2-6 NJN 21 1-3 UTH 22 1-4 Average 20 47% 自二月來Ginobili的表現可看出絕非僥倖,該月在30分鐘的上場時間內他平均可得到 19.4分,低調地恢復成過去那個聯盟頂尖後衛之一的那個他。更令人印象深刻的是他的 得分方式,不論有人防守與否地挑戰籃框,或是晴時多雲偶陣雨的三分球。 “Before, I was feeling every time I was penetrating I was going to get blocked,” he said. “Now I feel I can go over somebody or around somebody.” 星期三對雷霆的這場比賽是Ginobili催動馬刺油門的縮影。這是Ginobili式的純釀。 無所畏懼地挑戰籃框、上演犯規劇場,以及讓本季有著相當好的防守球隊雷霆隊如臨浩 劫。他的三分(1-4)或許又鳥掉了,但他唯一進的那球卻是在關鍵時刻中最為關鍵的一 球。 在防守上,在"discussions with Wayne Winston"這篇( http://0rz.tw/OhA5D )我們 可明顯看出去年聯盟最佳防守球員之一的Ginobili其防守力的下降。但對上雷霆時他就 爆氣了,無所不在。問問Kevin Durant就知道了。 Ginobili的健康是個最大的X因子。我先前寫過他是唯一超然於馬刺體系外的球員。他 的創意與臨時起意讓馬刺難以莫測,同時帶來點其他的沙必思。想想看他所帶來的防守 效應吧。 Over the past several games Ginobili has been more important than a high scoring superstar. He’s been, for lack of a better word, a pest. Defensively he’s been relentless; seemingly in every passing lane or contesting every drive while never truly leaving his man. I’m not sure if his new teammates have finally adjusted to his tendencies–I recall a few rotations overreacting to his gambles early in the season–or if he has simply been feeling better but think of the implications of that previous sentence. 在過去幾場比賽裡,Ginobili的表現比作為一名得分巨星更要來得舉足輕重。他是個 — 沒更好的字眼來形容了 — "討厭鬼"。持續不懈的防守、在傳球的路徑中伺機埋伏, 亦或是如影隨形地跟著被他看守的倒楣鬼。我不確定他的隊友們是否終於適應了他的球 風 — 我回想起有幾個球員們為著他在季初冒險豪賭的球風反應過度 — 或著他只是純 粹球感變好而領悟到防守才是王道的奧義。 If you have to account for a player at all times, every pass, every spin move, even every outlet pass is slowed a fraction of a second while an offensive player checks for a lurking Ginobili (and with the way he has played the past few weeks, you’re really going to want to check for a lurking Ginobili). 如果你要對一名球員進行剖析,每一次傳球、每一次耍花招,甚或是每次的抓籃板發 動傳球快攻的時候都要在下一秒鐘確認阿根廷刺客是否在某處埋伏 (過去幾星期下來他 用這些伎倆玩死好多人了,你真的要小心 — 刺客就在你身邊!) That little bit of extra bit of hesitation is often the difference between an uncontested shot and a turnover in the NBA. The renewed aggressiveness on the boards by Manu also leads to quicker transition opportunities. Both lead to easy baskets and a running game that extends beyond the one-man fast break that has been Tony Parker. (這段..打結了..) 馬刺肯定不會有季後賽的主場優勢( http://0rz.tw/VVPW7 )。但也許這樣的Ginobili 能讓馬刺有著不同於這兩年來季後賽的失意結局。身為二哥是不會讓他的球隊輸球的, 而且他確實有這個本事。 “Thank goodness for that guy,” McDyess said. “I’ve never played with anybody who wanted to win more than he does” 就目前來看,"他"回來了! -- "They'll be all right. I never worry about the Spurs," Nowitzki said. "By the time the playoffs start, they'll be ready. All this right now doesn't matter. They'll be right there." -- Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki, who scored 16 of his 26 points during Dallas' 42-point fourth quarter, and the Mavericks overcame a 10-point deficit for a 112-103 victory over the Spurs on Friday night. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
j19741123:只有他回來可能不太夠..... 02/27 18:57
bkzell:有一點很有趣,雖然manu是馬刺體系外的,可是他也可以帶動 02/27 19:03
bkzell:和連結整個球隊的進攻,尤其在Parker受傷的情況下, 02/27 19:04
bkzell:常常會看到過了半場後,manu就扮演起控衛的角色。 02/27 19:05
koflll:Manu的重要性除了穩定的得分 有時候抄截跟一些傳球都不錯 02/27 19:10
xians:推Manu!!!!!!!! 02/27 19:30
shaka1aka:恭迎師兄歸位.... 02/27 20:14
※ 編輯: Kshatri 來自: (02/27 22:14)
duncan1929:季末衝一波連勝吧!!! 02/27 21:52
maskfrog:Manu繼續爆氣吧!! 02/27 22:11
bluewindwmg:我以為是馬刺確定要續約馬妞了 可惜 02/27 22:57
Ginobi20:所以manu還是可以的 真是搞不懂為何不續約了>////< 02/28 00:48