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※ [本文轉錄自 Thunder 看板] 作者: Kshatri (No sé) 看板: Thunder 標題: [mySAS] Thunder's Durant wows others, not self 時間: Thu Feb 25 01:20:57 2010 Thunder's Durant wows others, not self http://0rz.tw/EbTz3 By Mike Monroe - Express-News Web Posted: 02/24/2010 12:00 CST Thunder's Durant wows others, not self 謙沖自牧的Durant Kevin Durant, the Oklahoma City Thunder's All-Star forward who brings the NBA's No. 2 scoring average into tonight's game against the Spurs at the AT&T Center, is still young enough to fidget and blush when confronted by praise he deems unworthy. 奧克拉馬雷霆的全明星前鋒Durant挾著聯盟得分No.2的氣勢,今晚到AT&T Center打 馬刺,當聽到對他的洋溢讚美時仍會感到不自在且臉紅,他認為這不足掛齒。 Tell him that Tim Duncan, the Spurs' two-time MVP, insists he be included in any conversation about this season's award, and the former Texas star rolls his eyes and drops his head. 跟他說馬刺兩屆MVP球星Duncan挺他角逐今年的獎項(MVP),而這位前德州球星白眼以 待、不可置否。 When he lifts it to answer, you halfway expect his response will be, “Aw, shucks,” and it nearly is. 當他打起精神回話時,你多少能預料到他會說些什麼;「是唷,呿!」差不多就是這 樣子吧! Instead, he praises Duncan, whose work ethic and consistency he has used as a model for his own development. 相反地,他讚揚了Duncan的職業道德與穩定性 — 他所效法的自我成長發展模式。 “Aw, I don't think so,” he says. “I think he should. He's above me in that conversation, along with other guys. They've been carrying their teams, and they continue to win this year. 「歐~我不覺得耶!」他說。「我認為他才是呢。他跟其他人們的表現在我之上。他們 都已經在他們的球隊裡挑起大樑了,而且今年他們仍是常勝軍呢!」 “I'm just trying to solidify my team and myself. It's an honor for him to say that, but it's something I'm not thinking about, first off, and it's a long way from happening.” 「我只不過是試著將我們球隊和我自己融入一起。能得到他的讚賞備感榮幸,但我 沒這麼好啦! 還有很長的路要走呢!」 Durant is right about this season's MVP. Cleveland's LeBron James is a heavy favorite to repeat. Nevertheless, the Thunder's surge, combined with Durant's numbingly consistent scoring, merits inclusion among this season's candidates. Durant對今年的MVP情勢說得沒錯。騎士LBJ連莊的呼聲很高。不過,在雷霆異軍突 起,挾帶著Durant毫無反應、穩定的得分表現下,也應把他納入今年的人選之中才是。 “The way he's playing and scoring the ball, he's a candidate right now,” Duncan said. “For the MVP, you're going to ask someone to do a little more than he does, rebounding numbers or assist numbers, whatever it may be. And obviously, with the MVP race, it's going to be hard for anyone else to do anything while LeBron is still alive. But Kevin's definitely pushing that envelope right now.” 「他的表現及得分能力,當今無庸置疑就是個MVP競逐者」Duncan說。「要拿MVP, 你得比他的表現還要好才行,籃板或是助攻,都可以啦! 很明顯地,MVP角逐者中,在 LBJ的面前大家都黯然失色了。但現在的Kevin肯定是個強敵!」 Durant has a string of 29 consecutive games in which he has scored at least 25 points. The Thunder's record during Durant's run: 21-8. Durant連29場比賽有25+的得分。雷霆隨著Durant水漲船高: 21W-8L。 No team has been hotter this month than the Thunder, no player more productive than Durant. 本月最夯球隊: 雷霆。本月最夯球員: Kevin Durant。 When the Thunder made Durant the No. 2 pick in 2007, few doubted he would be a top 10 NBA scorer. That he now threatens to become the youngest single-season scoring champion in league history is a testament to a work ethic Thunder coach Scott Brooks cites with a degree of astonishment. 2007年雷霆用第二順位選了Durant,有人對他將成為聯盟頂尖得分手之一這點抱持 懷疑。而他現在可能改寫聯盟歷史上最年輕得分王的紀錄,引述雷霆教頭Scott Brooks 帶著驚艷的觀點,正是個有力的證明,。 “With Kevin, it's like that movie ‘Groundhog Day,'” Brooks said. “He came in three years ago with a mindset he was going to improve every day, and he's stuck with it.” 「談到Kevin,那就像是電影"今天暫時停止"(Groundhog Day)一般」Brooks說。「三 年前,他用日新又新的心態來到這裡,而他一直保持這點」 Durant's offensive skills needed only burnishing. That he has bought into Brooks' emphasis on daily defensive improvement has elevated him to potential All-NBA status. Durant的進攻技巧只待磨光。他在Brooks所重視的防守上所下的功夫也浮出成效, 讓他有成為全聯盟頂尖大鎖的潛力。 “He came this year with a defensive mindset, which has helped us develop defensively as a team,” Brooks said. “We're winning games because we're defending now.” 「他今年的防守心態幫助我們的團隊防守更上層樓」Brooks說。「因為現在我們有 在防守,所以我們就贏球囉!」 Sam Presti, the former Spurs assistant general manager who runs the Thunder's basketball operations, marvels at the maturity with which Durant approaches his development. 前馬刺助理GM Sam Presti入主雷霆,對Durant的進步趨於成熟感到驚艷。 “For a younger player to be able to grasp and commit to the grind and commit to focusing on what's in front of him, as opposed to what might be down the road, is remarkable,” he said. “I generally think he enjoys the deliberate process and not just the outcomes.” 「對一個年輕人來說,能去領會並付諸行動,著眼於前,不隨波逐流,是相當卓越 不凡的」他說。「我認為他重視的是過程,而不以結果論事」 Durant's humility makes a difference, too. He spent All-Star Weekend in Dallas taking in everything, observing players like Duncan, who was making his 11th straight All-Star start. Durant的謙卑同樣也令他與眾不同。在達拉斯明星賽週末期間,他花時間觀察像是 連11屆全明星先發的Duncan等球員們。 Durant had to work to feel he belonged. Durant必須努力奮起直追上他們。 “I don't know when I will, to be honest,” he said. “I guess when I'm an All-Star starter like those guys, but I don't really see myself on their level. They've done great things in this league so far, and I've really done nothing. 「說實在的,我不知道我何時才能辦到」他說。「我想應該是等到當我像他們一樣成 為明星賽的先發的時候吧,但捫心自問我真的還沒達到他們的層級。目前他們在聯盟中 都是有口碑的,而我真的微不足道」 “My team is getting better, but until you solidify yourself as a playoff team every year, going deep in the playoffs every year, that's when you can say you're one of the top players in the league. 「我的球隊變得更好了,但是直到能夠把我們隊融合成每年季後賽的常客、每年季後 賽都能挺到五月之後,屆時你才能說你是聯盟的頂尖球員之一」 “I've got a lot to prove, and my team has a lot to prove.” 「我還有很多有待證明,而我的球隊亦是」 -- 有些句子可能跟原文文意略有差異,懇請不吝指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: