精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Tyson's Olympic diary, Part 1: Arriving Here's Tyson's first entry: GETTING SETTLED 安頓下來 Hey everyone, we just landed in London late Thursday morning, and we're just all getting excited about winning the gold medal again. We had a team meeting in the early afternoon on Thursday, and we'll be having our first practice on Saturday at the University of East London. It's about an hour and a half, two-hour drive to get to practice from the hotel. 大家好,我們在周四早晨晚些時候剛剛抵達倫敦,我們全都對再次爭奪奧運冠軍感到興奮 異常。我們在周四下午早些時候有一個球隊會議,而我們週六在東倫敦大學又一個訓練賽 。從旅館到訓練館將花費我們接近兩個小時的時間。 I absolutely can't wait to take in the sights and sounds of London. I'm really looking forward to seeing a lot of the fashion out here. The fashion is definitely different, but it's nice though. It has a big European influence. I can't describe it yet because I haven't been around it too much. I just got here. 我對於將在倫敦的所見所聞都已經迫不及待,我真的非常希望在那裡看到一些時尚元素。 這裡的時尚完全不同,但同樣令人賞心悅目。這裡很有歐洲風情,我還不能夠用自己的言 語來描述他,因為我呆的時間還不夠長。我才剛到這兒呢。 In addition, I'm looking forward to seeing the different architecture and what the city has to offer. Being that I'm a big art guy, I'm going to find out the art districts and the creative areas, so I can go through it to see the creative vibe in London. As far as the Olympics go, I'm obviously excited to check out the different Olympic activities besides basketball. 另外呢,我還想看看這個城市的建築。作為一個大藝術家,我將會找到這裡的藝術區域和 創新區域,我可以通過這些來看到倫敦的創新氛圍。隨著奧運會的進行,我將會很興奮地 看看奧運會的其他項目。 http://i2.hoopchina.com.cn/blogfile/201207/29/134357458467752.jpg
My kids, Sacha-Marie, 6, Tyson Cleotis II, 3, and Sayge, 1, just landed on Thursday, so I'm really looking forward to hanging with them. My wife, Kimberly, has been with me since Barcelona. It's just great to have the support of your family when you go on a long trip like this because I'm away from them during the NBA season. In the summertime, it's normally family time, so I'm just happy that they're able to experience this with me. 我的三個兒子在周四剛剛抵達倫敦,所以我很期待和他們一起到處逛逛,而我妻子在巴塞 隆納開始就陪著我了。在這麼遠距離的比賽中有家人的支持實在是太棒了,因為NBA賽季 的關係,我總是無法在他們身邊。通常在夏天,這就是單純的家庭時間,所以我對於他們 能夠來倫敦陪伴我感到非常高興。 OLYMPIC ADJUSTMENTS 奧運會的調整 It feels great to be a part of my first Olympics. It's such a great experience and winning games as a team. You have to be a student of the game, though. It's different, especially because I'm the starting center with Dwight Howard out. But you have to make sure you always prepare correctly. Regardless of the role that I was playing, I always prepare, because I would've felt like I would've been cheating my country if I did otherwise. 成為奧運會的一部分感覺好極了,這是一次超級棒的經歷,我們作為一支團隊贏得比賽。 你必須像一個學生一樣來學習比賽。這是完全不同的,特別是在當我頂替磨獸作為美國隊 先發中鋒的情況下。但是你必須保證你始終在正確的訓練,無論需要我扮演什麼角色,我 都會時刻準備著,不然的話我會感覺我在欺騙我的國家。 A big part of that preparation involved working with former Knick Kiki Vandeweghe before the Olympics. He really helped me out with my footwork, jumpshot, being aggressive and a lot of mental things. It was really good for me. I always play up-tempo and fast, so I worked with him on slowing it down and making an impact on offense as much as I do on defense. I've had a relationship with Kiki for my entire career, and he's always been around -- even when he was with different teams. He lives maybe 15, 20 minutes from me in California in the summertime, so it's a great connection. 奧運會前的準備工作有很大一部分是和前尼克人Vandeweghe一起度過的。他真的幫助我提 高了腳步、跳投、侵略性和精神屬性。這對我棒極了,我曾經總是熱衷於快節奏,是他教 會了我慢節奏的比賽,並且教我如何在進攻端扮演像我在防守端扮演的那樣重要的角色。 我和他在整個職業生涯中都會合作,就算他和我在不同球隊,但是我們在休賽期時候住在 加利福尼亞時,我們的距離只有15-20分鐘。所以我們一直有著互動。 My role on the team is not to score in the low post. While I may be working on down-low moves with Hakeem Olajuwon in Houston in late August, along with Amare Stoudemire, you won't see me doing those with this team. With all the scorers here, I need to set picks, rebound and play defense. I'll save that for the Knicks. I have LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant and Chris Paul on the perimeter, and they change the game. 我在團隊重的作用並不是在低位得分,我和阿罵要在八月份才會在休士頓和大夢學習,所 以你還是不能看到我在這支球隊中使用這個技能。我要做的是擋拆,抓板和防守。我的視 野內有LBJ、科比、KD和CP3,他們可以改變比賽。 [註:夢十先發陣容 → LBJ, Kobe, CP3, KD, 拳王] TEAM BONDING 球隊凝聚力 Playing on the world's stage, I'm really close to the team. No one knew what to expect coming here and no one knew if we were going to click. I played with the 2010 FIBA World Championship team, and one thing I will say is everybody's jelled. It's amazing how it's just really been a couple of weeks with this team, but I'm close with everybody. 在世界舞台上,我們整支球隊非常親近。我曾經代表2010世錦賽冠軍那支美國隊打過球。 我所能說的是大家都十分團結,在幾週之內就形成這種凝聚力是令人難以置信的。但是我 們真的十分團結。 I'm definitely learning a lot from my teammates. Great players have such a high basketball IQ, so you learn things just from playing on the court. There are a lot of great communicators out here, so we kind of pick each other's brains. We kind of coach each other on the floor. 我真的從我的隊友那裡學到了很多東西。偉大的球員們都有著極高的籃球智商,所以你在 場上就能學到很多東西。我們有著很多交流,我們都在相互學習。我們在場上互相促進。 For me, it's so surreal to be surrounded by these guys, but I sense it more in practice than the games. In the games, you're focused on the plays and making sure you're doing things right and what we have to do. But in practice, sometimes I'll just go, "Wow." In the games, you don't really think about it. In practice sometimes, you look to your left, to your right, and you can't believe the talent on one team. 對我來說,能和這些傢伙成為隊友簡直是超乎現實的,但是我在訓練中收穫的比比賽中更 多。在比賽中,我們必須全神貫注並且確保自己做著對的事情。在訓練中我們有時候會大 喊“WOW”但是在比賽中你不能這樣,你看看自己的左右,簡直不能相信這支隊伍所散發 出來的天賦。 We were laughing and joking about it the other day that if we were on the same team, how many games would we lose. The most everybody said was "two." Even if you're having an off night, there's someone else right there to help you out. 我們曾開玩笑能共同組建一支這樣的球隊,我們一賽季會輸幾場比賽。大家最常說的數字 就是2,就算你在一兩個晚上打的很差,但還會有其他人站出來。 We've had some funny moments, too. When we first landed in Manchester earlier this week to play Great Britain, we put the rookie, Anthony Davis, in timeout. We made him face a wall in the city. It was so funny. We finally had a chance to make fun of the No. 1 pick. There's been no planking yet, just a lot of joking -- like when we took a picture of Carmelo Anthony sleeping on the plane ride to London. We called it "Weekend at Bernie's." 我們也有很多有趣的瞬間。當我們本週早些時候抵達曼徹斯特准備和英國的比賽的時候, 我們捉弄了新秀安東尼戴維斯。我們讓他面壁,這太有趣了。我們最終還是有了調戲這個 狀元的機會。這還有很多沒說到的。有一大堆趣事,比如說甜瓜在去倫敦的飛機上被我們 抓拍的那張照片。我們稱他為"伯尼的週末" http://i3.hoopchina.com.cn/blogfile/201207/29/134357539418022.jpg
The players got on me, too. Obviously they killed me the first day ESPN The Magazine's "The Body Issue" came out when they saw it. But I get good reactions, especially from fans who want me to sign the issue. 這些傢伙們讓我進步。很明顯他們會在看到ESPN的我那組關於肌肉的封面後想要殺掉我, 但是我感覺好極了,特別是我的粉絲們給我的反應。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyson's Olympic diary, Part 2: Adjusting Here's Tyson's second entry: GAME ADJUSTMENTS 比賽的調整 Hey, everyone, we're now 2-0 after beating France and Tunisia, and I think we're getting better game by game. I think throughout this entire process, different guys are going to step up at different times. That's the beauty of being on an Olympic team. We've got so much talent, so I think that if we try to bottle all that stuff down with offensive sets, it takes away from our ability to create. We do have sets that we run, but for the most part we're out there creating. 大家好,我們在戰勝法國和突尼西亞以後已經是2勝0負了,而且我相信我們會一場比一場 好。我相信在整個旅程中,不同個傢伙會在不同的時候站出來,這就是我們組建這支奧運 隊伍的美妙所在,我們充滿天賦,所以我認為如果然我們把天賦都用在進攻端來呈現,這 就浪費了我們的創造力。我們在場上奔跑,但更多的,我們在場上創造。 I think we've been doing a great job of adjusting and coach Mike Krzyzewski is doing an excellent job with preparing us. He's very good at keeping you in the moment and making sure that you're ready and prepared -- but at the same time, that you're loose enough to know who you are as a basketball player. Coach K actually recruited me a little bit out of Dominguez High School in California back in 2001. I'm sure I was on his radar, but he knew that I was going to the NBA. 我想我們調整的很棒,老K教練為我們做了充分的準備。他非常善於讓你保持最佳狀態並 未比賽做好準備。老K教練在2001年的時候就招募過高中畢業的我,我相信我在他的雷達 上,但是他知道我要去NBA。 For those of you who are worried about my left-hand injury from the Tunisia game, it's feeling better. I dislocated my finger right before Team USA training camp in Las Vegas, and it swelled up on me. I was trying to get in shape and I was playing pickup, and I dislocated it. It is what it is, but I'll be fine. 對於那些擔心我手部傷勢的人們,我要告訴你們,我感覺好多了。我的手指在拉斯維加斯 訓練營之前就脫臼了,現在腫的很大。當時我正在要位擋拆,然後我的手指脫臼了,當時 就是這樣,但是我會好起來的。 OLYMPIC VIBE 奧運氛圍 I think the moment that I walked through the tunnel during the opening ceremonies, and came out and heard the USA chants, was the moment I realized I was at the Olympics. Just taking a glance throughout the Olympic Stadium and seeing the rings and walking around the track with the other countries and athletes, and just seeing the different colors and the different cultures, it was just one amazing experience. 我想當我在奧運會開幕式上聽著美國國歌走過運動員通道的時候,我意識到了這是在奧運 會。只要看看奧運場館和五環標誌,再想想和你一起走著的其他國家的運動健兒們,看看 不同膚色和有著不同文化的人們,這就是一次奇妙的旅程。 I played in the 2010 FIBA World Championship in Istanbul, Turkey, but I don't know if anything compares to the Olympics, being able to witness other athletes and just the vibe around the city, seeing the rings everywhere, seeing different flags, watching people accomplish their dreams. That has just been incredible. 我在2010年土耳其的伊斯坦布爾舉行的世錦賽上拿到過冠軍,但是我想這和奧運會沒有任 何可比性。奧運會上可以見到各國的各種運動員,可以感受城市的氛圍,到處都見到奧運 五環,到處都見到完成夢想的人們,這種感覺妙不可言。 It's been crazy everywhere my teammates and I go. Even when we went to the Olympic Village with some of the other athletes, it was crazy. It's a big reason why we can't stay in the village, because everybody wants to meet us, sign autographs and take pictures with us. I would rather be able to just relax and walk around. It's also crazy when we play an opposing team because they all want our autograph afterward, or they want to take pictures with us or sign their shoes. 我和我的隊友們踏上每一片土地都感到十分瘋狂,甚至是步入奧運村也是如此。這裡的景 像也太瘋狂了,這也是我們不願意留在村子裡的原因,大家都想要遇到我們都想要合影留 念並拿到簽名。我只是想要放輕鬆的似乎走走。更瘋狂的是我們的對手會在賽後跟我們要 簽名或者合影留念。 We're actually staying at a hotel. One day, we went to the village to see some of the other athletes and I went into the track dorm, and was talking to a couple of the track athletes. Lolo Jones was like, "You should lay on the bed. Look at how small this bed is. There's no way you could fit in it." I was with Kevin Love, Andre Iguodala and the rookie, Anthony Davis. I told Kevin to take a picture of me on the bed to see how short it was, and I put it on Twitter. 我們只是住在賓館裡,有一天,我們去了村子,去和其他運動員們交流。我進入了他們的 宿舍並和很多人進行了交流,Lolo說:“你可以在這床上試試,來看看床是多麼的小,你 找不到任何辦法來適應它!”我和Love,小AI和狀元郎同行,我讓Love幫我拍了一張床照 ,並且我已經把它發上推特了。 http://www.thewindyapple.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/1013.png
I think the most humbling thing was when an athlete from one of the other teams said that his greatest honor was to be on the floor with us. When you hear that kind of stuff, you have that much more respect for the game. You really appreciate the opportunity that you have and you understand the responsibility that you have to represent yourself, as well as your country, because a lot of people are watching. That was one of the biggest moments I had. For him to say that, it meant a lot. 我聽到的最謙卑的言論是有對手說他最大的榮耀就是能夠與我們同場競技,當你聽到這樣 的話時,你一定會對比賽充滿尊敬。你很的必須感謝這樣代表自己代表國家的機會,以為 人們都盯著你呢。他說出了這樣的話,對我來說意味著很多,這是我最偉大的時刻之一。 DAY OFF 休息日 Wednesday was our first day off and it was a great experience. People in London have been very welcoming. I was really able to get out and venture into the city, and I was in the east side of London. I wanted to go through the streets of the city and take some pictures of some of the graffiti out here and see some art, as well as shop at some boutiques and see the culture a little bit. 週三是我們的第一個休息日,倫敦人民都很友好,所以我勇於在此時進城冒險。我在倫敦 東部,我想要橫穿整個城市並拍下一些照片,再見見各種塗鴉和這個城市的藝術,再看看 城市的流行時裝和更多的文化。 In my first diary entry, I didn't know how to describe the fashion because I just got to London, but I will say that people pay attention to their fashion out here and are very detailed with their look. I do appreciate that. I went to a shop called Layered and I went to another one called Hostem in the east side of London. 在我日記的第一部分裡我還不知道如何描述這裡的潮流,因為我剛到這裡。現在我會說這 裡的人們非常注意著裝,並對外觀上的細節非常注意。這令我非常讚賞。我還去了各種商 店。 I also had my first tube experience, which was crazy. The tubes are the subway system out here, and they're very small. It's really a tube. I could not stand up straight in it. It's pretty much a rugby match as soon as the doors open on each stop. It's like survival of the fittest; everybody trying to jump in and get in and get a spot. Everybody's holding their space and their ground. It's like a sumo-wrestler match. 我還擁有了自己的第一次令人瘋狂的地鐵體驗。它實在太小了,我在裡面不能站直,當車 到站開門後,這就像打橄欖球的場景一般,所有人都瘋狂的湧入想要搶到好位置。每個人 都要保護自己的位置,這就像是比賽一般。 It was crazy, but I actually enjoyed it because it's what they're accustomed to every day. People who were in line to get tickets and stuff like that were coming up to me for autographs. It was such a madhouse. After a couple of stops, I was able to get a seat and some people were talking to me. 這太瘋狂了,不過我依然十分享受,因為這就是他們每天都在做的事情。在排隊買票的時 候也會有人來給我索取簽名,那裡都是十分吵鬧的地方,過了好幾站我才找到位置。然後 也有不少人和我交談。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyson's Olympic diary, Part 3: My team Here's Tyson's third entry: MY TEAM 我的隊伍 I hear the critics say we lack size, but I don't agree. When you look back at how we were successful in 2008 in Beijing, winning the gold medal, we only had one center, Dwight Howard, and we started Carmelo Anthony at the four. The so-called "lack of size" is non-existent with us. It's interesting because we're seeing teams come at us more physical. They have to a tendency to do that because they can't beat us with speed or anything like that because we have the best athletes in the world. So they're trying to slow the game up. 我聽到一些批評說我們這屆夢之隊缺乏高度,但是我實在不敢苟同。我們08年在北京奪冠 的時候也只有魔獸一個正牌中鋒,當時我們使用甜瓜打先發四號位。所以他們一直說的缺 乏高度在我們這兒從來都不適用。我想看到越來越多的隊伍越來越強壯有趣極了,這是他 們的潮流,因為他們無法在速度這方面戰勝我們,我們擁有著全世界最好的運動天賦。所 以他們都試圖來降低比賽節奏。 We're playing against a lot of fellow NBA players, but when they're playing for their country, they're not the same players. Even though they're great players in our league, they become even better players for their own country because they have the confidence in their team and they're featured much more in the offense. They're also playing by the rules that they're accustomed to. I can't speak other languages, so I can't understand what they're saying on the court, but sometimes I do. Of course, you only learn the bad words when you grow up playing. 我們和很多在NBA打球的運動員們並肩作戰,但是當他們代表自己的國家的時候,他們馬 上就成了完全不同的運動員。即使他們在聯盟裡打球的時候都已經十分出色,但是他們代 表自己國家的時候會因為充分的自信和進攻端更多的角色而打的更好。而且他們打著自己 更加熟悉的規則,我聽不懂其他語言,所以我不知道他們在場上說了些什麼。有時候我聽 懂了,當然了,在場上你只能學到一些罵人的話。 Overall, I think Spain is our toughest opponent. Everybody is saying they're a great opponent, and I agree, but there's been a lot of good teams. On any given night, anybody can be beat. We're looking at the teams that are in our pool play first -- Argentina, France, Lithuania, Nigeria and Tunisia -- and then we'll go from there. We face our last pool opponent, Lithuania, on Saturday, and then see Argentina again on Monday. After that, it's on to the quarterfinals. 總的來說,我想西班牙是我們最大對手,所有人都說他們是一個強敵。我也覺得他們很棒 ,但是這裡還有好多強敵,在任何一個夜晚,任何人都可能被擊敗。我們現在只關注我們 小組的對手--阿根廷,巴西,突尼西亞,奈及利亞和立陶宛。我們將在周六對陣立陶宛週 一對陣阿根廷。然後我們將迎接四分之一決賽。 THE CREW http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2012/0802/nba_g_chandler11_288.jpg
It's a funny collaboration of a lot of different guys, and it's been great. The team camaraderie has been amazing. Here's my take on each of my teammates: 這裡有來自四面八方的隊友,但是這裡發生的化學反應和凝聚力讓人驚嘆。現在來看看我 對所有隊員的記錄吧。 Andre Iguodala: You always have to pay attention to him because he has this thing where he likes to tap people on the opposite shoulder and make you turn around and not know it's him. 小AI:你必須一直注意著他,因為他經常趁人不注意的時候,打別人的肩膀,而你轉身的 時候他卻在另外一邊,讓你不知道這是他幹的。 Kevin Love: He's like the sarcastic jokester. Love:他是一個尖酸刻薄的吐槽者! LeBron James: He's like a prankster, jokester and keeps everybody calm and at ease. LBJ:他是一個愛惡作劇的人,時刻讓人保持冷靜和放鬆。 [註:我想可能大概就是這種情形吧 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spmYqmRegsY ]
Anthony Davis: He's the rook, the baby of the crew, the little brother. 狀元郎:他是新秀,是這裡最小的,是我們的小弟。 Russell Westbrook: He's the outgoing one. 西河:他非常開朗。 Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook and James Harden: They're like the cousins that come from out of town. They have all these things and inside jokes, which now we're all a part of. 雷霆三少:他們就像是從小鎮裡走出來的表兄弟一樣,他們有著同樣的特性並有一些內部 的小笑話,當然現在我們也是其中的一份子了。 Kobe Bryant: He's the intense big brother. Kobe:他是我們熱情的大哥哥。 Carmelo Anthony: He's funny and very outgoing. Sometimes the media gives him some flak, but he never lets it bother him. He's always in a good mood. He's actually the team DJ and he always carries a Boombox. I gave him the nickname Radio Raheem. He keeps the locker room in great spirits. 甜瓜:他很有趣很外向,雖然很多時候媒體都把槍口對準了他,但是他從來沒有讓這些干 擾到自己。他總是保持著好心情,他是我們這支球隊的DJ同時他總是帶著BOOMBOX。我給 了他無線電(Radio Raheem)的外號。他總是做著活躍更衣室氣氛的工作。 [註:Radio Raheem就是導演Spike Lee知名電影Do the Right Thing的一個角色名字] Deron Williams: He's just like the guy that rolls with anything. He's down for pranks, he's down to be serious. He just flows. 小胖:這傢伙就像參與了所有事件,他搞惡作劇,他有時也很嚴肅。他總是變化。 Chris Paul: I played with him in New Orleans, and he's the angry little point guard. The reason why I say that is because after the game against Tunisia, I was like, "Why are you so angry?" He's a true point guard. He makes sure his team is playing the right basketball. He's the epitome of a point guard that you want on your team. When you've got LeBron James on one wing, and Kevin Durant and Kobe Bryant, and you've got guys like Carmelo Anthony coming off the bench, D-Will and Russell Westbrook, you've got to be able to dominate these guys with your personality for them to be able to do what you want. He plays almost like he's the coach on the floor. It's the biggest compliment that I can give him. CP3:我在新奧爾良和他合作過,他是一個狂暴的小控衛,我這麼說他的原因是,在和突 尼西亞的比賽後我問他,"你為什麼這麼狂暴?“他是一個真正的控衛,他確保自己的球 隊在打著正確的籃球。他就是你的球隊想要的控衛的模板。當你的球隊擁有LBJ、KD、科 比,當你的球隊上板凳上還坐著甜瓜,小胖和西河。你必須靠個人能力和魅力來掌控這些 人,讓他們做到該做的事情。他就像是場上的教練一般,這就是我給他的最大的評價。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 接下來這篇是愛和拳王的特別故事,拳王在他的臉書以及Love在他的推特有特別推薦。 http://web.stagram.com/p/243807123462675799_194908318 Tyson Chandler and Kevin Love: Long ago, one of these players looked up to the other. LeBron James met Carmelo Anthony in a hallway of a hotel at a high school tournament in New Jersey while walking to the ice machine. So the legend goes. 喇叭詹和瓜第一次相遇是高中時在飯店通往製冰機的走廊上。傳奇從此開始。 http://i.imgur.com/FUmYw.jpg
Chris Paul and LeBron first made acquaintances at the Jordan Capital Classic high school all-star game in Washington in 2003. Pals ever since. CP3和喇叭詹的第一次相遇是Jordan辦的高中全明星籃球賽。一對好友就此誕生。 http://i.imgur.com/GMxtt.jpg
Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook bonded at basketball camp. Made it to the Finals together. KD和西河在籃球營產生了羈絆。然後他們攜手走向了總冠軍賽。 With the proliferation of AAU, summer basketball and prep-school all-star games, many of today’s young NBA stars met and formed relationships at a tender age. Like his peers who traveled the high school hoops circuit, Kevin Love forged alliances with many of his Team USA teammates long ago. 根據AAU,夏季和開學前的全明星賽是讓很多年輕的球員互相培養關係和認識的地方。 Kevin Love也是其中一員,很久以前就認識了現在他美國隊的同伴。 So who has Love known the longest? You might be surprised: Tyson Chandler, the second oldest member of the squad. Although you can credit high school hoops for the intro, Love's first brush with Chandler was while the Timberwolves forward was in sixth grade. 所以誰是他認識最久的呢?你大概會很驚訝,是拳王,整群人中第二老的人。他是在他六 年級的時候認識他的。 In December of 2000, powerhouse Dominguez High School (Compton, Calif.) headed north to Memorial Coliseum in Portland, Ore., for the prestigious Les Schwab Invitational with a national No. 2 ranking and a projected top-five lottery pick in senior center Chandler. (Melo’s Oak Hill Academy played that year, too.) 在2000年的12月,Love的高中辦了一個活動,當年拳王以第二順位被選中進入NBA。 Tournament organizers selected a group of local kids to serve as ball boys during the five-day, 16-team tournament. They drew out of a hat to determine the team they’d be assigned to for the week. 球團讓當地的一些孩子可以當這些球員的球僮五天。他們可以想像自己將來被這些球隊簽 約。 Love, then a 6-foot-1 sixth grader, drew Dominguez. Love當時只是一個六呎一吋的六年級生。 “I followed Tyson around the whole week,” says Love. “I was this suburban, pudgy white kid thinking one day I could be as good as him.” 「我一整週都跟在拳王的屁股後面晃。」Love說:「我那時候就希望我能像他一樣好。」 Love rebounded daily for Chandler in warmups and practice while studying his moves and squeezing in conversation whenever he could. Chandler signed several autographs for the kid. The pair became chummy, to the point that Love started dishing out smack talk. Love整週都和拳王一起練球,學他的腳步和動作,並且盡可能的與他交談。拳王為一些孩 子們簽名,而這讓Love開始囂張了起來。 “I’m gonna be in the NBA one day,” Love told the senior. “You’ll want my autograph someday. You’ll see.” 「我總有一天會進入NBA。」Love告訴前輩:「你有一天也會想要我的簽名,你等著看。 Chandler was amused. “He was just this little fat kid,” he recalls, “but he was funny.” 拳王被逗笑了。「他那時候只是一個小胖子。」他回應:「但他很好笑。」 (Love was on to something: Three years later he became the first freshman MVP of the Les Schwab tournament.) (Love回應這言論的方式是在三年之後成為第一個新鮮人MVP。) The duo's next meeting wouldn’t come for nine years. Love’s Timberwolves played Chandler’s Hornets in January of Love's rookie season. Before the game, in which Chandler didn’t play, Love walked up to him and asked, “ Remember me?” 他們倆的第二次會面過了九年之久。Love的灰狼隊對上拳王的黃蜂隊,那是Love的菜鳥球 季。在賽前,Love走向拳王並問他:「記得我嗎?」 Chandler was stumped. Love refreshed his memory. 拳王愣了一下。Love勾起了他的回憶。 “I just thought it was crazy that he was the same kid from way back then,” Chandler says. 「我完全不能想像他就是當時那個小鬼頭。」拳王說。 Fast-forward to London where, in many ways, Team USA’s hopes for gold could come down to their bigs: Love and Chandler. Every now and then they share a laugh about their initial meeting and the remarkable fact that 12 years later they’re Olympic teammates. 在倫敦的戰鬥裡,美國隊奪金的很大一個重點就是Love和拳王。他們現在回憶起12年前的 第一次會面總是會大笑。 It’s a bond that they’ll always have — but Chandler is still waiting for that autograph. 這將是他們永遠的羈絆--而拳王仍然在等著Love的簽名。 本篇翻譯 感謝esther81828大提供 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以上來源連結: 第一篇原文:http://tinyurl.com/d8tfhvw 第二篇原文:http://tinyurl.com/cctn89k 第三篇原文:http://tinyurl.com/bo8rh9h 前三篇翻譯:http://bbs.hupu.com/4064756.html 最後一篇原文:http://tinyurl.com/9clwrgk -- = ̄ ̄╲ 美國今年拿牌!! [[ -─ ]] = = Ω ψsherry821224 = = \● ∥  ̄◣ ◢ ̄ ̄◣  ̄◣ = = 15>∥──  ̄◣ = = /| ∥ ◥_◢= =__╱ (( ◥__◤ ╲_◢= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (08/12 09:53)
dick58582001:好文 08/12 09:56
rickyliu :狂推阿啊啊啊啊啊啊 08/12 09:58
lakers31522 :推!! 08/12 09:58
cancerboy78 :好優質的文 不推不行了 08/12 09:59
cody7052 :推 08/12 10:01
windingday :原來拳王愛藝術 也太酷了!!! 08/12 10:01
jasonnoplay :好文 ,不推不行! 08/12 10:05
angelmax :Love那段很有趣 XD 推翻譯 08/12 10:05
animalspell :推翻譯,說CP3是裡面最嚴肅的一個不意外阿 08/12 10:09
essendo :推skymay和esther81828兩位翻譯都很讚! 08/12 10:12
alice1012v18:時尚哥 08/12 10:12
n924127 :推好文 希望Kobe那裡如果故意翻成"他是我們的老大"XD 08/12 10:13
Heechul710 :推!!拳王就是為了藝術願意全裸和一顆籃球拍藝術照! 08/12 10:13
SunnyDale :好厲害 08/12 10:14
KEDEN :很喜歡拳王 也推原PO 08/12 10:15
gregwutw :老婆一直跟在身邊 應該不好玩 08/12 10:15
slddls :推 08/12 10:18
bahamutuh :推翻譯好文 08/12 10:19
misha01510 :GOOD 08/12 10:20
sam352306 :好LOVE 08/12 10:21
shadowyen :拳王很會畫畫~ 08/12 10:24
hinenak :拳王文筆其實也很好,之前寫過一篇NBA球員對交易的 08/12 10:26
hinenak :看法,非常能感動人心。 08/12 10:26
OrzJ :推 08/12 10:26
shananx :推Tyson的文筆和細膩觸感。 08/12 10:33
ldstar :外表粗獷內心纖細的運動員?看長相還以為只是個大老粗 08/12 10:41
CMPunk :這篇太棒了 08/12 10:48
dscndg :水! 08/12 10:52
hater4life :推 08/12 10:57
pppli :怎麼不寫寫選手村的淫亂生活 08/12 10:58
freijaking :哈哈 好好玩 08/12 11:06
guanshiun :他是我們熱情的大哥哥 08/12 11:08
loveinmars :拳王很會寫作耶 感覺還是藝術家 真的是看不出來阿!!! 08/12 11:11
JoshSmith :Lolo Jones 你可以在這床上試試 => 暗示嗎? 08/12 11:12
JoshSmith :附個圖 http://is.gd/BC8947 08/12 11:12
by135tw :徐錦江本來就是學畫畫的.還是大師關山月的閉門弟子 08/12 11:23
by135tw :會去拍愛情動作片也是為了藝術 08/12 11:23
taiwan3135 :Love的故事有點溫馨XD 08/12 11:25
iamwilliams :LBJ遇到MELO那段 讓我想到阿牧遇仙道 也是在販賣機前 08/12 11:25
Jefa910 :skymay馬上推 08/12 11:39
hawk920412 :那個床也太小了吧!!選手村套套還可以用完滿厲害的 08/12 11:41
ymca8 :推!!! 08/12 11:42
zeta203 : 08/12 11:50
mrdanny :推 08/12 11:52
cmid05 :小AI XDDD 08/12 12:04
s93rm6 :推!!! 08/12 12:11
wao0426 :大推~~ 08/12 12:19
jf439 :好文!! 08/12 12:22
andrewyllee :big brother! 08/12 12:28
briankch :Laoda! 08/12 12:39
longy :拳王文筆不錯阿! 08/12 12:58
rkbey :寫得不錯!!! 08/12 13:19
flicker36 :12歲就有185了.... 08/12 13:28
aznchat100 :推 08/12 14:12
willy14 :大推 08/12 14:23
mcwu :超推這篇 08/12 14:25
fredurz :有趣推 08/12 14:37