精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A Brazilian sports newspaper, Lance, asked Suns guard Leandro Barbosa about talk that he might wind up following D'Antoni to New York. 巴西當地運動報Lance訪問小巴 是否會跟冷笑話去紐約? "It's not a rumor," Barbosa said while in his hometown, Sao Paolo. "I will play where I have to play. It's business." 小巴:"這不是謠言,要我去哪打我就會去,這就是生意嘛" The (Newark, N.J.) Star-Ledger also reported that the Nets have interest in Barbosa and Boris Diaw but there has been no talk between the Suns and the Knicks or Nets. 籃網對小巴跟屌爺有興趣 但沒詳談過 Barbosa also told Lance that the Shawn Marion-Shaquille O'Neal trade contributed to the Suns' playoff elimination. 小巴批評Marion-歐肥的交易導致季後賽失利 "With the arrival of Shaq, we lost our speed - our main characteristic," he said. "We didn't have time to mesh. This ended up hurting us. Shaq will be very useful, but it'll be necessary to change the way the team plays." "歐肥來之後我們失去快打炫風的特色" "我們沒時間摩合,結果自爆了" "歐肥很強,但我們也勢必要改變打法" Barbosa also said he has not spoken to Brazil's new coach but has no problem playing in an Olympic qualifying tournament July 14-20 in Greece. 還沒跟新任巴西教頭說過,但小巴可以出席7月在希臘的奧運資格賽 原文出處: http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/sports/articles/0522sunsnb0522.html (本文在中段 前段是面試新教練的消息 後段是Nash開賽車的消息) 巴西lance報連結: (有花俏的小巴照) http://0rz.tw/9c46X -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: buleball 來自: (05/22 21:24)
godx :小巴心寒了........ 05/22 21:23
pedroremorse:連做做樣子否認一下都沒有 = =|| 05/22 21:25
mea7211 :小巴本來就很直率 之前還被客場球迷騙他要被交易 05/22 21:39
mea7211 :他哭著去找球隊領隊確認才知道自己被耍了 05/22 21:40
BDACK :反正我也不喜歡他 05/22 21:58
YuuAoi :可惜了 這幾年很喜歡的太陽難道要拆夥各奔東西了嗎 05/22 22:01
klasd :當初那個惡作劇電話就是騙說要交易他去尼克的....XD 05/22 22:08
longface :趕快把Nash換到有冠軍希望的隊伍吧 05/22 22:26
godx :噓樓上.................................. 05/22 22:28
spy007city :NASH也去尼克吧大家都去尼克吧至少尼克的老闆肯花錢! 05/22 22:37
andy1203 :太陽有冠軍希望阿~!! 05/22 22:38
Alex0417 :不如叫尼克老闆也買下太陽 05/22 22:41
urinmymind :走光了我還是支持太陽~ 05/22 22:48
c5432002 :唔...只剩HILL可以跑快攻了 05/22 22:59
iverlon :買下太陽吧...... 05/22 23:13
iliketea :該說小巴單純呢還是... 05/22 23:18
suana :沒想到小巴竟然會這麼直接... 尼克老板快買下太陽!! 05/22 23:27
thegod13 :小八... 05/23 00:20
icenivek :整隊移師尼克!? 05/23 00:55
stoudemire31:紐約太陽隊? 05/23 01:28
sakichiyan :天哪= =" 05/23 01:37
FUJI1989 :暑假過後一定會很驚喜.... 05/23 02:00
WindWhisper :哀哀... 好樣的... 一下子全散了... 05/23 02:45
furrypaw :barbosa怎麼不說是自己的問題 一到季後賽就擺爛 05/23 03:10
senria :怎麼太陽隊好像快瓦解了 哀 NASH 05/23 05:59
toNpppa :紐約尼陽隊..lol 05/23 08:37
Lexon :包薄紗不喜歡太陽就快滾吧,不送 05/23 14:58
CW4 :把他放上交易檯面 會有很多人報價的 05/23 17:23
Krstic :看也知道整隊都很不爽球團兩位高層的"高明"手腕,叫 05/23 17:35
Krstic :Barbosa滾? 你當太陽迷恐怕都沒有小巴進太陽來的久 05/23 17:35
mirialut :Sarver進太陽也沒比小巴久,但是Sarver叫他滾他還是 05/23 19:52
mirialut :得滾。現實就是Kerr和Sarver都不可能滾,你要是不爽 05/23 19:52
mirialut :他們就只有請你走路。我不清楚其他隊員怎麼想,但至 05/23 19:52
mirialut :少他們知道對高層放炮是沒好處的。 05/23 19:52
Allcese :鳳凰城太陽隊紐約分部 05/23 22:22
toNpppa :樓樓上中肯..Kerr不可能滾Orz 05/24 10:03
valhallaband:沒想到BABOSA講起話來跟打球一樣直來直往啊 05/24 16:28
valhallaband:如果說BABOSA到季後賽就擺爛,對BABOSA太不公平了! 05/24 16:29
valhallaband:BABOSA很快,都是衝直線!!任何一個防守者都會知道 05/24 16:30
valhallaband:不讓他在全場系統跑出速度就對了!!何況季後賽對手是 05/24 16:30
valhallaband:防守見長的馬刺 05/24 16:31
valhallaband:我怎麼一直拼錯字......囧 05/24 16:33
Allcese :話說Leandro曾經是說要永遠留在太陽的可愛小孩呀.... 05/24 22:54
Allcese :或許真的是對高層太失望了吧........還是長大了!? 05/24 22:56