精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Barbosa在飯店接到 一通叫他去櫃檯的電話, 之後他收到了來自Kerr的消息他即將被 交易到尼克隊. 於是他立刻跑去找助理教練, 說了"我以為你們是愛我的" 然後告訴教練事情的緣由. 當然不會有這件事, 只是下次小巴住飯店時應該不會再用真名了吧. XD For those of you who missed the LA/Phoenix game, a funny story about Barbosa. Apparently he received a phone call to his hotel room asking him to come to the front desk and he received “word” from Kerr that he was traded to the Knicks. He immediately went and found assistant coach and mentor Dan D’Antoni who saw how upset Barbosa was and asked him what was wrong. Barbosa responds by saying, “I thought you guys liked me”, and then tells him about the “news”. Dan tells him there is absolutely no truth to the rumor and that the next time he checks into a hotel he should use an alias rather than his real name. I didn’t realize that players checked into their hotel rooms on road trips, but funny story regardless -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dandykidd:下次換用科科總管的名字入房看看...... 01/19 16:03
camuskiroro:小巴! 我愛你阿~~~~~~ 01/19 16:21
thegod13:小巴好可愛 別難過阿 01/19 16:50
JoeJohnson:天真的百步殺 01/19 16:54
Maxslack:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD這招好像各地球迷都會用 01/19 16:56
kisun:結果反而證明小巴是愛太陽的XDDDD 01/19 17:06
bluepewind:小巴大概嚇壞了ˊ ˋ 01/19 17:18
urinmymind:我們是愛小巴的!!!!替小巴秀秀~ 01/19 17:22
gohit:被惡搞 XD 01/19 17:38
greedX:小巴真的太可愛了 XDD 01/19 18:35
RickymarU:走到哪都跟有天下第一控當隊友 不管自稱或公認 01/19 18:47
mouse10389:XDDDDDD笨孩子 01/19 20:40
datasi:Marbury還在太陽時,很照顧Barbosa;還送了車給他。 01/19 22:35
Allcese:這孩子有沒有太可愛啊.........幾歲了還這麼天真XDDDDDDDD 01/19 22:50
Allcese:話說以前曾看過一篇球評寫的文章說Barbosa是個incredible 01/19 22:56
Allcese:nice kid,讓他想拍拍他的頭,給他一根棒棒糖......... 01/19 22:57
sagit:推樓上 XDDDDDD 乖乖小巴 給你糖糖吃唷 XDDDDDD 01/19 23:02
godx:XDDDD 01/19 23:23
Arctica:XDDDD 01/20 02:32
bigear1030:XDDDDD 01/20 02:52
welkinki:怎麼這麼可愛XD 01/20 04:36
Barbosa:>__< 01/20 12:16
ckduck:樓上好可愛 01/20 12:35
gohit:很想看到說這句話的表情 XD 01/20 14:36
hydefate:......... XD 01/21 08:24