精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
取自wiki Early years 早期 Born in Wurzburg, Germany, Dirk Werner Nowitzki comes from an athletic family: his mother Helga was a professional basketball player and his father Jorg-Werner was a handball player who represented Germany at the highest international level.[4] His older sister Silke, a local champion in track and field, also became a basketball player and now works for the NBA in International TV. Nowitzki出生在德國某個地方,來自於運動家庭,他的媽媽是專業籃球員,而爸爸是德國 國家代表隊的手球員。他大姊是當地田徑的冠軍,後來也變成藍球員,現在在nba國際TV 工作。 Dirk was a very tall child; most of the time he stood above his peers by a foot or more. He initially played handball and tennis, but soon grew tired of being called a "freak" for his height and eventually turned to basketball. After joining the local DJK Wurzburg, the 15-year-old attracted the attention of former German international basketball player Holger Geschwindner, who spotted his talent immediately and offered to coach him individually two to three times per week. Dirk是個非常高的小孩,大部分的時間他都比他的同僚高超過一呎,他一開始是打 手球根網球,但很快就厭倦了,因為他怪異的身高,而最後就轉向打籃球,在他參加當地 的籃球俱樂部後,這15歲的小子就立刻吸引前國家代表隊Holger Geschwindner的注意, 他很快發現他的才能並提供他每週兩三次的個別指導。 After getting both the approval of Nowitzki and his parents, Geschwindner put his pupil through an unorthodox training scheme: he emphasized shooting and passing exercises, and shunned weight training and tactical drills, because he felt it was "unnecessary friction". Furthermore, Geschwindner encouraged Nowitzki to play a musical instrument and read literature to make him a more complete personality. 在經過DIRK和他家長的同意後,Geschwindner給DIRK進行非正統的訓練,他強調投籃和傳 球經驗,避開了重量訓練和戰術的操練,因為他覺得這些是非必要的摩擦,此外他也鼓勵 DIRK去學樂器和讀更多書來讓他有更健全的人格。 After a year, the coach was so impressed that he said to his pupil: "You must now decide whether you want to play against the best in the world or just stay a local hero in Germany. If you choose latter, we will stop training immediately, because nobody can prevent that anymore. But if you want to play against the best, we have to train on a daily basis." After pondering for two days, Nowitzki decided on the former. Geschwindner let him train seven days a week with DJK Wurzburg players and future German internationals Robert Garrett, Marvin Willoughby and Demond Greene, and in the summer of 1994, the 16-year-old Nowitzki made the DJK squad. 一年後,這教練對他留下非常深的印象,然後跟他說,你現在必須決定你要走哪條路,你 想要挑戰世界最高的層級呢,或是想要留在德國當英雄,如果是後者,我們將會停止訓練 ,因為在這裡已經沒人可以阻止你了。但如果你想挑戰更高層級,我們接下來必須每天做 基本訓練,考慮兩天後,司機決定選擇前者。於是Geschwindner就讓他和籃球俱樂部DJK 裡的球員一起練習,這些球員後來也變成國家代比表隊,然後再1994的夏天,16歲的DIRK 也成為了DJK的一員。 -- ▁▁ ▕撥大▏ ▕穴師▏  ̄ ̄ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ylcsm:FIRST 06/17 23:43
BrentRoy:推 06/17 23:43
SunShitChi:推 跪求大師回來當版主!! 06/17 23:43
hllwolfkhan:回來吧~剝穴 06/17 23:44
piercepaul:一下要他走一下要他來 誰那麼好心 06/17 23:44
uuuc1223:你不要走 你不要走 06/17 23:45
tkobe2001:好像看剝削畫的圖 06/17 23:46
SwFrAI:藍球 06/17 23:46
misseverkim:推! 06/17 23:46
wajalihi:當板主的話就免了 06/17 23:46
baimoo520:當鄉民就好 當板主只是給各方人馬糟蹋而已 06/17 23:47
bluebigfly:酸民們 上工囉 06/17 23:47
a274775927:感覺是某期XXL的文章內容... 06/17 23:47
hump:酸迷們進攻囉 06/17 23:47
imsohappy:故事會不會太短啊 ̄▽ ̄|| 感覺正精采就結束了 06/17 23:48
REXDJ:大師Q_Q 06/17 23:49
doodoohow:超過一個腳掌長XD 06/17 23:50
ndk23581:大師還是適合當鄉民 06/17 23:50
pfw:這應該有下集吧,不然就跟腰斬漫畫一樣,沒頭沒尾... 06/17 23:51
DigK:一個腳掌長....你用翻譯軟體嗎 06/17 23:53
vannistl:樓上不爽你來翻 06/17 23:54
qwer1234:不意外囉 靈夠司很好用的 顆顆 06/17 23:55
Yuma38:你不是瞧不起花超過1小時提出申訴的網友嗎? 06/17 23:58
nik351235:這個好像在ESPN有撥過類似的司機訪問 06/17 23:58
LJ77:噓噓噓只會躲在PTT NBA版噓 這麼厲害跳出來翻譯阿 06/17 23:59
imsohappy:外電的全名到底是什麼啊 06/17 23:59
kameng:如果有哪個翻譯軟體能翻這麼好 我的paper就不會看到想吐了 06/17 23:59
mikado67:大師回來了。 06/17 23:59
LJ77:不要英文程度差不會翻譯卻又不爽別人的辛苦翻譯 很可憐 06/18 00:01
CW4:推德佬 個性很大條 以前還讓隊友幫他剪頭髮 06/18 00:06
tjbulls:不爽你來翻阿~ 06/18 00:08
HeavyBlue:不爽你來翻啊 06/18 00:09
chink5566:不要回來 po這種文章還算ok 06/18 00:09
chink5566:護航使者現在大力催下去 眾鄉民快逃 不然都要變阿宅了 06/18 00:10
qwer1234:趕快跑 不然就被抹成阿宅囉 06/18 00:12
chink5566:a foot 是一呎吧 改文不是宅的行為 改一下吧 06/18 00:12
ISnathan:借轉 感恩^^ 06/18 00:16
ISnathan:轉錄至看板 Mavericks 06/18 00:16 ※ 編輯: BullShits 來自: (06/18 00:18)
xpuma:推 06/18 00:21
xpuma:x的!樓上不爽的你來翻阿! 06/18 00:21
chink5566:推 06/18 00:22
celestial318:推 補個連結比較好 06/18 00:23
whyruso78:Dirk還真的會吹薩克斯風跟彈吉他耶~~ 06/18 00:26
doodoohow:Joe Alexander:可是我不會 06/18 00:30
dwyanes:第一段有錯字 06/18 00:45
dwyanes:第二段也有錯字 06/18 00:45
billxie268:DIRK大推!! 06/18 00:48
sungastill:可悲多噓點,就呆在PTT裡別出門 06/18 01:35
convey1227:司機!! 06/18 01:41
po19365:push 06/18 01:44
poohgogo:翻譯外電文也在哭 幫她說話就護航 阿你幹嘛護航反撥穴的? 06/18 01:48
auguestfox:推DIRK 06/18 01:55
abejun:推!! 第一段籃球打錯了 06/18 02:29
david1003:找錯字的是以為自己國文很屌逆? 06/18 04:28
shin770107:亂噓的人是腦袋進水嗎? 06/18 08:09
herboy:有他跟nash彈吉他的影片阿~~ 唱的有點XD就是XDDD 06/18 12:35
hung31017:噓的人可能被腦袋被期末考燒壞了 科科 06/18 13:00
bachw:推 06/18 13:23
barry1027gg:推推!! 06/18 14:13
vi6:撥穴快來發圖 06/18 15:26