精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文出處 http://www.gq.com/story/thabo-sefolosha-nypd-assault 網址也沒超長就懶得縮了 以下是翻譯 The police broke his leg, ended his season, and derailed a possible title run. And they did it for no reason. So he fought them in court—and he won. Now, as he tries to get his life and his career back to where it was, Atlanta Hawks shooting guard Thabo Sefolosha shares his story for the first time. 警方打斷了Sefolosha的腿,破壞了老鷹隊取得總冠軍的機會。而且他們這樣做根本是 毫無理由。因此Sefolosha跟警方鬧上法庭,而且勝訴了!現在他著力於重返NBA戰場。 以下是他受本雜誌的專訪。 以下是由Sefolosha的第一人稱敘述 About 4:15 A.M., they turned the lights on at the club and told us it's time to go. Something happened, we're not exactly sure what. The police are outside closing the place down—directing people, telling them to move. 那時大概是凌晨4:15,他們把夜店的燈打開並叫我們(Sefolosha跟隊友Antic)該是出去了 我知道好像發生什麼事了,但是沒人清楚到底事發生甚麼事。但是警察在外面,而且他們 正在把夜店的人潮疏離。 An officer came over to me and said, "Get the hell out!" I said, "Did I do something wrong? You can talk to me in a nicer way." I didn't quite understand why he had to come at us so hard when there were so many other people around. We moved, but he kept telling us to get the hell out. I told him we were listening to him: "You are the police, but you don't have to act like you're the toughest guy on earth." He said, "With or without a badge, I can fuck you up." Like, whatever. We're not about to find out. I'm the last guy who gets physical with anybody, especially the police. At the same time, I felt singled out for no reason. He was much shorter than me. [Sefolosha is six feet seven.] I said, "You're a midget, and you're mad." I voiced my opinion, but I kept moving. 一位警官朝我走過來然後對我很兇的大喊 "給我滾出來!" 然後我就回嘴說 "我有做錯事 情嗎?你可以對我nice一點你知道嗎?" 我真的不懂他為甚麼有點針對我跟Antic,周圍明 明還有很多其他人阿。但是不管怎樣,我們還是乖乖的走出夜店,然後那位警官一直跟在 我們後面叫我們快點滾出去。這時我又回他說"我有在聽你們阿。我這不是出來了嗎? 我 知道你是一位警官,但是你也沒必要秋到好像你是全世界最man最兇狠的人那樣吧?" 警察回我說"不管我是不是警察,我都可以幹爆你。" 我也不想跟他鬥只回"隨便你說啦。" 說實話,我一點都不喜歡跟人動手動腳,更何況事警察。但同時,我也感覺我無緣無故被 針對了。我猜可能因為是我比一般人高吧(Sefolosha 6呎7)。所以我又嗆他 "你這小侏儒 ,愛生氣"。我陳述了事實,然後我就繼續走出夜店了。 By then I was in the street, around many other people. I asked him where he wanted me to go. He said, "Keep moving until I tell you to stop." I joined the rest of the people, next to a pizza place, and that's when five or six or seven other officers surrounded us. It felt like I had done something wrong. Probably they heard what I said and decided, "We're going to make sure this guy knows that we're the police and that basically we rule." They told me I had to leave the scene. They were almost provoking me, challenging me. I didn't want to react to them. 這時我已經走到路上了,周圍也滿多人。我問了剛剛那位警官他要我們走去哪裡? 他就回說"一直走,直到我叫你停下來。"所以我們就走到一家pizza店跟其他人等著。 這時突然又有5~6位警官圍上來。那感覺就像是我好像做錯了甚麼。我猜想他們可能聽到 我剛剛跟那位警官的嗆聲,然後就討論出"嘿我們是警察,我們來讓這小子知道這地方 是我們做老大的。"他們告訴我我必須離開現場。那感覺真的很像是他們在故意挑釁我, 但是我不想被他們激怒。 I was just getting into a livery cab—one of the cops opened the door and said, "Get out of here"—when a homeless man asked me for money. I took out twenty bucks. When I made a few steps toward the guy, an officer said, "You're going to jail." Pero tapped the officer on the shoulder and said, "Relax, he didn't do anything." Another officer pushed him in the chest and he fell. That's what the first YouTube video showed—him on the floor. 所以我就叫了一台計程車。當我正要上車時,一位警官開了車門然後對我說"快滾吧", 同時剛好有一位流浪漢跟我要錢。所以我就沒馬上上車,而是掏出20鎂要給那位流浪漢。 當我走向流浪漢時,警官馬上就說"你準備去監獄吧你。" 這時Antic拍了拍這位警官的 肩膀對他說"警察先生冷靜一下吧,他根本沒幹嘛阿。"另一位警官卻把他推倒。 Antic倒在地上那樣子就是大家在YouTube上看到的影片的開端。 More officers started grabbing me. I was trying to put the money back in my pocket. Usually I don't carry that much, but I had six or seven hundred dollars in my hand. One officer pulled me from my right arm, another grabbed me on my left, and another grabbed me on the back of my neck. I'm in, like, an on-a-cross type of position. I couldn't even move. It was just chaos. I had never been arrested before. I understood a little bit late that they were trying to put me on the ground, but if somebody grabs your arms and pulls you on your neck, you fall face first. 更多的警官上來抓住我。那時我正想要把手上的錢放回口袋。通常我身上不會帶那麼多, 但是我當天剛好帶了6~700鎂。一位警官抓住了我的左手,另一個抓住我右手,又有一個 從我脖子後放抓著我。我當時根本動彈不得。情況根本亂得一蹋糊塗。我以前從來沒有被 逮捕過阿。我太晚才想到,他們應該是想要把我壓到地上上手銬。但是當有人同時抓著你 雙手,又拉你脖子的話,那你一定是臉朝下倒下去。 Somebody kicked my leg, more than once, from the back to force me to the ground. I knew something had happened as soon as they did it; I'm an athlete, so I know how my body should feel. They were stepping on my foot, too, I guess to try to keep me there. I didn't feel like there was anything I could do to calm it down. I tried to show them I was cooperating. I tried. 有人一直從後方踢我的腳,應該是為了把我壓到地上吧。被踢的那一瞬間我就知道我自己 身體情況不太對勁了。我是職業選手,所以我知道我身體的感覺應該是如何。他們還踩到 我的腳上。大概也是為了壓制住我。我不覺我當時有任何辦法讓這些警官冷靜下來。我有 識著讓他們知道我會配合他們,但是沒用。 The main thing in my head, of course, was my leg. Just in that moment, the adrenaline prevented me from feeling too much pain. I noticed the swelling as soon as I got to the police station. At the precinct, it was very painful and I couldn't step on it anymore. They put Pero and me in a cell, then they brought in the guy who they believed had stabbed Copeland, so they moved us out and handcuffed us to some bars. We got out almost 12 hours later, after we had our hearing. 當時我腦袋裡一直在想我的腿有沒有怎樣。事發當時腎上腺素讓我感到比較少的疼痛。 但是到了警察局我馬上就注意到我腳腫很大一塊。那時就開始非常痛了,而且我沒辦法 站在那隻腳上。我跟Antic被關到同一個拘留室。後來他們找到疑似刺Copeland的人 (當晚溜馬隊的Copeland在同一間夜店被刺 所以警方才在疏散夜店) ,所以我們被移出去然後銬在一些鐵欄杆上。12小時後我們才終於被警方放走。 (中間這段再講受傷期間療傷 預估好幾個月後才能上場 包括老鷹教練挺他 跟老鷹輸掉季後賽 Sefolosha的PTSD症狀 持續的緊張跟害怕 體重下降 半夜驚醒 等等) In September I went to New York, and they offered me this deal: one day of community service, with the charges to be dismissed after six months. My lawyer said that it was a very, very gutsy move not to take the deal. I don't think I realized quite fully how much of a risk it was. My lawyer had told me, "You're risking up to two years in jail for all this." But to accept the deal felt like admitting guilt. 今年9月我又去了一趟紐約,然後檢方給了我這樣的協議:1天的社區服務然後6個月後 我的刑責會被取消。我的律師說我不接受這個提議非常非常大膽。當然我也懂我不接受 這協議可能的後果。我律師跟我說有可能最多要坐兩年的牢。但是說真的,接受這協議對 我來說根本就等同於認罪了。 The charges against Pero were dismissed. I was still hoping that during that month between September 9 and October 5, they were going to drop the charges against me, too. I never had more than six hours’ sleep the whole month. I would wake up at 4:30 in the morning, and the first thing that would pop in my mind was, This is really going on. I lost 15 pounds that month from the stress. 後來針對Antic的控訴就取消了。我一直希望9/9~10/5這段期間我的控訴也會被撤銷。 這整個月,我沒有一天有睡超過6小時。我常常會4:30醒來,然後腦袋想到第一件事就是 天阿,這事情真的再發生。那個月我因為這件事的壓力瘦了15磅。 The charges were obstruction of governmental administration, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest. At the beginning of the trial, my lawyer showed new video clips his team uncovered and got the first cop to agree that I was complying with his order, that I was not committing a crime. It was great. The most ludicrous thing to listen to was that I charged an officer. I would never do that. They were trying to make it seem like they had a reason to arrest me. I'm sure that when you break someone's leg and you have video of one officer taking a baton out, you have a lot on the line. 我被告的罪有妨礙公務、妨害治安行為跟拒絕逮捕。在我一開始上法庭的時候,我的律師 給我看了他們團隊找到的新影片。而且他們還說服第一位警官承認我有服從他的命令也沒 犯任何罪。(等於警官承認他不是現行犯。) 這感覺真的很棒。我想開庭後我聽過最扯的話大概就是檢方控訴我衝向警官作勢打人。 我根本沒有那樣做。他們根本就是在想把自己變成受害者,讓人覺得我好像是個罪犯一樣 ,讓他們的逮捕變成合法化的。我相信當你打斷一人的腿,而且還有影片秀出有警察拿出 警棍,你應該有已經是賭上一切要拼了吧。 The D.A. said that I'm entitled and disdainful. It hurt, in a way. That easy and simplistic categorization of athletes: Oh, he's an NBA player, he's entitled, he's got money. Like, you don't know anything about me. Why don't you look at facts? 檢方說我很高傲又藐視人。說真的這樣講滿傷人的。這根本是運動員的刻板印象:噢,他 是打NBA的,所以他很囂張,他很有錢。可是你根本就不認識我呀,根本不懂我。你為甚 麼不能客觀的看待事實呢? The video was huge. It was everything. I really believe that without it, Pero and I could be behind bars right now. Because if you don't have real proof that you didn't do it and you have five, six officers saying that you did… 那影片真的很重要,可以說是全案的關鍵。我真的認為如果沒有當初那影片,我跟Antic 應該都被關起來了。因為如果你沒有確實的證據證明你沒有犯罪,然後又有5~6個警察 說你有...... I think the jury had made their minds up early. The burden was on the police to show proof of me doing anything wrong, and they didn't come with any other proof than five officers testifying to the exact same story. They didn't really try to find footage, they didn't really try to find other witnesses. The jury made the right decision, and it didn't take them long. I think it's a testimony of how they felt about the whole thing. 我覺得陪審團很早就已經做好決定了。這案子應該是要警方提供我有犯罪的證據,但是他 們除了幾位警官說一樣的故事以外就沒別的證據或是證人了。陪審團快速的做出了正確的 決定。我覺得這也可以印證出他們對這案子的觀感吧。 I was a little surprised by how some of the media related the story. Instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt or just waiting for more information, in the eyes of many I was guilty of doing something wrong. Now that the verdict has been reached, I've definitely had a lot more texts now than when I got arrested. A lot of people who weren't there over the last six months reaching out: "We never doubted it." Yeah. 我還滿意外整個媒體對我案子的看法。在我判決結果出來前,他們都一致的寫我有罪。 現在我被判無罪了,我倒是收到很多簡訊說"嘿大哥我們從來沒有懷疑過你的清白。" ㄏㄏ It's tough to think about what I could have done differently. I could have run two blocks away as quickly as I could. But in my mind, the police are under the same laws we are. Did I do something wrong because I said you can talk to me in a nicer way? What would I do the next time it happens? Well, I'll probably run next time. I'll probably say, "I don't want any part of this" and move as fast as I can. 現在回想我當時能夠我是否能做些別的事情對我來說真的很煎熬。或許我可以馬上 跑到兩個街區以外的地方。但我一直認為警察跟我們要遵守的法律應該是一樣的。 我跟警官說"你可以對我nice一點"有犯任何法嗎? 下次又發生一樣的事情我又會怎麼做? 我覺得我應該會說"我不想再遭遇一樣的事情",然後跑得越遠越好吧。 It was an act of police brutality, and I believe it could happen to anyone. Now I'm a lot more aware of everything that goes on. I've been, I don't want to say disillusioned, but brought back to earth in a harsh way. I look at videos of police brutality on YouTube or CNN.com. The other day I was watching this woman getting punched by the police for recording them arresting her husband. In a situation like this, you are helpless. If there's six people jumping me outside of the club, I scream, "Police, police!" If the police are doing this to me, who you want me to turn to? 這整個案子是就是警察執法過當,而且我相信任何人都有可能發生這種事情。我現在更清 楚這些事情每天都會發生。我想我應該算是幻想破滅,或是說能夠更清楚得面對現實了。 我有時候會上YouTube或是CNN看警察暴力的影片。前幾天我看到一個女人因為錄影她先生 被逮捕然後就被警方揍。發生這種情況時,你真的是完全無助的。如果我在夜店外面被6個 人攻擊,然後我大喊"警察!警察!快來救我!" 那如果是警察對我這麼做,你要我對誰求救? 備註:Sefolosha被判無罪後 現在反守為攻 正在向NYPD求償50M鎂 而且目前看來極有可能勝訴 心得:老鷹少這隻進季後賽真的很吃力,板凳上最強的鎖就是他了。當然不保證他回來 老鷹東冠能贏騎士,但是少了Sefolosha能夠拖住喇叭的人也少了一隻。 祝歐洲得分王早日回到球場上!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1446194934.A.380.html
gn02253749 : ......張誌家表示: 10/30 16:50
張誌家不是打假球嗎 跟警察暴力有什麼關係@_@
imleewan : 種種情形看來 美國警察滿黑的 10/30 16:53
sj210444 : 玩GTA 美國警察真的很.... 10/30 16:54
路上偷個車警察也對我開槍 真是太誇張了
deathsman : 紐約張誌家 10/30 16:56
lbalo : 很有趣的是 警察權很大 但是國家治安依然很亂 10/30 16:56
love1500274 : 該說他衰? 還是他話太多? 10/30 16:57
airawesu : NYPD如果被老鷹控告 不知敗訴機率多高 10/30 16:58
thegod13 : 不管是不是話太多 美國警察逾越職權就是錯 10/30 16:59
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 抓到重點了 ※ 編輯: hitman0527 (, 10/30/2015 17:00:46
thegod13 : 美國警察跟暴力事件根本是恐怖平衡 爛透了 10/30 17:00
yoshro : "嘿大哥我們從來沒有懷疑過你的清白。" XDDD 10/30 17:02
kaede0711 : 臺灣執法過當可是抓不到半個呢,還一天到晚有人支持 10/30 17:03
kaede0711 : 警察擴權 10/30 17:03
TheOddOne : 美國警察=合法黑道 國際警察=世界黑道組織^^ 10/30 17:03
kaede0711 : 不過媒體那段真的是全世界的媒體都一個樣 10/30 17:03
lwei781 : Hawks 告500M 都有可能贏吧 只是錢會少些 10/30 17:04
SEXYFUCK : 嘿大哥我們從來沒有懷疑過你的清白—>超酸哈哈 10/30 17:04
katanakiller: 美國垃圾條子一堆 10/30 17:06
Max11 : 敢對NYPD嗆聲真的有種,更何況是黑人。嘴巴閉緊不 10/30 17:06
johnny04a : 美國警察太扯 10/30 17:06
Max11 : 就什麼事也沒有了 10/30 17:06
BignoZe : 美國至少被警察打法庭判決還是挺公正的... 10/30 17:07
Kreen : NYPD真的很靠北,我同事是黑人他只要開車每次都被攔 10/30 17:07
Kreen : 下來,叫他出車外然後檢查。搞得他後來都讓我們去接 10/30 17:08
ming0q : 臺灣最喜歡有錢人了 免罰 10/30 17:08
GarrettLin : 其實全世界都一樣 武力最強的人最囂張 10/30 17:08
Kreen : 他,有些警察根本攔他好幾次,擺明耍他。 10/30 17:08
twsuperman : 有夠扯的 10/30 17:09
mmchen : 難怪Antic不想留在美國了 10/30 17:10
phoenician : 太扯了 10/30 17:10
lykewake : NYPD的黑~連自己人也可以搞~ 10/30 17:10
IBIZA : 美國法庭判決公正 就不會有那麼多黑人被警察打死 10/30 17:12
IBIZA : 警察還判無罪了 10/30 17:12
IBIZA : 今年五月 一名對兩個黑人開了15槍的警察被判無罪 10/30 17:17
IBIZA : 因為他跟他其他12個同事全都有開槍 總共開了137槍 10/30 17:17
IBIZA : 無法判斷是誰打死那兩個黑人的 所以無罪 10/30 17:18
IBIZA : 而那兩個黑人只是因為開車經過警局時 引擎爆震 被 10/30 17:19
ryan0714123 : 老大04:30AM就在練球了,沙發才驚醒 10/30 17:19
IBIZA : 誤以為攻擊警局 所以被13個警察開車追擊137槍 10/30 17:19
ericf129 : 推這篇 10/30 17:22
ssaw5166 : 唉~偏偏很多人都覺得公權力永遠是對的 10/30 17:23
uyrmb47 : 不意外 不是法官問題 而是證據都被消滅 10/30 17:24
uyrmb47 : 那是美國自己搞出來的法律 警察 10/30 17:24
JayFans0610 : 多一個沙發老鷹也不會贏吧,可能贏個一兩場 10/30 17:26
JayFans0610 : 12年就對過了,守Wade還行,守老詹就普普 10/30 17:28
YamagiN : 以前老美警察甚至在被追的車上找不到槍 直接丟一把 10/30 17:28
j2squared : 美國法庭是有多少證據說多少話,台灣是看你有多少錢 10/30 17:28
YamagiN : 散彈槍到車上來栽贓跟想辦法脫罪 10/30 17:28
morgankhs : 美國警察就有牌的黑道啊 一堆垃圾 10/30 17:30
web946719 : 在美國鴿眼裡黑人都是罪犯 10/30 17:31
minoru04 : 害我想到這個 10/30 17:33
rbull : 美國警察爛的真的超爛 連小狗從家裡跑出來都能射殺 10/30 17:33
RAYBO : 如果腳受傷 損及運動生涯 這可不是50萬美金可以善了 10/30 17:33
kaede0711 : 美國法庭冤案比例也很高,不一定有多公正,不過台灣 10/30 17:33
kaede0711 : 連讓你知道是冤案的機會都沒有 10/30 17:33
IBIZA : 不是滅證問題 之前那個被勒死的黑人 從頭到尾的 10/30 17:34
IBIZA : 影片都有 一樣是無罪 10/30 17:34
IBIZA : 美國的問題不是法官 是陪審團 透過挑選陪審團就能 10/30 17:35
IBIZA : 左右判決 10/30 17:35
nuturewind : 台灣警察說實話沒有像紐約或洛杉磯那種警察暴力誇張 10/30 17:36
tactics2100 : 不是告50萬鎂 是告5000萬鎂 10/30 17:36
kaede0711 : 的確以警察權力來講臺灣沒有美國這麼誇張,所以支持 10/30 17:37
kaede0711 : 警察擴權的人根本日子過太爽 10/30 17:37
kevin51521 : 這就是為何有人說台灣要把學來的協商程序廢掉的原因 10/30 17:37
kevin51521 : 啊唉唉 10/30 17:37
nuturewind : 10多年前去洛杉磯玩.正好看到他們示威遊行,警察只准 10/30 17:37
abc7360393 : 說他話太多的是奴性發作? 警察就囂張阿 10/30 17:38
kaede0711 : 而且認罪協商是一個很爛的制度,不過海歸派的很喜歡 10/30 17:38
kaede0711 : 把臺灣刑事制度搞的四不像 10/30 17:38
nuturewind : 那些遊行抗議的人在一塊小小的地方繞圈舉牌.當地人 10/30 17:38
nepenthes7 : 根本高壇市警察 把球員腳打斷 三小 10/30 17:39
nuturewind : 跟我們說如果他們超過那個小圈圈或作出一些超過舉牌 10/30 17:39
uyrmb47 : 有些人誤會了 美國法院就是比誰錢多 沒錢就是輸 10/30 17:39
nuturewind : 的行為,在旁邊監控的警察就直接棍棒甚至能開槍了... 10/30 17:40
nepenthes7 : 沙發沒比警察有錢嗎 他nba耶 10/30 17:40
nuturewind : 真的覺得美國警察權有點過分誇張大 10/30 17:41
IBIZA : 所以沙發贏了 10/30 17:41
j2squared : 開15槍的那個兩個黑人也有白目的地方 10/30 17:41
j2squared : 高速逃逸又撞警車,認為他們沒危險也很難吧 10/30 17:41
ic09410 : 警察不意外,朋友當警察立刻絕交。 10/30 17:44
thegod13 : 樓上水準ZZZ 10/30 17:48
lebronlon : 鄉民不是最愛推美國警察嗎 整天說在美國怎樣怎樣 10/30 17:49
andrew1357 : 真的很瞎 10/30 17:53
joumay : 真的是好在有影片 條子執法有時候真的是當自己是神 10/30 17:55
yurikim : 法官可以不採納陪審團判決 自行宣告判決 陪審團只 10/30 17:56
yurikim : 是替法官背書而已 最終宣判還是看法官 10/30 17:56
gary63122 : 鄉民最愛 美國警察 10/30 17:59
dogville : 看起來台灣警察真的客氣多了XD 至少都還會錄影 10/30 18:01
Tawara : 現實寫照推 10/30 18:01
gotohikaru : 一般國家佩戴隨身攝影是要保護警察 米國則是為了遏 10/30 18:02
gotohikaru : 止警察執法過當XD 10/30 18:02
Coolest : 台灣警察是會自己錄影怕遇到鯛民,在美國剛好相反 10/30 18:03
RSoul : 臺灣刁民多啊… 10/30 18:07
RSoul : 現在不像30.40年前警察國家的時代了 10/30 18:07
RSoul : 社會人權主義抬頭,也造成很多不必要的麻煩 10/30 18:08
kixer2005 : wtf 10/30 18:09
FFMay : 還以為只有美劇裡面nypd才會這樣 10/30 18:20
gotohikaru : 台灣人民算很客氣的 歪果是就鯛民更多 警察才更刁 10/30 18:39
wesiy : 拜託 給老鷹TD也是輸騎士啦 還沙發勒 別侮辱騎士 10/30 18:39
ERIKATokyo : 美國警察超秋啊 想打就打 10/30 18:50
fredchan1992: 真的很扯 不過很高興他講出來 這能幫助更多人 10/30 18:54
fredchan1992: 然後台灣還一堆人推崇美國警察很有guts... 10/30 18:55
GianniC : 不告個5億美金嗎?? 10/30 19:00
JayFans0610 : 凡事都有兩面性,執法權力高可以有效打擊犯罪 10/30 19:01
GianniC : 這些警察直接處決吧!! 10/30 19:01
JayFans0610 : 但也有濫權的疑慮 10/30 19:01
cool8418 : 看到老鷹總冠軍就end了 10/30 19:13
leo755269 : 垃圾 人家整個季候賽不能上 你警察賠得起? 10/30 19:23
g7a7n7 : 騙誰 10/30 19:32
leegiway : 姆斯:警察垃圾無誤,不過我東冠是不可能還回去的, 10/30 19:36
leegiway : 懂? 10/30 19:36
scatology : 關LBJ什麼事???????????????????????????????? 10/30 19:40
BignoZe : 這樣也能扯LBJ 鄉民神邏輯 10/30 19:42
BignoZe : 小學該重念了 10/30 19:43
Grammy : 有一句話真的從古至今 西洋東方 通通適用 10/30 19:51
Grammy : FUCK THE POLICE! 10/30 19:52
winklly : 有效打擊犯罪???美國那個叫有效打擊犯罪喔 10/30 19:53
buehrle : 政府守法才叫法治 10/30 20:30
jamesccs : FUCK THE POLICE! 10/30 20:39
YamagiN : 老美都叫警察pig 有時候真的不是沒有原因的 10/30 20:46
ClutchShot : 難得老鷹好成績,沒那個命啊~唉 10/30 20:50
jerrys0580 : 推這篇 很喜歡看這種事情的後續!! 10/30 20:57
glady1217 : 推 10/30 21:14
ryvius0723 : 看看這篇再看看4月那時候新聞下的推文 10/30 21:25
ryvius0723 : 一堆尚書大人 10/30 21:25
pieceofcake : nwa fuck the police 10/30 21:32
dusted : 有些巴不得嫌犯被打死的就不用認真計較了 10/30 22:04
versace : 有照流氓 10/30 22:41
opq45467852 : 對於智障而言 白目=被殺活該 10/30 22:43
VM0715 : tactics2100:不是告50萬鎂 是告5000萬鎂 10/30 23:06
VM0715 : 超好笑! 10/30 23:06
semicoma : 這考量到Sefolosha的職業 告50M很合理啊 如果今天是 10/30 23:10
semicoma : 遊民 就算有律師幫打官司 大概也很難喊到50M 總之濫 10/30 23:10
semicoma : 權警察死好(不過我覺得朱利安尼後的nypd算及格了) 10/30 23:12
qwerty789 : 太兇殘了這個 10/30 23:14
hjbe5932 : 對比台灣警察,權限小的要死 10/30 23:29
hjbe5932 : 難怪一堆美國人對警察都嗤之以鼻,自己搞爛的 10/30 23:30
buddhabikini: 他嗆條子是侏儒後面的mad 意思比較像是說"你瘋了" 10/30 23:48
sinben : 美國警察真的太濫權了 打斷人家腿不用革職或懲罰嗎 10/31 00:13
patrickc : 想到GTA警察: I'll kill u!!!! 全是瘋子 10/31 01:26
doomster562 : 美國警察都很敢使用暴力, 反觀台灣警察... 10/31 01:55
DFTT : 反觀三小? 10/31 02:57
kenay : M不是百萬嗎?....50M應該就5000萬沒錯吧? 10/31 07:35
knetlalala : 如果是換作一般請不起好律師的老百姓搞不好就只能吞 10/31 09:37
knetlalala : 了 10/31 09:37
gmoonyh : 幹,真扯,當時看到這新聞就覺得滿奇怪的,怎麼無緣 10/31 09:44
gmoonyh : 無故就把人家腿打斷,現在看來還真的就是無緣無故.. 10/31 09:44
help1268 : 那警察的地雷剛好是死矮子?(內文說事實) 10/31 13:50
help1268 : 在台灣嗆警察瘋矮子 也會被針對 10/31 13:55