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Jason Collins Says It's 'Mind-Boggling' to Be First Openly Gay Pro Athlete 傑森‧柯林斯:「成為第一個公開自己是同性戀者的現役職業運動員讓我難以置信」            By ALYSSA NEWCOMB (@alyssanewcomb) and ANTHONY CASTELLANO                                 April 29, 2013                            http://tinyurl.com/ckg2wcy Washington Wizards center Jason Collins told ABC News it's "mind-boggling" to be the first openly gay athlete in a major American team sport, but he never set out to be first and is waiting for someone else to "raise their hand" and follow his lead.   華盛頓巫師隊的中鋒傑森‧科林斯在接受美國廣播公司的訪問時表示,成為第一個公 開承認自己是同性戀者的現役美國主要團隊運動的運動員是非常令人湳以置信的,但是柯 林斯從來沒有想過要成為第一個這樣做的人,他本來想要等待其他人發聲之後在遵循他們 的步伐。 "That's kind of mind-boggling. I think I talk about that. That, you know, I never set out to be the first," Collins told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview Monday night.   「我從來沒想過我會談論這樣的話題,你知道的,我從來都沒想過要成為第一個這樣 做的人」周一早上柯林斯在接受美國廣播公司的喬治‧斯特凡諾普洛斯的獨家專訪時說。 By shattering one of the final barriers in American sports, Collins said he hopes other gay athletes will follow his lead.   柯林斯希望其他的同性戀者運動員能夠追隨他的腳步,一起粉碎美國體育運動項目裡 面這一道最後的藩籬。 "You're sort of waiting around for somebody else to … raise their hand," he said. "I'm ready to raise my hand but, you know, you still look around like, 'OK, come on, guys.' It's time for someone else in the room to raise their hand and say, 'You know what? Yeah, so big deal. I can still play basketball. I can still help the team win, and that's what's most important.'"   「你是那一種等待你周遭的其他人打響第一槍的人嗎?」面對喬治的問題,柯林斯說 「我已經準備好了,但是你知道的,你還是會環顧你的四周並且想說:『噢,好吧,兄弟 們,是時候為了這房間裡面的其他人舉起手來面對這樣的問題並且告訴他們:這是一個重 大的決定,但是最重要的是,就算我是同性戀者,我還是可以打籃球,我還是可以幫助球 隊贏球,這才是最重要的』。」 Collins revealed his homosexuality in an article published on Sports Illustrated's website earlier today."I'm a 34-year-old NBA center. I'm black. And I'm gay," Collins wrote in the Sports Illustrated article.   柯林斯今天稍早在體育畫報的網站上發表了一篇透露他自己是同性戀者的文章。「我 是一個三十四歲的NBA中鋒,我是一個黑人,而且我還是一個同性戀者。」柯林斯在體育畫 報的文章中寫道。 After the article was published, Collins received tremendous support for his announcement from the White House, the NBA and current and former teammates.   在文章發表後,柯林斯獲得了來自白宮、NBA官方以及現任、前任隊友的巨大支持。 "It's incredible. You just try to live an honest, genuine life and next thing you know you have the president calling you," Collins told ABC News.   柯林斯告訴美國廣播公司新聞說:「這非常得不可思議,你只是試著誠實面對自己而 已,但是你卻接到了來自白宮的電話。」  Los Angeles Lakers Stars Kobe Bryant and Steve Nash were quick to share their support.   洛杉磯湖人隊的球星柯比‧布萊恩和史提夫‧納許很快的表達了他們的支持。  "Proud of @jasoncollins34. Don't suffocate who u r because of the ignorance of others #courage #support #mambaarmystandup #BYOU," Bryant tweeted.   老大:「我為柯林斯感到驕傲,不要因為其他人的無知而不敢說出你是誰。」 Nash tweeted that "the time has come" and said he had "maximum respect" for Collins.   納許也在推特上面留言支持柯林斯:「時機已到,我表達萬分的敬意。」  NBA Commissioner David Stern said he was proud Collins "assumed the leadership mantle on this very important issue."   NBA的總裁大衛‧史騰也為柯林斯感到驕傲,他說:「在這個重要的議題上,柯林斯 成為了領頭羊。」   In a statement on behalf of the Washington Wizards, president Ernie Grunfeld said the team was "extremely proud" of Collins' decision to "live his life proudly and openly."   在華盛頓巫師隊發表的聲明中,球隊總裁厄尼‧葛倫菲爾德表示球隊對於柯林斯決定 為自己而活感到非常的驕傲。 "He has been a leader on and off the court and an outstanding teammate throughout his NBA career. Those qualities will continue to serve him both as a player and as a positive role model for others of all sexual orientation," he wrote.   葛倫菲爾德在聲明中寫道:「柯林斯在他的整個生涯中一直都是一名出色的隊友和領 導人,這些特質將使他繼續成為一個球員和擁有不同特質的人們的榜樣。」  Collins, who has played for six teams over the course of 12 years, said he felt it was the right time to publicly come out before he began to refocus on his next season. He will officially become a free agent this summer and wants to keep playing in the NBA.   柯林斯在十二年的職業生涯之中效力過六支球隊,他覺得這是一個開誠佈公的好時機 ,在這一切發生之後,他將會把注意力重新轉回到下一個賽季。柯林斯在這個夏天將正式 成為自由球員,同時他希望能夠繼續在NBA打球。  "I still love the game, and I still have something to offer. My coaches and teammates recognize that," he wrote in Sports Illustrated. "At the same time, I want to be genuine and authentic and truthful."   「我的教練和隊友都知道我仍然熱愛比賽,同時我也可以提供其他東西。」柯林斯在 體育畫報的文章中寫道「同時,我也想要成為一個誠實,表裡如一以及言行一致的人。」 Collins predicted the news may come as a shock to NBA players, many of whom he has counted as teammates over the course of his career.   柯林斯預測這個消息也許會對許多他在生涯中共事過的NBA球員帶來衝擊。 "I go against the gay stereotype, which is why I think a lot of players will be shocked: That guy is gay? But I've always been an aggressive player, even in high school," he wrote .   柯林斯在文章中寫道:「『這傢伙是個同性戀?』這個我對於同性戀者的刻板印象就 是為什麼我會覺得許多球員會感到吃驚的原因。但是即使是在高中時期,我一直都是一個 積極的球員。」 While Collins didn't expect to be a trailblazer, he said he was "happy to start the conversation" about being an openly gay athlete.   雖然柯林斯沒有想到自己會成為一個開拓者,但是他說他很高興能夠公開的談論他是 一個同性戀運動員。 But he also has some serious business ahead of him -- training for his 13th season in the NBA.   但是柯林斯也有一個嚴肅的商業問題擺在他眼前-那就是為了他在NBA賽場上的第十 三個球季做準備。 "In the pros, the older you get, the better shape you must be in," he wrote. "Next season a few more eyeballs are likely to be on me. That only motivates me to work harder."   「在職業球場中,隨著年紀增長你越是要保持良好的體態」柯林斯說。「下一個賽季 會有比以往更多的目光注視著我,但是這只會變成我更努力的原動力。」 ======= 雖然一直被鄉民虧大三零,但是他的心態真的非常健康,職業球員的典範。 "Next season a few more eyeballs are likely to be on me. That only motivates me to work harder. Jason Collins -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tefueternal 來自: (04/30 17:46)
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