精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《SeanMay (香妹)》之銘言: : 無聊沒事翻譯一下 就看在我和他同是胖子的份上 : : Kenny: "I think New Jersey has a chance to beat them. If they had : : Vince Carter all year they'd be the three seed." : : Barkley: "Have you been drinking again?" : Kenny: "我認為紐澤西可以幹掉他們,如果他們一整年都有Vince Carter,他們(Nets) : 會是第三種子" : Barkley: "你又醉了嗎?" : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : :"Isiah Thomas is building a championship team... too bad it's in : :San Antonio." : :Charles Barkley on the Nazr Mohammed deal. : "Isiah Thomas正在建立一支冠軍球隊..可惜是在聖安東尼奧." : 巴爵士評論Nazr Mohammed的交易 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : :Ernie: "We're on our way to Detroit, aren't we?" : :Barkley: "Damn, I gotta get my bulletproof vest." : Ernie: "看來我們是得去Detriot了,對吧?" : Barkley: "暗! 我得去搞個防彈背心" : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : :After TNT showed a stat that Charles had the lowest career three point : :percentage amongst players who took at least 250 3 point attempts : :in the playoffs - "To whoever put that stat together... 'Yo Mama'". : 再TNT秀出巴爵士是季後賽中出手250次三分球以上球員中命中率最低的後, : 巴爵士回答"不管這數據是誰算出來的...去你媽的" : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : :"GINOBILI!!!!!!" (Yelled and stretched out) : 巴爵士每次都用奇怪的音調唸Ginobili的名字(他的音近於GINO-BA-LEE) : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : :When Chuck was asked by the judge if he had any regrets about : :throwing guy through a window in Orlando he said, "I regret we : :weren't on a higher floor." : 當老巴被法官問他對他在Orlando把人丟出窗外是否有任何遺憾,巴爵士回答"只可惜 : 我們不是在更高的樓層。" : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : :Charles: "To win a championship you shouldn't think so much about : :having home court advantage." : :Mike Bibby "How would you know?" : Charles: "為了贏得總冠軍,你不須太在意是否有主場優勢。" : Mike Bibby: "你怎麼可能會知道?" : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : :After Ernie asks if Charles has ever been to another country: : :"I've been to Alabama, that's like a third world country." : 當Ernie問老巴是否有去過別的國家 : 巴爵士回答"我去過Alabama(美國一州,Florida以北),那裡就像是第三世界 : 的國家。 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : :After Kenny Smith expressed surprised at Barkley's ability to : :pronounce Suns guard Leandro Barbosa's name, Charles replied: : :"I'm bilingual. I speak profanity and English." : 當Kenny Smith表達出訝異老巴可以唸出太陽後衛Leandro Barbosa名子後, : 巴爵士說:"我會講兩種語言,英文和髒話。" 我覺得最好笑的事他跟Kenny Smith的對話 有一次Kenny Smith被問到他兩枚總冠軍現如何處理? Kenny Smith:『其中一枚我給我父親,另一枚我拿給我哥哥,因為沒有他們的 支持,我沒有辦法拿到總冠軍的。』 Charles:『....我想你應該把這兩枚冠軍戒指都還給歐拉朱旺。』 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
iris0108:哈哈 果然是賤嘴啊 XD 11/29 12:11
DrizztMon:XD 11/29 12:12
gangpleaseth:是很賤...不過也聽的出來老巴語氣很酸啊~~ 11/29 12:15
Frankaze:XD 11/29 12:15
NICEALAN:XD 11/29 12:19
Poncs:推老巴.....真的超幽默的 11/29 12:19
ted0217:XD 11/29 12:30
mackulkov:好酸啊 11/29 12:34
jayin07:我不太懂kenny的耶,有人能大略說一下嗎? 11/29 12:38
rockslame:太屌啦!愛死了,大師一出手便知有沒有 11/29 12:38
jayin07:是老巴故意酸kenny靠歐拉拿冠軍嗎? 11/29 12:38
Darius1979:XD 巴克利超機車的.... 11/29 12:39
bank1000:XD 老巴好幽默^^ 11/29 12:47
envogue:好酸好酸~~ 11/29 13:10
Chungyiang:XDDDD太絕了 不然一枚還Ola, 另一枚還Drexler好了 11/29 14:28
u2gogowin:XD 11/29 15:36
jyunwei:XXXD太賤了 11/29 20:42