精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Letter from Charles Barkley to Bill Laimbeer, I think in 1989: Dear Bill, Fuck You. Charles 巴大在1989年寫給 Bill Laimbeer 親愛的比爾, X你娘 查爾斯 Sir Charles to Steve Kerr: "Hey Steve, no offense, but if you couldn't shoot, there would be no reason for you to be alive." 老巴對 Steve Kerr說: "嘿, Steve, 並非要攻擊你, 但如果你不會投球的話, 你根本沒有活著的必要" You can't compare preseason to regular season. Preseason is just a way to screw fans out of money." 你不能拿 preseason和正規賽比. Preseason只是用來騙球迷錢的一種手段 On Magic Johnson's return to basketball: "We're just playing basketball. It's not like we're going out to have unprotected sex with Magic." N年前 Magic Johnson回去打NBA: "我們只是在打籃球. 又不是要我們和 Magic打炮" ------- 記者問說會不會擔心 Magic的愛滋病 The famous lines from Chuck's infamous tv commercial: "These are my new shoes. They're good shoes. They won't make you rich like me, they won't make you rebound like me, they definitely won't make you handsome like me. They'll only make you have shoes like me. That's it." 老巴的球鞋電視廣告的台詞 "這是我的新鞋. 它們還不錯穿. 它們不會讓你變的跟我一樣有錢 它們不會讓你變的跟我一樣會搶籃板, 它們絕對不會讓你變的跟我一樣帥. 它們只是會讓你擁有一雙跟我一樣的鞋子. 就這樣" -- http://www.wretch.cc/album/vittus -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wies1ey:老巴真的太可愛了..他的話都很中肯...XDXD 11/29 18:50
OLLEJ:想我當初支持太陽就是老巴太可愛了XDDD 11/29 18:53
houting:"unprotected"也要翻出來阿 XD 11/29 18:55
zenwu:推球鞋的廣告台詞 11/29 18:57
wjc223:樓上那是不是翻成沒有防範措施? 沒戴X就打炮這樣? 11/29 18:58
Chungyiang:不是要讓magic中出我們 11/29 19:16
GumpRyo:愛滋病那個印象中是Kerr說的耶...我記錯了嗎? 11/29 19:16
kagoi:老巴的妙語 真是NBA版的一大清流啊 XD 11/29 19:22
rockslame:好想買他的球鞋啊!不會變得跟我一樣帥 就這樣!讚 11/29 19:40
iris0108:天啊 最毒的就是他跟Kerr講的那段了 0.0 沒必要活著..orz 11/29 20:39
smoothgirl:身為籃板小丘的資深球迷 都看過了 還是覺得有趣 11/29 21:14
svince88:賤的有個性 11/29 21:50
lovebean:最近有retro他巴塞隆納奧運時穿的那雙air max 180啊... 11/29 22:33
lovebean:已經進零碼店了...賣2380...要的快去... 11/29 22:33
jrod:推老巴阿~ 11/29 22:38