精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/_MFo (這篇文章的作者用詞較口語 較通俗, 而且非常酸 = = 為保持原汁原味, 我也盡量用口語一點, 戲謔一點的譯法) LeBron didn't mean 'contraction' when talking about contraction By Kelly Dwyer LeBron James(notes) never wanted the NBA to contract, he swears now. On top of that, he wants you to know that he never even knew what the word "contraction" meant, until the media went into uproar-mode after LeBron spent a good chunk of a press discussion last week talking about contraction. LBJ表示他從不希望NBA縮減球隊. 他也希望大家知道他此前並不清楚"contraction"這個字 是什麼意思.自從他上週跟媒體高談闊論"contraction"而媒體也跟著高潮之後, 他才知道原來"contraction"這個字是縮減的意思 Confused? So is LeBron. So are all of us. 很困惑吧? 其實LBJ和我們都很困惑. ESPN Miami's Michael Wallace was the first to transcribe James' ... mea culpa? ESPN駐邁阿密記者是第一個報導LBJ談話的人, 所以該怪這個記者轉述不當嗎? "That's crazy, because I had no idea what the word 'contraction' meant before I saw it on the Internet," James said after the Miami Heat's practice Monday. "I never even mentioned that. That word never even came out of my mouth. I was just saying how the league was back in the '80s and how it could be good again. I never said, 'Let's take some of the teams out.'" LBJ表示:"這太瘋狂了, 因為我根本不知道"contraction"這個字是什麼意思, 我也是看了網路才知道的. 我其實根本沒說過這個字, 我說不出這種高深單字. 我只是說聯盟該如何回到80年代的美好. 我絕對沒說裁掉某些球隊吧!" You can't ask people to stop talking. But you're not unreasonable to ask people to know what they're talking about before they start talking. Or, at the very least, know the definition of the word that best describes what they're talking about, before they start talking. 別人無法阻止你(LBJ)說話, 但希望你在開口之前先搞清楚自己到底在說什麼. 至少至少, 你也該在開口之前先搞清楚一些單字的基本定義. For instance, English is Nets owner Mikhail Prokorov's second language. But I would at least hope, were he to publicly float some idea on record about teams banding together unofficially to limit or even freeze salaries during the offseason, that he would know what the word "collusion" means. That's also what the NBA is going to do this summer, cancelling all the bad contracts it legally signed with players in good faith as it locks the players out of getting the checks the owners are legally required to send their way, but that's another story altogether. 舉個例子,英文是籃網老闆Prokorov的第二語言, 假設他想公開談論球團之間是如何"密謀" 壓低或凍結球員薪資之前, 他最好先搞懂"collusion"這個字的其實是負面意義的"密謀". 而這也剛好是聯盟今夏想做的事: 合法取消所有已簽訂的爛合約. 聯盟深信封館就可以 取消原本球團老闆該依法附給球員的支票了, 不過這又是另一個故事了. But when LeBron James tells a pool of reporters that, as a man about to turn 26 years old, he doesn't even know what the word "contraction" means? Then he's either being duplicitous, or daft. 但是當這個已經26歲的傢伙(LBJ)跟一大群記者高談闊論"contraction"時, 他竟然還不知道這個字的意思? 那LBJ不是在玩兩面手法就是單純的愚蠢. Because contraction is exactly what LeBron James was talking about when he sent out this moronic idea about lower-rung teams giving up their top-tier players: 當LBJ表達爛隊應該放出他們的王牌球員這種蠢主意時, 他所談的就正是"contraction" "Imagine if you could take Kevin Love(notes) off Minnesota and add him to another team and you shrink the [league]. Looking at some of the teams that aren't that great, you take Brook Lopez(notes) or you take Devin Harris(notes) off these teams that aren't that good right now and you add him to a team that could be really good. LBJ說:"想像一下如果可以把Kevin Love從灰狼拿走放到別隊, 那聯盟就可以"shrink"(縮水)一點了. 看看那些爛隊, 如果你可以把Brook Lopez或是Devin Harris拿走放到別隊, 那這世界有多麼美好~" "I'm not saying let's take New Jersey and let's take Minnesota out of the league. But hey, you guys are not stupid, I'm not stupid, it would be great for the league." LBJ說:"不過我可不是直接說要裁掉籃網或是灰狼喔! 但是 嘿嘿~ 你不蠢, 我也不蠢, 其實大家都知道這樣做對聯盟比較有利啊~" It's pretty stupid, LeBron. 不,LBJ,其實這很蠢! To "shrink the [league]" means to lose teams. You can't "shrink the [league]" without taking New Jersey or Minnesota out of the league. I understand your sense of entitlement allows you to try and have it both ways with just about everything, but it just doesn't work that way. 使聯盟"shrink"(縮水)就是要縮減球隊的意思. 你要使聯盟縮水就是你要裁掉籃網或灰狼 的意思. 我知道你(LBJ)的特權優越感使你想要掌控一切事物, 但世界不是繞著你轉的. I didn't touch on James' ideas last week because it made my brain hurt. It was the sort of talk that you have to hear at a bar in a chain restaurant in an airport while you wait for your plane to board, and not something you'd like to hear from someone who makes his living in the NBA. 我上週並不想談論LBJ的發言, 因為這很傷腦. LBJ的這番話通常是在酒吧,餐廳,機場等 無聊殺時間的場合才會聽到的廢話, 而不應該從一個正在NBA打球的傢伙口中聽到這種話. --- 原文太長 請容許我晚點再回來翻下半部 不過光是上半部就應該很有得戰了 = = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
blackxmas :我不知道"這個字"這個字的意思 12/28 17:25
JoshSmith :大概是高中還沒教吧 12/28 17:25
qhaabk :雖然皇帝只是高中生...也會查字典吧 12/28 17:25
rex9999 :High School 和 College 的差別 12/28 17:25
jack0124 :大帝:我只是想要對手強一點我沒有要裁球隊好嗎 12/28 17:26
Jefa910 :有點膩了 反正他就是不太會說話 12/28 17:27
※ 編輯: PrinceKevin 來自: (12/28 17:27)
hawk920412 :孩子的教育不能等...犯錯還硬凹,好像那台車主 12/28 17:27
DASHOCK :藥大學才會教 12/28 17:28
DK47 :LBJ:其實我有躁鬱症啊!我有精神病! 12/28 17:28
HeavyBlue :才剛想推樓上的梗...XD 12/28 17:29
DK47 : 我是被麥克風嚇到才會亂說話的! 12/28 17:30
DK47 :史騰:你們不知道我的小孩有這病就亂講,不合格! 12/28 17:31
CerMerlan :WEST:不要針對LBJ,他都快被你們給逼死了! 12/28 17:31
sxing6326 :別打球了跟Kobe一起去讀大學吧 12/28 17:32
neos042 :樓上XDDDDDDD 12/28 17:32
neos042 :樓樓上才對 12/28 17:32
sxing6326 :West:ㄟㄟㄟ Michael Wallace 12/28 17:33
hllwolfkhan :LBJ:我絕對沒有說個字" 某明禮:我絕對沒有比"中指" 12/28 17:33
JoshSmith :LBJ:我也是看報紙才知道'contraction'是'縮減'意思 12/28 17:35
EndingKao :推文太好笑了啦XDDDDDD 12/28 17:35
truegodchild:連West都出來了 12/28 17:36
jack0124 :lbj:我只是想要比賽好看一點(柪手指 12/28 17:36
keanjaz :NBA應該要開學分班給跳級生當必修 12/28 17:36
rex9999 :sxing6326經典佳作XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 12/28 17:37
Sakber :LBJ:難道contraction在這邊不能有其他解釋嗎? 12/28 17:37
aerith0530 :結果LBJ弟PO文道歉~(誤) 12/28 17:37
hotcom :只會打球的猩猩 12/28 17:37
hope452162 :LBJ:我不認識這個單字啦 12/28 17:38
jack0124 :LBJ:記者欺負我啊 史騰老爹幫我 12/28 17:38
Jason0813 :LBJ:欸 小懂 欸 小懂 欸 小懂 12/28 17:39
KaedeFuyou :某蕭: 我不知道我比的是中指阿~~ 我以為是食指 12/28 17:39
blackxmas :LBJ:我也是看報紙才知道!! 12/28 17:40
DASHOCK :Stern:我家LBJ快崩潰了 12/28 17:42
hllwolfkhan :West:你們都不合格啦 你們快要逼死我兒子了 12/28 17:42
Sakber :熱火所: 他在隊上很正常阿 12/28 17:43
hllwolfkhan :BOSH:他還會偷拍學妹 騷擾學姐 12/28 17:43
Rizzi :所以LBJ平時會騷擾Wade,偷拍Bosh囉? >///< 12/28 17:43
Sakber :球迷人肉LBJ言論 熱火: 個人行為 12/28 17:44
XBUCKXMR :LBJ:欸 小董 欸 小董 欸 小董 12/28 17:44
CCFACE :從今天開始contraction可以解釋為別的意思了^^ 12/28 17:44
DK47 :啊!X喇叭=X蕭啊 難怪如此相像! 12/28 17:44
CCFACE :WEST:LBJ快被你們逼瘋了... 12/28 17:45
XBUCKXMR :West:「我兒快被你們逼死!」 12/28 17:46
joscheng :what should i do..... 12/28 17:46
hllwolfkhan :等等WADE要出來PO文道歉嗎?? 12/28 17:47
BrentRoy : WEST XDDDD 12/28 17:47
nisiya0625 :(下)呢 敲碗!! 12/28 17:47
hope452162 :推文太好笑了 12/28 17:49
howsiao :還好啦, 同是高中生科比連 no means no 都不懂 12/28 17:49
Maxslack :可是高中生科比有出來挺勞方喔 12/28 17:52
McDaniel :特權優越感那段寫得真好!騎士隊和熱火隊是扛霸子並 12/28 17:54
McDaniel :不代表你說的全聯盟就要照單全收。 12/28 17:55
leebj :不意外阿  LBJ多益大概只有99分吧 我的十分之ㄧ 12/28 17:56
marstinlai :LBJ:略懂 12/28 17:57
laba7788529 :會的單字不多 KB其實也不知道FXXX的意思 12/28 17:57
sxing6326 :KB只知RAP_ 12/28 17:57
small2th :不意外阿~ 12/28 18:00
Amilous :愛說謊又被打臉 嘖嘖 12/28 18:02
torostyle :那KOBE知道she is volunteer的意思嗎? 12/28 18:02
JokePtt :LBJ:我是文盲 娃謀搭切.... 12/28 18:03
hllwolfkhan :LBJ:我只知道花修哀肚是甚麼意思 12/28 18:03
will41330 :LBJ:花咻哀度? 12/28 18:05
rex9999 :torostyle不錯幽默XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 12/28 18:05
StarTouching:難怪不敢讀大學 跟Kobe一樣 12/28 18:06
UncleGreen :我記得當初還有某人說減隊很合理 現在該出來面對了吧 12/28 18:07
TaksNo7 :所以Kobe對裁判講的話都是他真正了解涵義的 12/28 18:07
Maxslack :當初挺LBJ減隊說的都被臉都被打好腫 12/28 18:07
LBJ :囧... 大ㄟ 你不是之前就說不接受訪問 不亂說話.. 12/28 18:08
kiddno56979 :還好他腦袋沒有真的整組壞掉 12/28 18:10
JoshSmith :什麼樣的人會無條件挺高中生老大的言行,國中生? 12/28 18:12
Eeyniar :這招比太弱了 他乾脆說是友人藉他的嘴說好了 12/28 18:14
DeepImpact :美國馬囧? 12/28 18:14
leebj :KOBE成績很優秀好不好 學校成績能讓她唸好大學 12/28 18:17
leebj :他是腦袋與球技兼具的球員 不像LBJ只靠身體蠻力打球 12/28 18:18
newyee :KOBE高中跳級超強的~~~ 可惜EQ超低 品性又不好.... 12/28 18:18
leebj :唯一的共通點 就只有兩人的父親都打過NBA 12/28 18:19
papa0987 :she is volunteer XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 12/28 18:26
camuskiroro :老臉要被打腫了嗎? 12/28 18:30
LIKAA :LBJ:今天開始contraction要改成我說的意思 12/28 18:35
TsukimiyaAyu:LUB 12/28 18:38
a34567 :把明星球員拿光那那支球隊還玩屁啊 這跟縮減有何不同 12/28 18:45
wallaceboy :花修哀都 12/28 18:47
nolifeguy :LBJ只是個生殖器官 12/28 18:49
ymca900 :kobe懂不懂she is volunteer XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 12/28 18:59
BLABLA007 :樓樓上....XD 12/28 19:06
mnmnqq :推文..XD 12/28 19:07
dakkk :LBJ: what should I know? 12/28 19:09
mvp04 :兩個低學歷的 12/28 19:09
lakb24 :LBJ的父親打過NBA?????????????????????????????? 12/28 19:12
Eeyniar :WEST阿 12/28 19:12
OalexO :這樣也扯到KB 那要不要也把KG也拖下來? 12/28 19:13