精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/_MFo (原文真的太長了 我抓重點精翻, 非重點簡譯) LeBron didn't mean 'contraction' when talking about contraction By Kelly Dwyer Players are better than they were 25 years ago. Sorry, but they are. For all the talk about how the kids can't shoot and only dunk, understand that shooting percentages from long range are better than they've ever been, and the league almost set a record for free-throw percentage last year as players get better and smarter and faster and work longer hours. 這段是說現在的球員其實不比過去的差 (所以沒必要回到所謂"80年代的美好"), 證據就在於現代球員的長射和罰球命中率其實比以前高 Player shortcomings are held up for all to see on cable, Direct TV, the Internet, and on sites like this. Eddy Curry(notes) would be getting minutes, in 1985. Nobody gets away with the sort of non-Magic, non-Larry play that we used to see tons of 25 years ago, and for anyone that thinks any differently, watch a YouTube clip from back then and then a game tonight with your local college basketball assistant. Ask him to point out the myriad defensive covers, the options offensively, the hedging and the thinking and the intelligence behind the play on both ends. 這段是說現代的戰術比以往複雜很多, 而像Eddy Curry這種角色回到1985年也能掙得 一點上場時間. I understand that you don't like or even relate to the players like you used to. That's fine. Your father did the same thing. We all will. The dribble-dribble-dribble mentality of AAU ball enervates me as well. But just because you weren't introduced to these guys as collegians in their early 20s in April on CBS, it doesn't mean they aren't great. The league is bigger, better, faster, stronger and smarter. And the influx of improved scouting and international play has allowed for those 30 teams. And even on those weak links, there are players (not enough minutes for Tyrus Thomas(notes) or Omri Casspi(notes) or Derrick Favors(notes) or Troy Murphy(notes) or even Kevin Love until a month and a half ago) who still aren't getting the burn they need or deserve. 這段繼續說現代的聯盟其實更好, 因為現在有更好的球探機制和更多的優秀國際球員足以 填滿30隻球隊 (所以沒必要縮減球隊), 而且其實還有很多好球員得不到足夠的上場時間. Angry aside, over. I promise. 我保證接下來的文章會把我的鬥氣壓抑住. James is just reeling. He's trying to justify something he still clearly feels guilty about -- leaving Cleveland to play with better teammates -- while being conflicted over something that was clearly (did you see the Heat take it to the Lakers the other day?) the right decision. The Decision was moronic, but in pure basketball terms? James made the right decision. We all would, in choosing sides on a team. We grab the best players and don't mix it up or demand that the best of the crew ball by himself because that's what Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant(notes) would have done. MJ and Kobe, mind you, spent a good chunk of their career on team buses or in parking lots complaining about their less-successful teammates, wishing for better ones. LBJ現在只是很心煩意亂. 他很想洗脫他拋棄克里夫蘭並投靠更強隊友的罪惡感. 從熱火在聖誕節羞辱湖人的表現可以看出加入熱火的確更有奪冠機會, 但LBJ內心仍然 充滿矛盾和衝突. 雖然"The Decision"非常愚蠢, 但僅從籃球面向來看, 這的確是個好決定. 如果可以, 我們都會想加入強隊. 我們會因為MJ和Kobe而要求頂尖球員都必須像他們一樣依靠自己打球. 但我提醒你, 其實MJ和Kobe在其職業生涯之中不知道花了多少時間在球隊公車上 或是在停車場裡靠杯隊友不夠好, 希望能有更好的隊友. So James comes out with nonsense like this. Yes, it would be sweet to see Kevin Love shore up Phoenix's rebounding or Devin Harris get to the line a few times for the Hawks. But it's also nice to watch Love pull in 20 and 15, on freakin' average, in Minnesota night after night. It's cool to see Harris and Avery Johnson work on getting it right, nearly anonymously in Newark. 所以LBJ就在急度焦慮下脫口而出了這種蠢話. 我們的確很想看到Kevin Love去幫太陽 抓籃板,或是看到Devin Harris去幫老鷹控球. 但其實我們更想看到Kevin Love每晚 幫灰狼怒砍20分,猛抓15板, 我們也更想看到Devin Harris如何和Avery Johnson合作. As for not knowing what "contraction" meant? I don't doubt that he did. When you don't know what you're talking about, and when you talk a lot because you have a lot of strong (often conflicting) emotions coming out in a dozen different directions, this is what happens. And it's OK to feel a little bit in one direction, and a little bit towards the opposite direction in back-to-back breaths. 至於LBJ並不了解"contraction"這個字的字義, 其實我只想說:"不意外!" 當你根本不知道你在說什麼, 或是當你因為內心異常焦慮,千頭萬緒,而說了一大堆話, 你自然就會說出蠢話. 當你不經思考就說了一大堆話, 自然很容易出現原本想表達A, 說出來卻變成B的狀況. Chalk up another learning experience for the guy, I suppose, in a year that was, hopefully, full of them. 我猜想這傢伙(LBJ)在今年的眾多教訓之後, 又學到一個教訓了. --- 翻譯完我手都抖了 = = Kelly Dwyer炮火實在太強大了, 比北韓還猛烈 明明主攻LBJ, 卻要偷酸Stern,球對老闆,和躺在板凳也中槍的Eddy Curry. 嫌火不夠大, 再加入"貴古賤今"和"MJ & KB"這兩大萬年戰梗 最後結尾表面上在幫LBJ說話, 其實又更深層的偷酸了他的精神狀態不穩定... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kiddno56979 :XDDDDDD 12/28 19:07
qhaabk :不得不推:我們的確很想看到Kevin Love去幫太陽抓籃板 12/28 19:10
Jason0813 :戰文範本 希望有助於提高本板的文章跟推文戰鬥品質 12/28 19:11
※ 編輯: PrinceKevin 來自: (12/28 19:12)
hllwolfkhan :這一篇一定要收精華區阿 12/28 19:13