精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文:http://www.denverpost.com/headlines/ci_13598068# 翻譯:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/0910/949089.html Carmelo Anthony has shown glimpses of leadership in the past, but based on his performance in training camp, the Nuggets' star has taken it to another level. "Melo's really taken a big piece of leadership role on the team," guard Chauncey Billups said. "Guys are looking up to him. Melo always, since I've been here, he's been our best practice player. He goes hard. When you've got your best player going extremely hard like that and playing and competing every single practice, it makes everyone else around him say, 'He's doing it, I better do it.' He's been great." While Nuggets coach George Karl said he has seen Anthony's leadership manifest itself "by his approach and his actions more than just his words," Anthony insists none of what he's done in the preseason was a calculated decision. "Nah, it's just natural," Anthony said. "Being a leader isn't something that you go home and go, 'Man, I'm going to be a leader today.' It was always instilled in me. But I'm a leader in my own way. I come in, I play hard. It just so happens it's coming out more. "Guys are starting to ask me questions now. I feel like a veteran now. When you start getting that, your confidence goes up and your leadership just grows even more." Anthony's effort has transferred over into the exhibition games. He's averaging 22.6 points on 52.9 percent shooting, and five rebounds, in just 22 minutes per game. His 21 points and seven rebounds paced the Nuggets in a loss at Portland on Sunday. "It's my best camp ever. By far," Anthony said. "I just feel different. It's a (great) feeling right now. You can't really explain it, though. You're excited to be here. You're excited to practice. You're excited to make everybody better." Is he enjoying basketball more than ever? "We see the light at the end of the tunnel now," he said of a team that advanced to the Western Conference finals last spring. "Whereas before we had to figure out ways to make it to the seventh or eighth seed in the West. Or make it out of the first round to come back the next year and figure out how we're going to make it out of the first round again. I had to deal with that." And Anthony, once the student, has become the teacher. Kind of. "I'm still a student, though," Anthony said, smiling. "I'm like a teacher's assistant." 過去幾個賽季安大少的領袖能力只是偶露崢嶸,但是基于最近一段時間他在訓練營和季前 賽中的表現,我們可以肯定他的領導能力已經到了一個更高的水平。 “安大少承擔起了領導球隊前進的重任,”槍蜥說,“所有球員都非常尊重他。從我加盟 金塊以來,他一直是訓練最刻苦的球員。當球隊中有一名非常出色而且訓練又十分刻苦的 球員時,所有球員都會向他學習,他們會說:‘他都那麼做了,我最好也那麼做。’他很 偉大” 金塊主教練G.Karl認為安大少的領袖能力是通過行動而不是語言展現出來的。安大少本人 認為他在季前賽期間的所作所為並不是刻意的,也不是有計劃的。 “我只是自然而然地那麼做而已,”安大少說,“成為一名領袖並不是一件容易的事情, 並不是你想成為就能成為的。我會按照我自己的方式領導球隊前進,我會努力打球,為其 他球員樹立好的榜樣。” “現在很多球員開始問我問題了,我感覺自己已經是一名老將了。當你有這種感覺時,你 會充滿自信,你的領袖能力也會越來越出眾,”安大少說。 季前賽期間安大少場均出場22分鐘,場均拿下22.6分、5籃板,命中率高達52.9%。週一對 陣開拓者的比賽中他得到21分、7籃板。 “截止目前,這是我最好的訓練營。我現在的感覺和以前不同,我沒辦法解釋到底是一種 什麼樣的感覺,總之我很興奮,參加訓練時很興奮,上場比賽時很興奮,我希望讓每個人 都變得更加優秀。”安大少說。 他現在比以前更享受比賽了嗎? “我們已經看到隧道盡頭的光線了,”安大少說,“以前我們總是在努力成為西部的第7或 第8種子,或是想辦法突破季後賽首輪,但是上賽季我們闖進了西區決賽,這對我們來說是 巨大的突破。” 曾經是學生的安東尼,正在變為一名老師。 至少某種程度上說。 “我仍然是一名學生,更像是老師助理。” 安大少笑著說。 -- 友:ㄟ,老洩,排排你的第一隊吧! 洩:PG:T.Parker SG:M.Ginobili SF:C.Anthony PF:K.Garnett C:T.Duncan -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: