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原文:http://www.slamonline.com/online/nba/slamonline-top-50/2009/10/top-50-carm elo-anthony-no-7/ http://0rz.tw/vdJnq 翻譯:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/940417.html ============================================================================== Top 50: Carmelo Anthony, no. 7 The definitive ranking of the NBA’s best players. by Cub Buenning Carmelo Anthony is largely to blame for me having any kind of job at SLAM. Six years ago, when the Denver Nuggets were taking the 19-year-old out of Syracuse University with the NBA Draft’s third pick, I was simply a Denver-area middle school teacher and coach, having just finished my seventh year in the classroom. Yes, I had started (on a whim) covering high school sports that previous fall for the local weekly papers in the western Denver suburbs, but I was in no way, a writer. Carmelo Anthony made me one. For the past half-dozen years, I have been able to see the youngster grow from a precocious teenager, to a misunderstood burgeoning star, to now finally a seasoned veteran and a devoted father. He has, once again, made basketball in Denver relevant and with last year’s addition of local hero, Chauncey Billups, Anthony might finally have arrived as one of the world’s most complete basketball players. No longer just content to put the ball in the basket, Melo has gone from a myopic scoring machine to an all-around contributor on both sides of the court. From a shot-chucking triggerman to someone that will rebound, defend; distribute all while still getting his requisite 20-plus a night, usually in a win. (Although, amongst all this “team-first” mumbo-jumbo, Melo tied the NBA record last December for points in a quarter when he poured in 33 in the third quarter of a win over Minnesota. Just so you know.) Related StoriesCarmelo Anthony’s Breakthrough Top 50: Chauncey Billups, no. 19 Carmelo and the Nuggets Shed First Round Monkey Carmelo Anthony is Hungry Carmelo Anthony in Spain, Day 3 Last year’s trip to the Western Conference Finals proved that “team above self” will bear the most fruit, even in a star-centric, isolation-dominate game. Anthony gave up several points in the box score in favor for playing deep into the postseason. He may be one of the few players to not make an All-Star team in the same season that he was named to an All-NBA team. (Oddly enough, a feat he also “accomplished” in 2006.) That summer of 2003, Melo graced our magazine’s cover for the first time. His face was soft and his ‘rows were in full bloom. His words were young and naïve but focused on basic things. “Eighty-two games, that’s a long time. It’s gonna be a long season, man.” Melo told our Khalid Salaam. “I don’t know, people talk about hitting the rookie wall. I’m gonna try and do my best and pace myself.” Four years later, the now veteran of both professional and international play was finally back glaring at us off the newsstand. This time his words sounded different, like he had moved into a different realm of focus. “I think I can get a lot better, it’s more mental,” Anthony told our Ryan Jones. “It’s my fourth year in the League and I see what the NBA is about, what the game is about.” And now this summer, leading into what will be his seventh season, we have been granted the Baltimore-native’s fourth cover (there was also the smiling combo cover with Allen Iverson in between). He has seen it all: from the grind of staying healthy through the regular season to prolonged first-round postseason failures to being just seconds away from advancing the professional promise-land. “I think it gets easier each year, because your confidence builds, you get smarter, you get that experience,” Melo mentioned while speaking with Lang Whitaker. “Me, being able to do what I did in the playoffs and building off that, going up against the Lakers in the Western Conference Finals, smelling it, being just two games away from the NBA Finals. We want it now. We want it. ” And although this is truly my first ever Melo-specific assingnment and now seem to spend most of my time these days pontificating about the college game and the draft, the past six hoop seasons have all culminated with the chance to cover the NBA Playoffs and watch the best of the best, or at least in this case, the seventh of the best. Thanks, Carmelo. Notes ‧ Rankings are based solely on projected ‘09-10 performance. ‧ Contributors to this list include: Jake Appleman, Brett Ballantini, Russ Bengtson, Toney Blare, Shannon Booher, Myles Brown, Franklyn Calle, Gregory Dole, Emry DowningHall, Jonathan Evans, Adam Fleischer, Jeff Fox, Sherman Johnson, Aaron Kaplowitz, John Krolik, Holly MacKenzie, Ryne Nelson, Chris O’ Leary, Ben Osborne, Alan Paul, Susan Price, Sam Rubenstein, Khalid Salaam, Kye Stephenson, Adam Sweeney, Vincent Thomas, Tzvi Twersky, Justin Walsh, Joey Whelan, Eric Woodyard, and Nima Zarrabi. ‧ Want more of the SLAMonline Top 50? Check out the archive ============================================================================== 很大程度上,安大少是促使我能在SLAM雜志工作的原因。六年前,當丹佛金塊隊在選秀大 會上用探花簽摘下了這名來自雪城大學的19歲小鬼,那時我只是丹佛當地一所中學的教師 和校隊教練, 剛剛度過我教師生涯的第七個年頭。說實話,當時涉足高中體育教學領域是我心血來潮的 想法,因為先前我給丹佛西部郊區的一家地方周報社投稿,被無情的鄙視了…“抱歉,您 不會成為一名作家的。” 甜瓜幫我實現了這個夢想。在過去的六年中,我見證了安大少的成長,從一名早熟的正太 ,被誤解猜疑中掙扎的新星,最終成長為現在這名球場上經驗豐富的成熟球員,球場下的 對妻兒關愛有加的好父親。他和上賽季加盟球隊的丹佛本地英雄C.Billups一起,讓籃球運 動再一次在丹佛廣受關注,現在的安大少也許已經完成了向“世界最完美籃球運動員”這 一行列的蛻變。 如今甜瓜所作的不再僅僅是投籃得分這樣簡單的事情,Melo已經從一名單一功能的得分機 器蛻變成了一名可以影響攻防兩端的全方位貢獻型球員。他不再僅僅是一名鏢鏢畢命的刺 客型跳投手,在爭奪籃板、防守端你都能看到他積極的身影;在每場依然砍下20+分數的 同時,其他方面依然為球隊做著有力的貢獻,每當甜瓜打出了這樣的表現,球隊通常就會 收獲一場勝利。(盡管在恪守“團隊第一”原則的打球方式下,我們的甜瓜在去年12月取 勝森林狼那場比賽的第三節仍然不小心的砍下了平NBA歷史記錄的單節33分,他真不是故 意的…Just so you know!) 縱觀上賽季球隊通往西部決賽的征途,它很好的驗證了堅持“團隊在個人之上”最終會大 有收獲,即使在球星雲集、個人統治力超絕的比賽中亦如此。安大少甘願犧牲個人數據, 為了讓球隊能在季後賽裡走的更遠。甜瓜是為數甚少的在同一個賽季未入選全明星賽卻進 入年度最佳陣容的球員。(說來也奇怪,2006年他也做到過這種“壯舉”。) 回想起2003年夏天,Melo在我們雜志封面的第一次閃亮登場。我還記得當時他肉嘟嘟的小 臉蛋,花朵盛開般的地壟溝發型。采訪時他的言語雖說顯的青澀而天真,但能夠切中要點 的回答問題。 “82場比賽,漫長的賽程,漫長的賽季,老兄。”Melo在接受我們雜志的Khalid Salam采 訪時說到。“對於人們常說的撞新秀牆問題,我沒有想太多,我要做的就是盡全力的比賽 ,調整好自己的狀態。” 四年之後,現在這名已成長為在NBA和國際賽場上同樣經驗十足的球員再一次閃耀的出現 在了各個報刊亭的雜志封面上。這次采訪他的言語表達和此前有著明顯的不同了,有著一 種在社會不同領域自由穿梭熟稔的成熟感。 “我想我還有很多要提高的地方,還有不少提升空間,尤其在心智上。”安大少在接受我 們雜志Ryan Jones采訪時說到。“這是我進入聯盟的第四個年頭了,我比之前更了解NBA ,更了解比賽了。” 這個夏天,在即將進入他職業生涯的第七個賽季的時刻,這位來自巴爾的摩本地球星將第 四次登上我們雜志封面(這之前有一次是他和AI一同作為雜志封面)。六年來我們見證了他 的成長:經歷了漫長常規賽對保持健康的磨礪,連續幾個賽季季後賽一輪游型失敗的掙扎 ,現在的他離自己職業生涯的應許之地(promise-land)[職業生涯的目標:奧布萊恩 杯]越來越近了。 “在為人處事上,每過一年我都會覺得更容易些了,因為隨著自我信心的建立,變的越來 越睿智,更有經驗了。”Melo在接受Lang Whitaker采訪時說到。“我在季後賽中打出了 應該有的表現,並穩定的延續了它,在西部決賽對陣湖人的系列賽中,我又提升了這種表 現,當時我已經嗅到了總決賽的氣息,它就在不遠的前方了,只和我們有兩場的距離…[ 譯者注:西部決賽金塊以總比分4-2被遺憾淘汰。](這個賽季)我們的目標就是奪取冠軍 ,我們要奪冠!” 雖說這是我真正意義上第一次專門寫關於Melo的文章,而這些天以來我大部分時間都是在 忙於撰寫關於大學籃球和選秀分析的評論,在過去的六個賽季中每個賽季我都有機會去采 訪報道NBA季後賽,觀看聯盟裡頂級精英們的表演,而在這裡,你至少也是排在第七位的 聯盟最出色的球員。 感謝你,安大少。 -- 友:ㄟ,老洩,排排你的第一隊吧! 洩:PG:T.Parker SG:M.Ginobili SF:C.Anthony PF:K.Garnett C:T.Duncan -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: hllwolfkhan:轉錄至看板 Nuggets 10/23 00:43