精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文:http://www.denverpost.com/nuggets/ci_13936850 翻譯:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/0912/1049248.html ============================================================================== Nuggets' Anthony coming of age By Anthony Cotton The Denver Post Posted: 12/06/2009 01:00:00 AM MST Updated: 12/06/2009 01:06:46 AM MST Anthony is bringing the same type of leadership to the Nuggets that he did to the 2008 U.S. Olympic team. (Karl Gehring, The Denver Post )Related Articles Dec 6: Melo morphs into fitness freakWhen you're the boss, sitting at the head of the table of a wildly successful team, this is the time of year that can drive you nuts. Take, for example, Carmelo Anthony, currently presiding atop the basketball world, thanks in part to an eclectic Team Melo group that includes an Academy Award-winning actor, a trainer to the stars, the greatest basketball player of all time and a hoops shaman who is really a lawyer by trade. Given that, how can you possibly personalize your holiday largesse? Perhaps Anthony should be content to simply give back on the court, with a gift that keeps on giving, as the leading scorer in the NBA and an evolving leader for a Nuggets team with title aspirations. Perhaps he can lead Denver one step further next spring, all the way to the NBA Finals, following up on his breakout postseason showing. A performance, Nuggets coach George Karl said, that helped define Melo last spring as "being the man, the reason why you win playoff series, and there are only a few people who can do that year in and year out." Do that this season and all those chants of "MVP, MVP" raining down from the Pepsi Center rafters these days won't seem like some cheesy knockoff from the Staples Center but rather like that Olympic gold medal sitting at home, a tangible reflection of all the hard work put in by Anthony. Certainly, the CEO knows whatever gifts he might decide to bestow this holiday season, the odds are they wouldn't be enough to reflect his true appreciation. "There were people in my life years ago, now that I look back on it, I'm going, 'What did I have them there for?' " Anthony said. "Now, you grow up, and you see that. "The team that I have now (around me) is strong, they ain't gonna let me go sideways no more, and I need that." The influential friends Not long after he returned from the Beijing Olympics in August 2008, Anthony went to Nike headquarters in Portland, Ore., ostensibly, he said, for a couple of days of business. Instead, he got something of a wake-up call from none other than Michael Jordan. The two spent hours talking about the state of Melo. "He still has the greatest influence on me," Anthony said. "I've always had chances to sit down with him, but this was about everything — the past, right now, the future. He told me some things he was thinking, some things he felt I needed to do." That talk led to another, perhaps more surprising, encounter. Through mutual friends, Anthony soon found himself in California for another sit-down, this one with actor Will Smith. The role Smith was playing on this day wasn't Muhammad Ali, but Dale Carnegie. "It was, 'Come over to my house and we'll just talk,' " Anthony said. "It was about positive reinforcement. He was giving me positive energy, talking about how to build a team around you, how to have it protect you. There was a lot of stuff I needed to know." Some of the pieces were already in place. Gunnar Peterson is an avid enough basketball fan that he has season tickets for the other team in Los Angeles, the Clippers. But his primary occupation is as fitness trainer to the stars, with a clientele ranging from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Jennifer Lopez. Before the 2003 NBA draft, Anthony's agent hooked him up with Peterson, and they've been together ever since. In Denver, most of Anthony's weight training is supervised by Steve Hess, the Nuggets' strength-and-conditioning coach. To keep his basketball skills sharp in the offseason, Anthony sees Idan Ravin, a former Washington lawyer who, through his sometimes unorthodox basketball drills with Anthony, Chris Paul, LeBron James and others, has become known in league circles as "The Hoops Whisperer." Mix in private chefs, advisers, teammates and coaches and pretty soon you have a virtual global village, trading on a single product — Carmelo Anthony. "I don't care about who does what; none of us do," Hess said. "This is about Melo and what he needs to get better. What do we have to do to make him better?" Transformation takes place Ask Anthony a question about his transformation, his evolution into a complete player — a team player — and his initial reaction is laughter. "Who? Me? Like what?" The man is conflicted. On one hand, he admits, some things are different, but he insists he has always put team first. "Winning's all I've wanted to do," he said. "It's easy to say that, but then if you go out there and not do it, or if you win in the regular season and not in the playoffs, then people will say that you don't care about winning. But how can you say that? It's not like I went out there and tried to lose all those games in the playoffs. . . . You start winning games in the playoffs, then people start saying that everything has changed." As he talks, not far from the visiting locker room in the Pepsi Center the morning before a recent game against New York, players, coaches and officials from the Knicks are heading onto the court for a shootaround. Virtually all of them make a point to acknowledge Anthony's presence, some genuflecting to the point where you almost expect them to reach out for his hand to kiss his ring. Almost three years ago, some members of that same organization were ready to throw down with Anthony in the midst of a bench-clearing brawl at Madison Square Garden. Some things have indeed changed. "People at 25 aren't the same people they were at 19 years old," Anthony said. "That's just natural. You grow up. I don't want to do the same things that I was doing last year, just like last year I didn't want to do the same things I was doing the year before. It's growing, but I wouldn't call it change, though." There are professional athletes, young men, who never acknowledge change, who keep the same posses. Others realize hanging out with the boyz may no longer be the best way to become a man. "I wouldn't feel right saying to my people, 'I can't be with y'all no more' — I would never do that, that wouldn't be me," Anthony said. "I still talk with 'em, we still laugh at jokes, we still hang out after the season. But they know now, they know where my mind-set is at." Melo mentions the "Stop snitching" video in 2004 that featured a cameo appearance by him. "Of course that wouldn't happen now. There's a lot of things that wouldn't happen now," he said. "Now, will I make another mistake? Who's to say I wouldn't? But as long as I don't make the same mistakes that I've made in the past, then I'm good with that." Pro athlete vs. celebrity It could be argued that the difference between Anthony circa 2004 and Anthony today is that he is a pro. Back then, he was a star. That's not an uncommon occurrence in the NBA, the final stop on a ride for players who grow up in a system that coddles talent from an early age. A little more than 25 years ago, Marc Iavaroni was the fifth starter on a Philadelphia 76ers championship team, playing up front with Julius Erving and Moses Malone. Today, the Toronto Raptors assistant coach wonders if the direction in today's NBA is a positive one. "Moses was back in the gym two weeks after the season was over, and that was usually after playing deep into June," Iavaroni said. "There was never any confusion, you just loved playing the game. Back then, it was much more intrinsic. Now, players get so many extrinsic rewards, they love being celebrities, they love being stars." In the summer of 2004, two of the NBA's brightest stars, Anthony and James, went to Athens, Greece, and drove Larry Brown deep into a bottle of ouzo, the Olympic coach seeing the duo as major headaches in a bronze- medal performance. Four years later, the United States was back atop the hoops world, in large part because of the work of Anthony and James. Iavaroni sees the triumph in Beijing as perhaps a turning point for the sport, that the members of the American team have brought the best elements of their victory — defense and team play — back into the NBA. That has certainly been the case with Anthony. "I don't know if he's just gotten better or said to himself: 'You know what, man? I need to take a bigger piece of the pie, as far as leadership and responsibility,' " said Nuggets guard Chauncey Billups, the man who has been credited for much of the Nuggets' success in that area over the past year. "He was a good player early, a good player with a lot of potential. Right now, he's on the curve to being a truly great player. He's added an aspect that a lot of people never get, and that's leadership. "That's what makes you great, not just scoring 25, 30 points a game. I welcome that." In the year leading up to the 2008 Olympic Games, Anthony was the leading scorer for Team USA. In Beijing, his focus was finding something else to bring to the table. "I really felt I was the glue to that team, bringing guys together, getting guys together in the morning before practice, going to workouts, getting together after practice and shooting," Anthony said. "It was time for me to do something else instead of going out there and just scoring. For people to see that — see that my game is growing and I'm growing — I had to do that." That was the same approach Anthony brought back to the Nuggets at the start of last season. And while the trade of Allen Iverson for Billups made the task of establishing himself as a voice of reason much, much easier, Anthony said it would have happened regardless. "Coming in after the Olympics, with the whole world seeing what I did with that team, it was easy," he said. "I didn't have anything on my plate, it was clean. It was like a fresh start." There are some who argue that unless the Nuggets can break through to the NBA Finals, Anthony would have to be considered as something of a lesser light to James and Dwyane Wade, who have played in the NBA Finals and, in the latter's case, won a championship. Anthony disagrees. "I know a lot of people probably think that way, but I can't," he said. "I have my own lane, LeBron has his own lane, Dwyane has his own lane, I got my own lane. I like it like that. It's me — I don't have to worry about walking around being compared to somebody else. "Tell me what I can do. Don't compare me to this person or that person. I don't want to live like that. Of course I want to win a championship. Who doesn't? But I don't want to win one just because Dwyane Wade got his. I want to get mine because I want to get mine." Read more: http://www.denverpost.com/nuggets/ci_13936850#ixzz0a3xE4j2z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 要是你是聯盟裡一支球隊的老板,而且恰好那支球隊的情況相當不錯,那麼現在這個時候 就是到了狂歡的收獲季節了。 就拿美樂帝來說,他現在已經處於現今籃球的頂尖水平了,這要部分歸功於一支完善的 “melo智囊團”,這其中包括一個奧斯卡影帝, 訓練師一個,籃球之神以及一名律師。 鑒於以上情況,他會以什麼表現來報答他們的付出呢?也許美樂帝該繼續他在球場上的神 勇表現,繼續領跑得分榜,繼續不斷的成熟長大,對他們來說這就是最好的禮物。 也許來年春天時,美樂帝會以他勁爆的季後賽表現帶著中金塊百尺竿頭更進一步,闖入總 決賽。主教練卡爾曾在去年春天表示希望美樂帝能成為一個能幫助球隊取得季後系列賽勝 利的球員,而這麼多年來這樣的球員並沒能出現多少。 做你該做的,我們的百事中心球館裡也能聽到震耳發聵的"MVP"歡呼聲了,一點也不遜色 於斯泰普斯中心裡的陣勢,雖然有點俗氣,就像在美樂帝家中靜靜躺著的那沒金牌一樣, 畢竟這記錄著美樂帝的付出代表著美樂帝的成長和進步。 當然,球隊CEO知道,不管啥禮物都不能表達,他們對這個休賽期的改善的感激之情。 "很多人在我生命中來來往往,現在我經常會回顧自己在他們身上學到了些什麼。換做以 前的我,是看不得這麼清的。"美樂帝說 現在我打的不是寂寞了,我身邊的隊友越來越強大鳥,我用不著再孤軍奮戰鳥,這樣的感 覺真好 找對羈絆選對人 北京奧運會後,美樂帝來到了位於俄勒岡州波特蘭市的NIKE總部。他說,這表面上是一次 商業活動而已,但恰恰相反,美樂帝跟那個人進行一次兩個小時的談話,此番交談讓美樂 帝受益頗多。 "那個人對我的人生有很大的影響,而我也有幸一直有機會跟那個人促膝長談,關於過 去,關於現在,關於未來,我們什麼都聊。當然那個人也會告訴我他覺得我應該去做的 。"美樂帝說。 緊接著還有一個更出人意料的相遇在等著美樂帝呢。通過某"紅娘"的前線,美樂帝在加州 見到了Will Smith,這次Will的角色更像是卡耐基,而不是像拳王阿裡那樣的英雄,硬漢 。 "約會的地點定在了他家中,約會有助於感情的建立及鞏固。他的一番話讓我干勁滿滿的 ,他教會了我如何找對羈絆,好的羈絆才會很好的照顧你。從他身上我感到了自己還有很 多東西要去學。" 在讓我們翻翻出一些老照片來。Gunar Peterson是一個狂熱的籃球迷,他有快艇隊的季票 。實際上他是一名健身教練,他名下的明星學員包括施瓦辛格和詹妮弗洛佩茲。2003年美 樂帝成為探花郎那時起,他跟美樂帝就在經紀人的牽線下走到了一起。 而美樂帝平時的力量訓練主要是由隊中的力量-體能教練負責。而為了在休賽期保持好自己 的狀態,阿瓜又找到了華盛頓的Idan Ravin,這為當過律師的教練會有特別的方法了訓練 球員,美樂帝,小皇帝,蜂王都是他的得意門生,在聯盟裡,他被人們尊稱為"The Hoops whisperer"。 融合了私人教練,顧問,隊友和教練的的共同努力,這樣的"全球化社會大生產"為的是一 個培訓出一個更出色的獨一無二的美樂帝來。 "我們的團隊中每一個人都不會計較和關心是誰做了哪些事情,我們的注意力全都放在了 美樂帝身上,如何催熟美樂帝,如何讓甜瓜更美哇。" 瓜熟蒂落 當提及美樂帝的成長史,他是怎樣進化成一名全能球員——名團隊球員的,他的第一反應 竟然是大笑。 "什麼?我?你說什麼?" 美樂帝有點矛盾,美樂帝說他堅持把球隊的利益放得最高,而有時候有的事情是他身不由 己 "不斷的贏球就是我唯一想要的,說法話誰都會,能不能做到就是另一件事情了,或者你 能在常規賽取得很好的成績,而已進季後賽就萎掉,這也非常的糟糕。一旦碰上了這種情 況,輿論就會筆鋒一轉說你根本一點都對球隊,對贏球的事情上心。這時候你會覺得有的 委屈,有點無能為力,球隊沒能在季後賽中贏球,我也不希望看到這樣的局面啊。而一旦 你能帶領球隊在季後賽中取勝了,輿論又會反過來討好你,說你進步了,成長了。" 就在采訪美樂帝的同時,做客丹佛的尼克眾將士已經離開他們的更衣室,去場上熱身和投 籃了。他們關於美樂帝達成一點共識,在美樂帝強大的火力面前,他們幾乎都能沐浴到總 冠軍獎杯的聖光 想想,就在差不多三年前,金塊跟尼克在麥迪遜花園廣場發生了衝突,當時的一些尼克隊 員現在還在球隊中。嗯,時間再轉,時間在變,的確發生了不少變化。 "25歲的你肯定跟19歲的你大不同了。你會長大成熟,這都是正常的自然現像。我不希望 在今年還在犯跟去年同樣的錯誤,就像去年的時候你不希望重復自己前年的錯誤一樣。我 個人認為把這樣的轉變稱為長大成熟更合適一些。" 一些年紀輕輕就成為職業運動員的小家伙們常常會把這兩者混為一談。還有一些家伙認為 和其他那些JR們一起出去瞎混已不再是證明自己已經成為男人的最好方法了。 "我從沒有想過要跟我周圍的人說什麼絕交的話,我也肯定不會那樣做。我們還會開開玩 笑,在賽季結束後出去喇賽。但他們對我也很體貼,能體諒我會把自己的注意力和精力放 在球隊上。" 美樂帝還提到了2004年的視訊事件對他的影響很大,讓他從中學會了很多。 "當然我不會讓這樣的事情再次發生了。到了我這個年紀我也知道該做什麼不該做什麼了 。我不能保證我不會再犯錯誤,我只是不會在同一個地方跌倒兩次,這就是我進步的地方 。" 職業球員?大明星?美樂帝有話說 我一致認為,與2004年那時相比,美樂帝顯然更成熟了。從那時起,他已經是一個明星球 員了。在NBA這個聯盟裡這也不是什麼大不了的事情,這裡聚集了一大批從小就備受關注的 天資卓絕的球員。 暴龍隊的助理教練Marc Iavaroni在25年前與ulius Erving和Moses Malone攜手為76人拿 下了當年的總冠軍,而如今他甚至為NBA的前景擔憂起來了。 "Moses在賽季結束剛兩個星期後就會回到體育館中進行訓練,而且在通常情況下是我們之 前剛剛經歷了一個艱苦的六月賽程。對於回歸訓練大家從來沒有什麼遲疑,因為我們對比 賽充滿了渴望和熱愛。那時的我們真的是很傻很天真。而現在球員們去爭取更多的獎項, 他們希望自己被崇拜,喜歡成為明星的感覺。" 2004年夏,03梯雙星前鋒2人率領美國隊出擊希腊,而他們卻成了布朗教頭的一塊心病,布朗 的球隊表現糟糕,而布朗也把球隊只取得第三的矛頭指向了這對一時瑜亮。 4年後,他們終於如願率領美國隊重回世界籃壇巔峰,他們兩人的努力可謂居功至偉、一時 瑜亮。而Iavaroni把美國男籃在北京的凱旋視作一個新的契機,無疑,這批美國隊的成員 們會把在國家隊中所學到的防守和團隊精神帶回到NBA這個聯盟中去。 當然,美樂帝肯定這麼做了。 "我不清楚是不是更威武了,或者他是在給自己打氣:'該時候鼓足干勁大干一番了,我要 變強,我要變成熟'。他在很早已經就是一名出色的球員了,而且潛力無窮。而他現在正 逐漸的成為一名真正的偉大的球員,他的領導才能增長了不少呢,要知道很多球員一輩子 都沒能表現出什麼領袖氣質。而這正是讓你成為偉大球員的關鍵所在,而不是你可以拿下 25分30分你就有什麼了不起了,我很樂意看淡美樂帝變的成熟。槍希說道 在20008北京奧運會前,美樂帝一直保持著隊中的得分王保證,而在北京奧運會上,美樂帝 更專注於做一些別的事情。 "我感覺自己完全就是球隊的接著劑,我能將大家牢牢的團結在一起,早晨我把大家集合起 來去訓練,在訓練和投籃結束後還能讓大家聚在一起討論.是時候換到做些除了得分以外的 事情了.我得讓大伙看看,已經到了美樂帝成熟時了,當然我也必須成熟起來了,你說對麼?" 在上賽季,美樂帝把在國家隊學到的東西帶回了金塊。在AI和槍希那筆交易之後,美樂帝理 所當然的成為了球隊中講話最有分量的那位,只是一切都在大家沒有察覺之時默默的發生了 "在全世界的見證下,美國隊拿下終於奪回了久違的世界冠軍.於是我如釋重負,終於能長舒 一口氣,以輕松的姿態迎接新的挑戰," 有人認為除非美樂帝帶領著金塊打破球隊歷史,闖入總決賽才能跟小皇帝和炎帝相提並論, 因為這兩位已經各自率領著自己的球隊打入了總決賽,而炎帝還拿下了總冠軍. 美樂帝對著看法並不同意。 "我知道對於大多數人而言難免有這樣的想法,但我不那麼覺得,我、小皇帝、炎帝3個人 有著各自不同的軌跡,我們都有屬於自己的一片天地。我也很滿意自己現在的處境。我不 會因為拿來跟別人做比較而迷失自己,我就是我。" "告訴我該怎麼做。請不要那我跟別的球員做比較,我不希望被包圍在這樣的輿論裡。誰 不想拿下總冠軍呢,當然我也不例外,當然,理由也絕對不是跟我一屆的炎帝已經有了一 枚冠軍戒指了。我是真正的渴望得到一枚屬於自己的總冠軍戒指。以上。" -- 友:ㄟ,老洩,排排你的第一隊吧! 洩:PG:T.Parker SG:M.Ginobili SF:C.Anthony PF:K.Garnett C:T.Duncan -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: hllwolfkhan:轉錄至看板 Nuggets 12/19 02:08
chingGTW :最後一句是翻譯問題嗎XD? 有感覺在酸WADE不是靠自己 12/19 02:10
hllwolfkhan :應該不事吧 我看原文 他是說他希望他也有一個戒指 12/19 02:11
pepeoa :怎麼說都是好朋友 應該不會這樣吧@@" 12/19 02:12
joseph103331:翻譯跟原文都沒在酸吧= = 12/19 02:12
Kreen :原文跟翻譯都沒有酸阿。 12/19 02:13
LADKUO56 :翻譯沒錯 他認為不因為03梯的典偉拿到戒指所以他也要 12/19 02:14
LADKUO56 :拿一個 而是他自己想要一個冠軍 12/19 02:14
SunDing :翻譯完全沒錯啊...XD 12/19 02:50
brokenleg :如果是說小米利那可能就很酸 不過說典偉應該沒酸意 12/19 02:55
rocktu214 :孫悅:嗯?戒指? 12/19 03:00
silverleaf :20008年奧運... 他還要打一萬八千年耶XD 12/19 03:02
pepeoa :哈~樓上 真的耶XDDDD 12/19 08:28
hakueidoll :甜瓜男孩沒有酸人 12/19 08:59
ILNARA :希望melo生涯拿一座 就是三冠王了XD 12/19 11:33